Tuesday, February 13, 2018

T Stands for a Quick Lunch

Hello ladies. Time for a little tea, T for Tuesday that is. I'm linking up to Bleubeard and Elizabeth's blog and sharing a drink related post.
So outside of work, life has been fairly quiet lately, especially quiet since a tire went on my car at the end of last week.  I can't do a lot of driving (other than going to work on my spare) until I get the new ordered tire put on (which should be today). The good news is my old tire was still under warranty so the new tire is only costing me $5.00.
This past weekend was also grey and rainy, which was a good excuse to relax after a not so quiet work week.  Other than running some errands for a couple of hours on Saturday, I basically stayed home.
But first there was a few errands that needed to be run. It was nice that we had to take my husband's car, no discussion required.
After we went to the grocery store and made a couple of other quick stops, we decided to get a little lunch.  Since the hubby had some chores we wanted to do at home before it got too late, we decided we needed something quick.
And here's a fast food burger place that I actually like.
 I had a diet coke in my cup. And you get to pick your burger toppings, so mine has lettuce, grilled onions, grilled green peppers, and a pickle with mayo.
 And the fries are pretty good too. The hubby and I split a regular order.
I haven't had a burger for quite awhile and it tasted a little bit like summer to me. :)
I love anything that reminds me of spring or summer right now.
Hope everyone's T Day is great!


  1. Good result on the price of your new tyre Erika.
    I was smiling reading about you going out as I was expecting
    you to say you popped in Hobby Lobby (again!) and found more bargains... then I realised you weren't by yourself and
    maybe that was why ha ha :)
    Enjoy your T-day ... Gill xx

  2. I love Five Guys. I'm partial to their Little Bacon Cheeseburger with lettuce, tomato, pickle, mustard, and ketchup. Their regular fries are a generous portion for two. Happy T Day

  3. Sorry about the tyre, hope the new one last well. The food looks good, I could do with a burger and fries right now, you have inspired me!! Have a happy T Day, hugs, Valerie

  4. Yummy food! I love to have them during travel:)

  5. hopefully your car is back to normal meanwhile. i would have like to join you for the fries, would have been enough i think, they look yummy. and i like your new blog Header:)
    happy t-day!

  6. You lucked out on the tire replacement-good for you! We have a Five Guys nearby but I have never eaten there. It looks pretty good and yes, does remind me of a summer meal-bring it on! Happy T day to you!

  7. Good morning, no fun getting a flat tire-glad you had a spare that was good enough to drive on for a bit.
    The food looks delicious! we do not eat out much any more, plus we do not have good restaurants near us. It is nice that you have a good burger restaurant close for a treat.
    Happy T Day

  8. We have "Burger King" and "Mc Donalds" here in Austria - and I don't mind a "Happy meal" for kids from time to time --
    but no more burgers for me from now on - but I can take french fries and salad or such things they offer!
    The last two lunches at restaurants out I had Cheese spaetzle ( noodles)
    with fried oninon topping and nobody took notice from my new vegeatarian life.
    Happy T-Day Erika, nice of your car that the tire is so cheap!
    oxo Susi

  9. You always make me so hungry on T Day ...lol πŸ˜‰. Sounds like a lovely weekend to me, we were really busy as we were volunteering at the annual beer festival again 😁. I've just about caught up on my sleep which is good as I don't function to well when I'm tired ...lol πŸ˜‰. Your burger looks delicious and what a fab idea to be able to choose your toppings - yum! Wishing you a Happy T Day! J 😊

  10. What a luck with the tire and bad grey weather can be a good thing for resting at home. I have only a bicyle, that's not cozy in this season and I make only the urgent needed ways (okay, with a 91years old mother all days are urgent needed ways).
    Happy T-day from Germany

  11. the burger and fries look pretty yummy! wondering if you had any peanuts while you were waiting? a fun place...

  12. It sounds good that you had some relaxing time at the weekend. Not so good to have to replace your car tire.
    The burger and chips looked good, we would think of this kind of meal as comfort food to enjoy like yourself after a doay away.
    Happy T day wishes.
    Yvonne xx

  13. Hope you got your tyre fixed! My youngest son loves Five Guys but they don't do chicken so we have never eaten there ourselves!Happy T day! Chrisx

  14. I deeply apologize for being so late for T. I would have been by sooner, but I ate something at dinner last night that did not set well and I got very ill. I'm still fighting the aftermath.

    Normally, I would be salivating over those fries, and I admit, they DO look good. I'm so glad you enjoyed your burger and fries and that you had a bit of lull between chores and tasks. Thanks for sharing your diet coke, burger, and fries with us for T this Tuesday.

    You asked "So what was Mardi Gras like? Did you go to any parades?"

    I thought NYC never slept, but NOLA during Mardi Gras was 24/7. There were parades going on all over the city and out in the county (actually Parish), too. However, since I had just purchased a new car that was less than 3 months old, and I noticed ALL the cars in the city had dings and looked like they had been in a derby, I chose to mostly stay downtown near my hotel and walk anywhere I wanted to go. I went to three parades on different days and one parade at night, got some beads, got some doubloons (fake gold coins tossed from the various parade floats) and tried to learn the history and ritual behind each of the parades I attended. The floats are used over and over and each parade tells a story of either NOLA or some event that happened in the past.

    You suggested: "Maybe you'll share another post about your big adventure back when you were a college student."

    That would be a very long post, Erika, because I went to a Community College for two years (part time, only), spent 10 years (while working 56 hours a week in another city) going to night school at my undergrad university where I ended up getting FOUR degrees because I had so many credits accrued until I could get the ONE class I needed, which was only offered once every four years, two years getting my Master's and three years getting my Ph.D., including the time I did my internship. Where should I begin (GRIN)?

  15. Looks like a great lunch! I am glad your tire was still in warranty! And I do hope you can get your grandma’s cups out and enjoy them, as you commented on my blog that you might. Happy t day!

  16. On this grey and rainy days we need something to warm up - and you chose burgers and so on to remind you on spring or summer - how clever!
    Good price for your new tire!
    Happy T Day! Hugs-Rike

  17. I am not one that goes in much for junkfood (as I'm afraid I call it) and after having done a fair bit of research on diet coke, you would not get me to drink it if you paid me....., but those chips do look delicious.
    Hope you got your tire sorted, that certainly was a bargain!
    Happy Valentines!

  18. lol lol makes me hungry but iam on a diet so NOOO french friesss to me ;O)

  19. A burger is not my thing. I don't think I've ever eaten at McDonalds. (Yes, of course we have them here in Spain in the tourist areas and in the big cities)
    But your fries look inviting I must say.
    You were lucky that the tire came under the warrenty. Good for you.
    Happy Valentine's Day
    and a belated happy T-Day,

  20. That looks REALLY good. The last burger I had out was disappointing and since I don't have them often, all the more so. (I'm not counting the McDonald's cheeseburger, which was really lots better than the high priced fancy thing.) I'm waiting for barbecue time!

  21. Looks like a delicious burger Erika! Hope the tyre got fixed!
    Belated happy T-Day! xx

  22. It's Wednesday now, and I missed T Tuesday completely. I'm glad your tire was still under warranty, but it is limiting to have to drive on a spare, I know. I trust it's fixed now. It's been gray and rainy here, too, and the Five Guys burger wouldn't definitely brighten my day. Looks tasty! Happy Valentine's Day!

  23. Your burger looks great!! Once in a while a burger just taste great ♥ Glad you still had warranty on the tires they can be so expensive.
    Thanks for stopping by my blog.
    Happy Be-lated T Day

  24. I may have missed a post. I hope the defective tire didn't cause a breakdown or accident, Erika. It's a nuisance, but at least the company is honoring the warranty.

    I'm with you, anything that speaks spring or summer is most welcome right now. Our Walmart got shipment of potted tulips and cyclamen. I stood there for a couple of minutes just taking in the sight.

    Happy T-day! Hugs, Eileen


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