Saturday, February 3, 2018

I am Dreaming of Spring

Hi everyone.  We are having a couple of cold days here. Winter has returned, at least until tomorrow. when it is suppose to warm up a bit.
Today I was out all day with my husband and daughter visiting my husband's mom and one of his sisters over in Maine. We had a fun lunch out (will show you on T Day) and had a nice visit. My niece just got a job with a candle company and has gotten 22 jar candles in her first week of working, so she sent home 6 with us. The company  has burned all these candles once to photograph them so they can't sell them, but they are large jars with lots of burns left so the one burn really doesn't make any difference. Tonight I am burning a lilac scented one, which really smells like lilacs. It has me thinking of spring and warmer weather.
So here's a page with a little spring inspiration which I am linking up to Try It On Tuesday and their latest challenge, Fire and Ice.
The snowman certainly doesn't like those rays of the sun warming up the day. All I can think of is the wicked witch on the Wizard of Oz saying "I'm melting.". I don't think this snowman is an evil witch but he's definitely starting to slide on his right hand side. :)
Hoping for a little art time tomorrow. My daughter is home for the weekend though so that may not happen.  I'm feeling more inspired now that I've had a couple of art free days.
Hope everyone is have a fantastic weekend.


  1. Sorry Mr. Snowman, but burn, baby, burn! So done with snow! Hope you're having a fun weekend with your daughter.

  2. What a treat to get those candles. The big ones last for many hours, so one lighting still leaves a lot of joy. I sympathize with that snowman, but I'm looking forward to some hot weather :)

  3. Sounds like you enjoy a nice and realxing weekend so far Erika! Enjoy the rest of it as well! The snowman looks a bit sad but he isn't unhappy - he knows deep in his heart that he will soon grow as a spring- or summerflower from the ground at the place he has been built.
    What a lovely entry for Try It On Tuesday!
    So nice of you for joining us again! Thank you very much! We have coldness and snow is predicted next week - not so nice as we have planned two trips by car during the Holidays. But I keep the faith!

    oxo Susi

  4. Love the jolly snowman page, great background, too. Thanks so much for joining us at TIOT. I'm not a snowman, so will be happy when winter is done! Enjoy your candles, sounds like a great gift. Have a good start in the new week, hugs, Valerie

  5. Well that sounds like a great job, both for your daughter and you :o)
    I dream of Spring too and can't wait for it to come. Your delightful snowman looks though as if he would like winter to continue.... A wonderful page full of great contrasts, perfect for the Fire and Ice challenge!

  6. Thank you for adding this wonderful fun page to the TioT's theme Erika.
    As much as I like to see snow, I always look forward to it going away.
    I think there may be a bit a witch in many of us at this time of the year.
    Have a good Sunday.
    Yvonne xx

  7. ha ha I don't if I should be laughing or shedding a tear for your poor snowman Erika.
    At first I was expecting a spring flower picture because as I read and started to scroll down the first thing that came into view was just the top of your page which looked like flower petals but then I saw they were flames and not a flowery page but your poor snowman :( I feel mean now saying what a fab page even though it is!
    I always think having music on may make a difference to what I am creating so I wonder what difference fragrances from a candle may do - interesting thought?
    Happy Sunday ... Gill xx

  8. I absolutely adore your melting snowman. Poor thing. That heat is so intense, I can see why he's melting away. What a really adorable and clever page. I love how you draw.

  9. I love "someone's not looking forward to a hot day!" But I am. Six more inches here. Definitely wanting spring!

  10. Glad you had a good visit and the lilac scented candle sounds amazing, what a lovely way to be reminded of spring 😁. Your page made me smile with the melting snowman and now all I can think of is the Wizard of Oz too - perfect! Hope you are having a happy weekend, Go Pats! J 😊

  11. Love your cute snowman Erika! We've had a few colder days here, with a light snowfall today. Burning a lovely sea salt and sage candle today, that my son gave me at Christmas :-)
    Have a lovely day xx


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