Sunday, January 28, 2018

Here We Go On an a Weekend Adventure

Hi everyone. Sunday has arrived and as usual the weekend flies right by.  But it is the last weekend of January. Even though New Years seems a long time ago, it still doesn't feel like it is possible the month is close to winding down.
We are having a 2 day warm up and I am happy it falls during the weekend for once. I really need to vacuum dog hair out of my car. It looks I have fur seats.:) That is the first thing on my agenda today.
So yesterday the hubby and I went out for a little road trip on a snowy owl hunt. Snowy owls live on the tundra in the Arctic, but when winters are bad they fly south and find similar environments to visit for a bit. The seacoast area is perfect for them because when you get near the water there aren't many trees and it's flat. 
Some years not many owls fly so far south, but this year is suppose to be a good owl year. 
So we went to see if we could find one.
The sad news is we didn't see a single owl.
But the good news is we had a great walk on the beach.
The dogs were very excited to get to go for a walk too. That's my hubby with the dogs but I don't know who that woman is who stepped into the photo.
We saw 4 horses walking on the beach too. Here are 2 of them.
In fact it was quite crowded on the beach. Lots of people and lots of dogs.
But not so crowded it was hard to walk.
 In one area the sand had this cool bumpy texture.

 And up along the dunes there was still some snow.

This photo of a wet area almost looks like it was taken from a plane window.
 And can you guess what this above photo is about?
When we got back near the parking lot 2 of the horses were there. One of them was giving off pure horse joy and rolling around in the sand.
 It was such a joyful thing to watch. He kept rolling several times . There was a photography class on the beach and they all were also snapping  photos. And lucky for them they didn't have to hold a dog leash while they snapped away.
 And finally he got up, and then he and his rider walked away.

So that was one adventure. And I have an art adventure to share also. I am linking up to Art Journal Journey and this month's theme of New Year: New Adventures.

So today I have one of my favorite pages that I made this month. I began as me cleaning of a stencil, and then using a wet baby wipe I spread a little bit of the wet paint around, leaving (for me) lots of white space. 
I added some printed tissue paper, a little paper tape and a couple of quote stamps-which all seem to feel like they belong in the background.
The TH couple look like they are ready to go out for a Sunday drive. I don't know if people do that any more, or at least I don't. I still go off for road trips though, but I'll go any day of the week that I'm able. :) But I do remember my parents talking about taking Sunday drives when they were kids, going off to visit relatives or going someplace for picnics. Is that something only my parents spoke of or was the Sunday drive a general phenomenon? That I don't know.
I have a few more beach photos I will share with you another day. And
you still have a few days left to join the adventures over at AJJ. Hope to see you there.


  1. Gorgeous journal page, with wonderful colours and textures. Your photos of your trip are lovely, sorry you missed the owls, but it was still a great place to be. Love that happy horse, too. Hugs,Valerie

  2. Love the beach photos. What beach? My friend, Teague and I used to go to Salisbury a lot. The horse rolling in the sand made me smile. Great way to start the day. Sorry you didn't get to see a snowy owl. I would have liked to see one, too.

    I think Sunday drives are from earlier generations. When cars were newer and more and more people started buying them. Like from the 60s Chevy campaign See the USA in your Chevrolet. One of my uncles talked about going for rides with his wife (Ma's sister) and my parents. They would go for a drive, but somehow the car always seemed to go along Route 1 to Lynn. I think as kids came along and there were activities or working all week, you just didn't want to go for that drive. But that doesn't look like it will stop the couple on your page. I wonder where they are headed.

  3. I am in love with the beach photos - gosh I would LOVE to walk the beach in winter.
    And what an adventure to see the horse enjoying the sand. How nice of the owner to walk the horse! We have a little ranch nearby with some horses and they often roll around on the grass and mud... they often look so dirty but so happy! I never was at the seaside in winter yet. Great pics - even with the dogs on the lash.You are a master!
    And yes the Sunday drive must have been a general phenomenon. We even call bad drivers here in Austria "Sunday drivers" nowadays!
    It was a luxurious thing to own a car in the 50 and 60ties I guess ( specially here after the war in Europe) - We are so blessed to be born in that times of wealth - I often think by myself how bad times our grandparents had - often sustained WW1 and WW2 in one life. And we are so blessed and aren't grateful enought for it!

    Now to the wonderful page!
    It is absolutely ADORABLE - so well balanced - so much detail to admire!
    Our weekend was far too short again - not much adventures, but flew by anyway!
    Happy start into the ne week Erika!
    I say thank you for all this amazing and continued support of AJJ! You really rocked the month!


  4. I enjoyed the walk :) I'm surprised there were so many people at the beach in such cold weather, but I tend to huddle inside waiting for the heat to return lol Such an adventure!

  5.'re making me a little homesick with these photos of the beach. I used to love going to Old Orchard in the winter, so I didn't have to fight the large summer crowd. The horse made me's great to be alive!!! :D

  6. Lovely photos, sorry you didn't see a snowy owl! The beach you visited looks great! Love the journal page - great background and the way it was created made me smile! Hugs, Chrisx

  7. You seem to have had a lovely day at the beach. I loved the photos. snow om the dunes looked amazing, but the star for me was the horse rolling in the sand and seeming to be having a lovely day out as well.
    Your journal page looks fabulous, I like the white areas, and all the super things you added to the page.
    Yvonne xx

  8. yes, this is one of my favorite pages, too. It is quite vintage and speaks of days gone by. I think possibly from what I've read in sociology books, the war had ended, but people were still conservative enough to go out on Sunday only. There was only a one car household, and since DAD was the breadwinner, he was too tired to go on an adventure during the week. Times, attitudes, working conditions, income, and the fact everyone over the age of 16 owns a car, contribute to our mobile society.

    LOVED the beach photos. Thanks for sharing this beauty with us at Art Journal Journey today, dear.

  9. Great pictures and artwork. Really loved the horse rolling in the sand! :)

  10. So nice for the land-locked amongst us to get to spend some time at the beach... loved this post, thank you! And another great page - the Paper Dolls look great against that busy background full of movement.
    Alison x

  11. That looks lie a great Sunday beach outing!! Love that rolling horse, he truly does look happy! Great photos all round and that fabulous journaal page is right up my street! LOVE it, so cool with the washi strip and the white spaces, fabulous!!!

  12. This might be one of my favorite of your art pieces and favorites of your road trips. How fun to go to the beach on a day like that -- and to see it so crowded! I think everyone is more than a little stir crazy, don't you? Those horses sure were! I loved the photo of the horse rolling -- it did indeed look like pure, unadulterated joy.

    We had the full thaw but never fear. It's January. Snowing today and who knows how much more. I should have put the trash out last night!

  13. It looks like you had so much fun on your walk and I so enjoyed joining you, your photos are awesome! We had warmer weather on Sunday so our beach was really busy too 😁. Your journal page is wonderful, I love how you used the white space and the additions printed tissue paper and tape are perfect! Glad you had a fun weekend! J 😊

  14. Loved your photos. About Sunday drives, I grew up in the 40's and 50's, and my parents didn't have a car until the 50's. But then, yes, we usually went for Sunday drives, to the local "Root Beer" stand (before there was a McDonalds) to get a root beer float, or an ice cream cone. Great memories, enjoyed your post.

  15. Love the reds and the pea green on the pages. Maddie and Pete sure look happy with Dave. Too many people on that beach for our dogs, they would freak out!!! Too bad no owls. I am happy to have fox visit at least once a week. I think he/she lives right out back of the fence in the hedgerow. xox


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