Monday, March 5, 2018

Cheers For Another Year

Happy Tuesday and T Day Ladies. Today my drink related photos are about celebration.

All about having fun with your immediate family.
 (Eeks, there's that double chin pose again!)

All about having fun with your in-law family. And your immediate family too!

All about a fun hockey game when your teams wins against your rival team.  And when your daughter, who went to your rival school, is really OK with the results.

And then your team gets to move on to the next round of playoffs.

And T Day is all about celebrating your birthday. This past Sunday was mine. It was a fun birthday weekend this year. And another highlight is something I can't photograph, but my mom, who has no short term memory, did remember it was my birthday and gave me a call.
I wanted chocolate cream pie rather than a  birthday cake.
Cheers for making it  healthy and happy through another year of life!

So T day is the day we link up our drink related photos over at  Bleubeard and Elizabeth's blog             to have a little Tuesday drink related fun. We'd love to have you join us.

And cheers (as well as thanks) that you visited my post today.


  1. This is such a fun post-I can feel all the happiness and fun from all the photos-what a great family weekend.
    Happy Birthday and your chocolate cream pie looks sooo good.
    Happy T day

  2. Great post, lovely to see all your happy, smiling faces, and to see that you undertake things together as a family, that's fantastic. Love the look of your food, too, and the cake looks fantastic. Happy belated birthday across the miles. Happy T Day, hugs, Valerie

  3. Oh GREAT. Not only did I miss your Christmas, now you let me know I missed your birthday, too. I'm not much of a friend, am I? Looks like it was a LOT of fun, with a lot of drinks, too. You have a plethora of drinks in your post today. In fact, most of them included someone with some fluid in their hand. Happy belated birthday, dear Erika, and I hope it was great with PIE! Thanks for sharing this weekend with us for T this Tuesday. Lots and lots of drinks to share!

  4. Well, first of all, belated happy birthday!! The cake looks scrumptious and it certainly looks as if there was plenty of happy family time all round! Happy Tuesday!

  5. Happy Birthday lovely Erika! May the new year be filled with happiness and bring health and may all your wishes come true !♥♥♥♥ ( and may Japan get a wowser!)
    WHat a fabulous game with your family and the niece and Sil! Sounds and looks super and gosh a lot of beer! Cheers!
    What a wonderful present that your mum remembered your birthday!
    LOVE is the biggest thing in the world! Brought tears to my eyes to read that!
    Happy week --- oh my we got the same miserable weather - icy streets in the morning and now snow , snow , snow ..and they always predict better and warmer weather, but where???
    Thought of you today since I saw that now we can have these heritage tests for about € 70,- as well - hubby as I thought he would say this just isn't interested in his heritage! But I guess I will make this this year.... I am interested in it!
    I have done much cleaning and sorting out meanwhile...looks already very good !Thank you for your lovely words on my blog!
    HAPPY T-Day!
    oxo Susi

  6. Oh Erika, I didn't know! Happy, happy birthday! Sounds like loads of very happy celebrations. Love each and every photo and definitely see a strong resemblance between you and your lovely daughter!

  7. What a fun and uplifting post. You all had me smiling with you from beginning to end! A very happy birthday to you Erika!! I like your choice of birthday cake :) Looks like you may have another snow day or two ahead...
    happy T day!

  8. it is a joy to see what fun you had together! happy belated birthday wishes and happy t-day! ♥

  9. Looks like you were having fun. Your smile is so bright it could melt the snow. C'mon down and we'll give it a try =^,.^= Happy Belated Birthday. What a wonderful gift your mother gave you by remembering your birthday. Happy T Day and here's hoping the weather dudes are wrong tomorrow.

  10. Erika oh how wonderful for your mom to remember your birthday!!! AND your team won! AND you got chocolate cream pie!!! Wow woman! What a birthday!! Loved seeing all the photos of you and your family! Happy T day! Hugs! deb

  11. First of all belated Happy Birthday wishes, celebrating with your family at the weekend sounds a good way to to enjoy your special day. You must have been thrilled when you got the call from your Mom.
    All the photos you shared look lovely and you all seemed to be having a great time The Chocolate pie looks a yummy alternative to a traditional cake.
    Happy T day wishes Erika.
    Yvonne xx

  12. Sending you Happy Birthday wishes! Make that chocolate cream pie all round please, oh and a jug of that scrummy looking beer too 😉. Not sure about having pie and beer together but I'm willing to give it a try 😀. There is so much to smile about on your post today, spending time with family is the best and I loved seeing all your fabulous photos and celebrations! Sending you much happiness this T Day and always! J 😊

  13. Belated happy birthday, Erika!

    Wonderful family photos and memories. Thanks for sharing them for T.

    Happy T-day! Hugs, Eileen

  14. Y'all look like you're having all the fun :) And that pie looks delicious. Happy (late) Birthday! and Happy T Tuesday

  15. Love all the smiles...and hockey!! From Minnesota after all. LOL
    Happy T day!

  16. Happy Birthday! What a great way to celebrate, with family! Looks fun! We are like you here, we would rather have pie than cake, and chocolate is the best! Happy T Day!

  17. Wow! What a fun filled post! Belated happy birthday! And what a precious thimg that your mum remembered your birthday.
    The celebration photos of the family gettogether are great. I can see you are all having such fun. And I must say the beer looks very inviting. I would love a drop of that.
    So good that 'your' team won! I have never seen an icehockey game but it must have been very exciting.
    Double chin pose? I do that too. I'm so glad you are not self concious about that.
    Your choice of choc cream pie in stead of a cake looks like a very good choice. My mouth is watering.
    Happy belated T-Day,


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