Sunday, December 10, 2017

The Inner Cover

I woke up this morning to fresh snow.  We got around 3-4 inches. 
 And after the hubby came in from doing the clean up we had about 20 visitors.
It was funny because the hubby was packing up the trash to take it to the local dump/recycling center and I had just said that the Thanksgiving turkey carcass better go. (The pot  for soup  making has been sitting on the kitchen counter filled with my good intentions, but when I get home after a day of work the ambition has never been there for cooking down the bones. ) 
Anyhow, right after I mentioned the taking the turkey carcass to the dump I notice through the window these gobblers. No doubt looking for some easy pickings for food.  It's got to be hard for them in the winter as they are basically ground feeders but as their numbers seem to keep going up they must survive ok. 

Saturday was a dark day with snow from about noon on.
My Saturday evening party plans got changed because it was too far of a drive in the snow, all the way to Exeter, over an hour away from home. But a snowy afternoon meant a good time to bake some holiday cookies, take a little snooze and watch some episodes of the new season of the Crown. 
And I have another Let's Celebrate page for Sheila's challenge at Art Journal Journey.
It's the inside cover page from holiday journal.

I used some printed tissue paper over a bit of this printed holiday paper. Then I added some assorted items from my stash including a definition from a dictionary, a felt Santa and a silly little reindeer button with the back snipped off.
It is December and it is definitely a month to celebrate for many.
Happy new week , and I appreciate you stopping by to visit.


  1. Now that is definitely Christmassy. It's got Santa and a reindeer and the definitive definition of Christmas. It's time to celebrate.
    I am always in awe of all you do, even packing in a snooze.
    Imagine seeing all these wild turkeys. I'm fairly sure we don't have turkeys running around here, I wonder why not.
    Thanks Erika for a happy contribution to AJJ, much appreciated and enjoyed.

  2. Such a happy page. I love that little reindeer so cute. We have a herd of turkeys around, too. When I fill the feeders, I usually throw some seed on the ground for all the ground feeders. Sorry your party plans got cancelled, but arting, baking, and a nap are a good way to spend a snowy day. 192 days until the first day of Summer

  3. The wild turkeys don't look anything like the ones we eat from the store--big, fat, and white. I think the wild turkeys are quite beautiful. Nice page. :)

  4. Love the photos of the wild turkeys, I wish we had some over here. But we did get masses of snow yesterday. Lovely journal page, have a great week, hugs, Valerie

  5. Father Christmas in your page looks so bewildered! As if he had only just realized that Christmas is on its way and with a speed!

  6. WOW. These wild turkeys are amazing. I've seen them in MO, but never in KS. This is fabulous that they came into your back yard. And it looks like you got quite a bit of snow, too. Yesterday was 68 F here and the warmest on record ever. Guess that’s why I can’t seem to get in the Christmas spirit. Doesn’t feel like December like YOURS does.

    Baking sounds good, and I must see that show the Crown. I saw an ad for it on TV. I saw it is on Netflix.

    LOVE your adorable new Art Journal Journey entry. It's a beauty. I like the felt Santa and of course all that background paper and tissue. Thanks so much for joining us on your day off with an adorable entry for Art Journal Journey.

  7. A very festive page - the inner covers are always difficult for me - I mostly just take a piece of painted paper for this. Great done to decorate with this wonderful collaged artpage! And you make us happy at AJJ with it as you know! Thank you Erika!
    These visitors look so nice! Lovely pictures!
    A lot of snow already - I hope it isn't hard to drive to school today for you!
    Here has still no of the precicted snow arrived yet.
    I am also watching the new season of the Crown. Have to look the whole series now soon since we decided to switch to Amazon Prime TV for a time instead of Netflix TV. We will see what we will like better.
    Happy new week my friend!
    oxo Susi

  8. Hi Erika

    Thank you for the comments on my new blog

    Great to see your snow pictured we have only had a small amount so far this year

    Love your celebrate page

    Chrissie xx

  9. A wonderful, festive collage! And great photos of your feathery visitors Erika! xx

  10. I'm kinda envying you your snow, as we hardly ever get any here and then mostly less than an inch. I'd love a bit more snow every once in a while. I'm enjoying your turkey photos, as I've seen them in the wild but have never lived where I could see them from the house. What a lovely scene!

  11. Lovely photos Erika. it is good to see turkey in the wild, as here they are all farmed We have the snow as well, so it feels and looks like winter outside. I'm opting to staying in the house.
    Its a super journal page and the Santa looks so happy.
    Yvonne xx

  12. I loved seeing the snow and you visitors ๐Ÿ˜‰. Your Christmas page is so joyful with the beautiful flowers and jolly santa - perfect! I hope you had a lovely weekend, we only got a very light dusting of snow in the end unlike other parts of the UK (some of my family got 4 inches of snow) ๐Ÿ˜. Wishing you a happy new week! J ๐Ÿ˜Š

  13. If those turkeys have any brains, they'll duck and cover! But they are beautiful in the snow.

    I'm wild about your page. Very fun and vintage!


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