Monday, November 13, 2017

T Stands for Lunch and Dinner

Hi  there T Gang Ladies (and any gentleman)!
 It is Tuesday again and already!
That means it  isT Day.  Time to share a drink related posts over at Bleubeard and Elizabeth's blog, Altered Book Lover.

Today I am going to share lunch and dinner from an outing with my daughter.       .
Last Friday my daughter and I both had the day off from work. so we met  do some holiday shopping. I wanted her to pick out a few things (which she did) that I could put away Christmas. She likes clothes, and I may be pretty good (most of the time) at seeing things and knowing whether  they're her style, but I didn't know what she actually needs or wants. 
It was 11 AM when we met at the park and ride, and I was hungry, so she said she'd take me to lunch.
You may possibly remember last month when we  tried to go to a Chick-fil-A  down in Massachusetts that wasn't yet open.
Now I would probably have picked a different place to eat, but the 26 year old just loves Chick-fil-A, and there isn't many of them here in New Hampshire. In fact there is only 2 in the whole state, both in the city of Nashua. Just where we happened to meet to go shopping.
So off we went to Chick-fil-A for lunch.
 It wasn't bad for fast food. I had a basic chicken sandwich that came with waffle fries. And in my cup, I had a diet coke. That big cup lasted me all afternoon. I took sips in between stores.
We spent all afternoon store hopping. Both of us got a lot of the items on our shopping lists checked off, and we hit the 10,000 steps on our Fitbit counters. It was going on 6 PM by the time we finished. Since we each had over an hour drive home, I knew I needed something to recharge my batteries or else I would be battling my sore feet and end of the day yawns the whole way home. We passed a Panera, (a bakery, soup, salad and sandwich chain) on our way to the Park and Ride, so we stopped there to get a quick and light dinner.
I had the Fuji apple salad (one of my favorites) as well as a fruity iced tea. It hit the spot.
It was a long day, but we had a lot of fun. It's certainly not usual for me to need 2 meals on a shopping trip., but on our shop til you drop day out, we did.
Hope you have a fantastic T day, and thanks for stopping by my blog.


  1. what a really great day connecting and sharing shopping, food and fun with your daughter. Happy for her she got her Chick fil A fix, and I really enjoy Panera too:) Happy T day!

  2. Sounds like you both had a wonderful day out, with food and drink enough to make up for the 10000 steps. That apple salad looks wonderful. Happy T Day, hugs, Valerie

  3. It sounds like you had a fantastic day out with your daughter. It was good that you managed to get many ticks on your shopping list.
    The food looks delicious, I would have liked the salad you had at the end of the day out as well.
    Happy T day wishes.
    Yvonne xx

  4. What a fabulous day out you had with your daughter. I want those waffle fries. They are making me hungry.

    So glad you got many of the things on your list ticked off. That makes it worthwhile, I believe. And I LOVE Panera. They have such good food and nothing artificial. I even buy their bread on occasion.

    Thanks for sharing your shopping day, your trip to Chick-fil-A for diet coke and your trip to Panera for fruit tea with us for T this Tuesday.

  5. Wow, it looks like you had a wonderful time with your daughter! What a treat to go out for lunch and dinner, I'd happily join you for both 😉. I've never been to a Chick-fil-A before and those waffle fries look yummy! Penera Bread is one of my favourite places to eat, the food is always so fresh. I hope you had as much fun shopping 😁. Wishing you a Happy T Day! J 😊

  6. We just got a Chick-fil-A in town. The kids love it...I thought it was ok but certainly not worth sitting in the long drivethru line for.
    Glad you had a good outing and got lots of steps in. :)
    Happy T day!

  7. that Fuji apple salad would be my choice, too. but the waffle fries also look yummy!
    happy t-day! i think i´ll brew a hot chocolate now;)

  8. It seems you had a fantastic mother daughter day out! Love that food - sepecially that salad looks tempting to me- good that I had lunch already! We got no snow yet ... think it flew to you!
    Happy T-Day!

  9. Good morning, sounds like an awesome day out with your daughter-those are always special. A large city about an hours drive from us got a chickfilet a couple years ago-they always seem busy but I would opt for your dinner meal that salad looks so delicious and I would love your drink too.
    Happy T Day Kathy

  10. Sounds like a productive and fun day out with your girlie. I've started my Christmas shopping, but it will be all point and click. I hate the crowds at this time of year. Happy T Day.

  11. I like the chick fil a sandwich/fried/lemonade as a meal every once in a while. It makes a nice change. It's been years since I went to Panera. That salad looks tasty :) Happy T Tuesday

  12. Not much of a Chick-fill-a person, but I do love Panera!!
    Sounds like a fun, food filled day.
    Happy T-day

  13. Erika that sounds like a wonderful day out shopping with your daughter... I haven't done that in ages... lol Infact i haven't been to a chickfilet in forever... now you have me hungry for Happy happy T day! Hugs! deb

  14. What a great time you and your daughter had - shopping with boys was never this much fun!! Glad to see you got everything checked(ticked) off! I think I would prefer the chicken sandwich and fries!!! Happy T Day! Chrisx

  15. So much yummy food! I absolutely love Chick-Fil-A and the fugi apple salad at Panera's is my favorite!

  16. I smiled when I read about Chick-Fil-A because living here in Nashua, I know just where that one is located and it's near a new Hobby Lobby store in a shopping plaza on Amherst St. Maybe one time if you have the urge for another visit there, you can let me know, Erika. I have never, ever been to one...honest! And it sounds like you had a great shopping day and don't you just love the no sales tax shopping here in NH?

  17. Your earned those two meals, Erika. In fact you burned off most of the calories before you even ate! I'm impressed at 10,000 steps. The highest I've ever made it is 8,000. Good for you. It sounds like a lovely shopping trip with your daughter and you got some Christmas shopping done before the stores get really crazy!

    Happy T-day! Hugs, Eileen


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