Friday, March 9, 2018

Snow Day Photos

Happy Friday everyone. Another week is winding down, and it flew right by, but the fact I was home on a snow day yesterday broke it up. So we ended up with a good 12+ inches of snow (around 30 cm).  It snowed all day, and it was a good day to stay home and make a little art.
And take a few photos. My hubby was the best the guy in the world and bought me a new lens for my camera for my birthday. It is both a wide angle and a zoom, and I'm excited to have it for when I travel because it can do just about every kind of photo I will want. (Actually I am excited to have it for anytime.)
But yesterday seemed like a good time to play with it. I stood in my open doorway and snapped some photos of the birds at my feeders.

I am really happy with the photos this lens takes.  I guess it is, like my husband, a keeper.
Have a great Friday everyone.


  1. Have fun with your new camera lens, sounds great, and the photos are wonderful. Snow always looks so pretty, just a pity it's so cold and slippery. We've got mild, spring-like weather here. Hugs, Valerie

  2. WOW, those are some incredible shots. I love how the stop lens feature must work. Those birds in flight are simply the best, but they are all out of this world. Yep, both are keepers, I agree!

  3. Just read your comment on my blog. Wichita is known as the Air Capital of the WORLD!

  4. waue stunning photos, what a great guy you have buying that lens..Its great to have a wonderfull camera is it not..

  5. Cool! Sparrows and a Reticulated Woodpecker. All that came around yesterday were the Juncos (snowbirds)

  6. The pictures look fantastic, I think you will be having lots of fun using this new Lens for your camera. Yes, both keepers would be my reply as well.
    Yvonne xx

  7. Absolutely gorgeous bird photos Erika!
    Keep warm and happy weekend,
    Alison xx

  8. This new lens is super and your bird photos just AMAZING! Thanks for sharing Erika! Happy weekend - I feel with you - hope you will get soring soon! Here ist is really better now!
    oxo Susi

  9. Such great photos! My phone can't get movement like that, and I'm loving looking at your birds :) We get those woodpeckers at our suet feeder, too. They are such fun to watch.

  10. Great photos, you lucky person, that sounds like one wonderful lens, those birds in movement look incredible! Looks as if you made good use of that snow day!
    Your last sentence made me laugh, my hubby lies next to me snoring still, I have had him for 45 years, - I guess he is a keeper too and not just for his snoring....

  11. These are very beautiful photos, especially of the flying birds! I think you can really be happy with that lens! I also love the last shot with this incredible bird!
    Wish you a happy weekend! In your snowy world :) or maybe spring is coming over night?

  12. Wow -- wonderful clarity with the motion shots. These are really terrific and that camera is getting a good workout. These would be nice framed in a series of tight shots on the birds - three in a row. Very nice, Erika!

  13. Great photos of the birds, Erika. They definitely appreciate our efforts to keep them fed in the snow.

  14. Looks like you had a good time trying out your birthday present, Erika. I was wondeting what type of camera and lens you were using as I have been known to be a bit of a photo geek myself. When we lived in VA, Intook so many photos of birds at the feeders outside our kitchen window.


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