Thursday, March 29, 2018

One Year Just About Complete

Happy Thursday. It might be Thursday on the calendar, but to me it is Friday, as I am taking tomorrow off from work. I have a personal day I can use to play hookey, which is what I plan on doing. I am going off to see a Georgia O'Keeffe exhibit before it closes at the Peabody Essex Museum. I've been wanting to see this exhibit since before it opened in December, and I guess if it takes a day off from work for me to go see it, then I need to make the sacrifice.  (Hee-hee).

I haven't shown you my doodles and drawings in my drawing journal for a while. I feel like it is time to change up my format because after almost a year, I am starting to feel like I am doing the same thing over and over on most of my pages. 
I haven't quite decided what I will do. Maybe more object drawing in pencil.  Maybe watercolor paints instead of markers.  Maybe trying to be a little less of a recorder.  I think I will be trying things until I find what it is I want to do.
And yahoo.  This coming Sunday will be a year keeping this kind of journal, and I will have filled in a page a day over that period of time.
So here's a few from this month that I particularly like for assorted reasons.

Ignore my spelling mistakes please. I have never been able to spell very well (much to my mother's chagrin as she was an elementary school teacher and it bothered her that both of her children were not spellers.) 
Hope it's a great day!


  1. Love all the wonderful pages from your journal, and well done for keeping it going for so long. You are very brave taking a day off school! I am sure Georgia O'Keeffe will more than make up for the pain of not being at school, have BIG fun and take lots of photos if you can. Hugs, Valerie

  2. Wow, Many Congratulations on creating a page a day in your journal for a whole year! Your recent pages are wonderful, I love your springtime flowers and how you have captured your life in words and pictures - beautiful 😁. It looks like you have so much fun creating these pages and I can't wait to see what you do next! Have a wonderful time at the Georgia O'Keeffe exhibit and wishing you a happy Friday! J 😊 x

  3. good morning, you should be able to use your favorite banana bread recipe but I did a google search for cast iron banana bread recipe and lots came back even some upside down in a skillet

  4. i think these journal pages are really awesome! for your next year just do what you want and makes you happy hugs

  5. What a fun day you're going to have. Hope you tell us all about it. Your journal entries made me smile especially the ones about the weather. Still looks like January, but the temps yesterday were more like March though not as much melting of the snow cover as I would like.

  6. Wonderful calendar journaling dear Erika!
    I love how you bring all the daily adventures so loose to paper. Your mother would have given an extra bonus for that creativity to her pupils and would big-hearted had overlooked any misspelling - I am sure . You get better and better - all pages just look super!I love the "windy beach walk fun day"-- so much detail! And you are such an inspiration with your pages!Thanks for sharing!
    Guess what? We had sun and nearly 14 degrees Celsius today.
    oxo Susi

  7. I've been enjoying your doodles and drawings but changing it up always leads to new adventures. Enjoy the exhibit. xox

  8. They are all fantastic journal pages and well done for having reached a whole year creating this style of journal diary.
    I hope you enjoy your day out to the exhibition.
    Yvonne xx

  9. My keyboard isn't working properly. Hope you are having a wonderful day. I love your journal pages format Happy Easter, too.

  10. Oh, good for you, playing hooky today! And it sounds like a terrific thing to do on hooky-day! I love Georgia O'Keeffe (I can never spell her name right and I think I blew it again.) That'll be an inspiring day. I have to say that for having all the snow and all, you are getting your share of flowers! What a lifesaver!

    I love your pages and I really admire your doing a page a day. That in itself is quite an accomplishment. I'll look forward to hear how you decide to go next -- or maybe next year is a hodgepodge of whatever you like on that day!

  11. Well as usual I love your style and pages Erika so I am intruiged and can't wait to see what you are going to do next :)
    Hope you gave a nice time at the exhibition.
    Gill xx (sorry I'm yet again behind with your posts x )

  12. Many Congratulations on creating a page a day in your journal for a whole year! So creative how you captured your life in words and pictures! My favorite page is "Art Journal" with the red heart!
    I guess artists are always searching new styles and trying out new things and you are on your way to do so - it is interesting to make experiments!

  13. Erika, your pages are so delightful and uniquely you. I love each one of them. Hope the O'Keeffe exhibit is all you hope it to be. Wish I could go with you since I love her art.

  14. Oh these pages are fantastic. A page every day! I have no idea how you find the time to work full time and also make your marvellous art. I know I've said this before but am still amazed. And these pages are such a wonderful memory diary.


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