Friday, December 29, 2017

Look Back No. 1

Happy Friday/ weekend everyone. The year is quickly winding down, isn't it? My vacation is going WAY too fast also, but with this bitter cold, it doesn't motivate you to really want to do much where you have to leave the house.

That's OK. I have become a TV addict and I am doing some small cleaning projects (really small, like vacuuming the floor, not even cleaning out a closet or picking up the studio space). I am reading by the woodstove and making a little art. That makes me happy. I even had a fun art day with a friend yesterday, which I will show you as soon as I get the photos off my phone. 

Last night while watching TV  I went through my whole year of blog posts and picked out some of my favorite pieces of art. There are some that now I look at and go eek! What did I make? But they can be reworked in the future if I ever get so inclined. 

 Thought I will share some of those favorite pieces with you today. They are in no special order.
Are you ready?  It's a long post.
 I really love these 2 pages with our dogs.  I didn't know I could be so philosophical.  :)
And also from last January, these 2 pages.
I love the background and how I managed to get nice depth to my numbers.
 And my first page when I hosted Art Journal Journey last year.
And next are pages from my travel journal that I made after going to Taos, New Mexico to visit friends last February. I love the colors and effects and how it really feels (to me) like New Mexico.I couldn't pick out a single page to show you, so I got a bit carried away here.

 I even like how my cover came out.
And my favorite flower journal pages.

And veggies that inspired some new hand painted kitchen curtains.

And lastly for today, these 3 journal pages that make me feel warm since it is very cold as I write this.

I hope you weren't too bored looking back at some of my favorites. I have another post of look backs which I will save for another day.
Hope you are having (or had) a great day. And thanks for much for visiting.


  1. ahh I didn't want this post to end Erika - I do love your journaling style it was great seeing it all again as well as ones I've missed.
    Its been grey,cold and raining most of the time for days here, awful light for trying to take photos. If you don't need to go out enjoy being warm and cozy indoors.
    I'm still catching up so hope you had a lovely Christmas.
    Have a great weekend.
    Gill xx

  2. Love the beautiful pages you are re-showing, you made so many great pages this past year. Enjoy your rest and watching TV, I've been reading and watching TV all week. Enjoy your weekend, hugs, Valerie

  3. Lots of wonderful artwork on this page

    Have a wonderful 2018 Erika

    Love Chrissie xx

  4. Except for your access to a wood stove and the fact that our weather is not quite as cold as yours, your week sounds a lot like mine. I enjoyed your look back over the year and am particularly struck by this quote: "Blessed are the curious for they shall have adventures". I love the fastener and the cover of that book. And those curtains are delightful!

  5. What an amazing review - I love(d) them all..can't choose a specific favourite -- YOUR ART IS UNIQUE and amazing !
    Thank you for sharing your Art Journey with us - I so adore this.
    Keep warm my friend!
    Hope you feel well again and have a happy start into 2018!

    I am looking forward to your new art adventures!


  6. A lovely post Erika. Your looking back pages are fantastic.
    Yvonne xx

  7. Fun retrospective of your art. I love the cowboys and the flowers look so warm. I'm tired of snow and cold already. We're having some of Mama's soul warming recipe tonight, but the recipe is coming from a can :-D Stay warm!

  8. This is an incredible post, and I loved seeing every page all over again. I loved the New Mexico art, the flowers, and of course, the art you created for Art Journal Journey. It was a fun look back, and I really enjoy how well you paint.

    I want to personally wish you a fabulous, safe, and joyous New Year and a blessed 2018. May it bring everything you wished for and MORE, dear friend.

  9. Wow, what an amazing array of pages - the crows really caught my eye, but all the florals are wonderful too. Hope you get to enjoy some more good TV before the holidays are over!
    Alison x

  10. OMGosh, Erika. I was sure I left a comment on your art post. Maybe I did and you just haven't published it yet. If not, my sincere apologies.


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