Friday, November 24, 2017

The Long Weekend

Hi everyone. It's Friday evening here, and I am enjoying these few extra days off from work. It was a quiet but enjoyable Thanksgiving holiday on Thursday. Since Wednesday,  I've eaten too much, done a bit of shopping, watched the rest of  season one  of The Crown (on Netflix). Then I have gotten into watching this sci fi show Stranger Things, also on Netflix. The hubby and I have made it through most of season one of that show, and will probably be through all of that season  by the time we shut the TV off tonight.  We'll maybe even be in season 2.
You can see it's been a relaxing and not really productive few days off.  Exactly what it should be I think. :)
So far I haven't had any arty time (maybe tomorrow or Sunday but I also want to put out some holiday decorations), but I do have another page for Chris' fun challenge at Art Journal Journey. This month the theme is 101 Ways to Keep Warm.
I don't know about you, but a bouquet of flowers always makes me feel warm and toasty inside. If nothing else it makes me think of warm summery weather. :) 
I am also going to link up to Try It on Tuesday where the new theme is Colorful. I think this page is colorful, at least with seasonal and holiday reds and green. 
I doodled and painted the wintery bouquet on this sprayed ink and tissue paper background.
since we are taking a tv break having finished another episode of Stanger Things, it's time to go rustle up a little dinner and maybe a glass of wine from the bottle I opened yesterday for Thanksgiving dinner.
I hope everyone has a great weekend.


  1. Oh Erika! Thank you for this beautiful entry at AJJ! The flowers certainly do make me feel warm, as do the red yellow and orange ones I bought last weekend! They are on our enclosed balcony and they are the first thing I see when I open the curtains in the morning! They look very similar to the ones on your page - you haven't been over here peeking have you? As for spending time watching TV…hubby and I saw that a film was on TV that we wanted to see - only thing is it was on at 9a.m, so what did we do? - sat there in our pyjamas and watched it - feeling only slightly guilty!!! Have great weekend! Hugs, Chrisx

  2. Lovely vase of flowers, so colorful! My desktop can communicate with the printer at last. However, I truly did delete the connection on my laptop. Unfortunately the laptop is my new computer and it would be great if I could print from it. But I was so glad I had stopped messing with things before I lost all connections.

    I'm sitting here feeling stuffed on leftovers. I had a nice TG with son and his family.

  3. LOVE your beautiful flowers, and glad to hear you had a few relaxing and tasty days! Sometimes an evening spent watching TV with feet up and a warm blanket is just the ticket. Thanks for joining us at TIOT, much appreciated- Enjoy your weekend, hugs, Valerie

  4. This is really a colorful page with warm colors and brings warmth to our hearts, thanks!
    Rike x

  5. Such pretty flowers would help countdown to the First Day of Summer. 207 days left to go! The new season of The Crown starts Dec. 8. Season 2 of Stranger Things isn't as good as Season 1. Might be because I don't care for Winona Ryder and her overacting. Enjoy the day!

  6. This is fabulous. Those are AWESOME flowers. Just perfect for AJJ, too. Hope you are enjoying this down time.

  7. so pretty, I love a bouquet of flowers on the table, just a burst of happiness. Your flowers are beautiful.

  8. Your wonderful page makes me feel warm - love that you have used the colors of the season for your bouquet. It's always fabulous to enjoy Netflix series. Stranger things is my next to watch series - daughter recommended it to me recently, so I put it on my list. Have to watch it before we switch to Amazon TV next month as they offered a low price bargain.
    Flowers bring always warmth to my heart as well. I have some last marigolds blooming in our garden - that's so lovely and warmth my heart especially as I didn't sow them at least I can't remember to have sowed them. Happy rest of your quiet weekend and thanks a lot for such a beautiful page for AJJ and Try It On Tuesday! That's much appreciated Erika!

  9. A colorful vase of flowers like that does cozy up a room :)

    I've not seen any of either show you mention, and the more we talk the more I think I'm missing a lot not having Netflix lol Stranger Things especially sounds like something I'd like. I think I'll look into getting it on DVD....

    Curious minds want to know what wine you favored for Thanksgiving. My favorite Sterling Vintner's Collection is "temporarily unavailable" *sigh* I'll subscribe to comments here.

  10. Wow, Erika, your page is absolutely gorgeous and so colourful. Love it.

    Thank you for joining us at TRY IT ON TUESDAY

  11. Erika this is a beautiful floral page. The colours of the flowers will brighten everyones day. Thank you so much for adding this page to TioT's.
    Hope you have a lovely rest of your weekend, it sounds like its been a restful few days so far.
    Yvonne xx

  12. Amazing flower page! Your bouquet is so beautiful and I love the warm colours you used - perfect 😁. Your relaxing few days sounds wonderful, have fun! J 😊

  13. Beautiful take on our theme! Thanks for sharing your bunch of flowers with us at TioT this time. Hugs!

  14. Wow, so beautiful page. Thank you for joining us at TioT.

  15. your page is absolutely gorgeous of flowers, i love this art!
    Have a nice evening, Elke

  16. Your flowers make me feel warm and cozy, too! Sounds like a wonderful weekend -- now, back to it!

  17. Hi Erika, this is a beautiful page and so colourful, Love the sentiments that you've added.
    Thanks for sharing with us at TioT
    Avril xx


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