Wednesday, January 17, 2018

Stir It Up

Adventure:an exciting or remarkable experience 

January is usually a quiet month for me, and that has been mostly true so far this year. I go to work, I come home, I run a few errands. I miss being outside on a sunny day. I put biobricks on the woodstove. I shovel a little bit.(I will be doing some of that later today.)  My adventures have been with color and media and images and also vicariously as I watch TV and read.
If I went by this dictionary definition I could say I haven't had any adventures at all.
But I like the word adventure and I like to think that I have a little adventures every day. My adventures may not excite anyone but me, but I am not looking to excite the world.
But I ask myself, could I do something more?
Part of me thinks we all need a little winter to recharge and regroup. A little hibernation time to not do anything except sit on the couch and let  plans and dreams form. Life is busy, even in this quiet month. With all the darkness and the cold it feel good just to sit inside and enjoy being a homebody. But part of me thinks I should just shake off my hibernation mode and go for IT. I'm not sure what IT is, but I'm sure I could find something. 
So is it time to stir things up a bit? Find a winter adventure? Something that makes life a little less routine?
That's the idea behind my page today. I used a Gelli printed page and  added torn up bits of a printed recipe and some printed tissue paper. Then I painted wooden spoons.I finished off the page with some foamy letters and also some stapled twine along the edges.
I hope you are having lots of  adventures this month, (little or big) and join us over at Art Journal Journey. I am linking up to the current theme New Year-New Adventures.
And today  the adventure is more snow.  Augh!
I guess that's the type of adventure that should be expected in January. :)
Thanks for dropping by. 


  1. Love your adventure page, we need to cook up our own, that's true. My adventures have been missing up til now, but who knows what the year will bring? Have a great day, hugs, Valerie

  2. It's good to have some quiet time. I like your page. You put all your thoughts, dreams, ideas into the pot. Stir it up and see what happens. My adventure today will be shoveling the driveway so Himself will be able to get in. The college had classes today. Did you get a snow day? Stay safe and warm.

  3. So glad you stirred it up today. I agree that we probably hibernate when the weather is so cold. I enjoyed how you justify your adventure. To me, baking is an adventure, since you never know what you are going to get (grin). I like the bright and bold background and the drawn spoons, too. It's a fun and uplifting entry for Art Journal Journey today. So glad you shared it, because it is a very cold and dark day here, dear.

  4. I love this cool page in warm colors! I also enjoy being a homebody most of my time and that's enough excitement- grin!
    You made the AJJ January an adventure for us all dear Erika!
    Thanks a lot!
    oxo Susi

  5. I'm stickin' with hibernation while it's so cold. Adventure later ;) But a new recipe might work. I love "stir it up" with those spoons, and I find your colors warming :)

  6. Sorry to be so late getting around, Erika. We’ve had terrible & intermittant internet for a couple of days – often less than 1 megabyte download!

    I really relate to your muse about finding adventure in little ways. Last night, I told my hubby that the most exciting moment of my day was when I opened a new bottle of balsamic vinegar and saw they had redesigned the pour spout - lol. It now pops up a neat little spill-proof spout.

    Happy T-day! Hugs, Eileen

  7. A stir up sounds good to me, your page looks fantastic. I love the vibrant colour, that did make me feel brighter when I saw it.
    Its been cold here again, snow this a.m. and more on the way so those guru's of weather forecasters tell us. Me, I'll just stay warm and wait to see what tomorrow brings. I've promised my craft desk a tidy up, now that would be quite a tale to tell.
    Yvonne xx

  8. It was nice reading your post. Normally chillness makes the people feel lazy and sleepy. We need to plan our work and be active. Always in my busy time i used to spend some time for myself so that i feel relaxed and fresh to continue further work.
    Your work looks good:)

  9. Brilliant page to stir things up with Erika :) and I loved the warm colours, just what the doctor ordered to cheer us up on a cold grey and very windy day here.
    I definitely feel like hibernating on dull wintery days and just want to lounge about watching tv or reading, but thats not so good when it goes on for weeks is it as not a lot gets done :)
    Gill xx

  10. I enjoy your art adventure very much! And yes, you're right about January and adventures or the lack thereof. We're going to Canada tomorrow. I don't know how much of an adventure, but it's a good break in the action!

  11. It's a wonderful page Erika!
    I braved the cold and went for a walk today, and feel so much better for it. Luckily we have no snow, and the rain held off until we got home :-)
    Alison xx


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