Saturday, January 20, 2018

Road Trip Adventure

Hi everyone. It is Saturday, and I am going on a road trip.
Today the hubby and I  are going for a 3+ hour ride north into Maine. The hubby and I met at the University of Maine where we went to college, and we like to follow the hockey team from our alma mater. Tonight the hockey team is playing our rival school, the University of New Hampshire.
Now I live in New Hampshire, and that's where my daughter went to college. It's also where she met the guy in her life. So to make this road trip even more fun, they are coming along also for a little family rivalry.
Since the game isn't until 7 PM tonight, we are staying at a hotel tonight.  I am excited for a little change of scenery and even more so, it is supposed to be fairly warm so there should be no snow. The last two times (in 2016) we went up for a game we got a lot of snow which made the drive home a little treacherous.
So my page today is us on the road. It's my view driving and looking out the front windshield. I hope you can tell that. I added the blue bear paw sticker since our school team is the Black Bears and our colors are blue and white. I also wanted to make the snow more snow like and fluffy, so I used some used dryer sheets on the that area of the page, and then white paint. You can kind of see the effect if you look closely at the snow.
I am linking up to Art Journal Journey and this month's theme of New Year: New Adventures.

Thanks for visiting. 

And I have to add-šŸ˜‰- Go Maine!


  1. Great page, love the colours and it's a good way to get into the right mood for your adventure. Enjoy the trip and may the best team win. Hugs, Valerie

  2. Love this snowy drive you are taking here - hopefully you will have snow free trip!! Sounds as though you are going to have fun! Hugs, Chrisx

  3. I love your page-and wow sounds like loads of fun-enjoy!!

  4. I hope you have a great trip and enjoy spending time with your family.
    I hope the outcome of the match doesn't stop you all having fun.
    Its a fabulous journal page.
    Yvonne xx

  5. Love the view from your windshield with the open road ahead, though I wish the view was more green than fluffy white. I love black bears and the color blue, and my SIL is comptroller for UNH. Have a great road trip. Drive safe!

  6. You have a WIN by all means - I cross my fingers for both teams ! Have a safe trip and have fun there!
    I LOVE your page - and I love the effect you got with the dryer sheets! So clever!
    oxo Susi

  7. That sounds like a fun trip, and I like how you've pictured your drive and the way you made the snow. Y'all will have a winner in this game whoever wins lol!

  8. What a fun page you have given us today, Erika. I adore your snow. And I like the road trip, too. The headlights on your highway show attention to detail. Thanks for sharing this with us at Art Journal Journey.

    I love that you and your daughter have this rivalry, and I look forward to seeing photos from the game like we saw in 2016. Has it really been two years?

  9. I'm loving your road trip page! The way you created the texture of the snow is so cool and the details you included like the glow from the headlights and date on the dashboard are perfect šŸ˜. Hope you are a having fun adventure - go Maine! Happy weekend! J šŸ˜Š

  10. I love the page -- and I hope you had a terrific time. Sure sounded like lots of fun potential!


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