Friday, March 2, 2018

Today's Chatter

It is Friday. My stay home vacation week has buzzed right by, but isn't that how vacations always go? I can't complain. The weather was beautiful most days. The projects I had on my to do list, I didn't do, but instead I did some spring cleaning, had a little fun time, some reading time, and lots of art time.
No complains from me.
Well I could have done without the skunk sprayed dog.
And tomorrow 7 of us are heading north for a playoff hockey game against our rival. It's an overnight trip and should be a fun time.  I will tell you more about next week.
So as you probably know, it is March 2, which means it is time for Second on the Second over at Bleubeard and Elizabeth's Blog.
I'm going back to a post from 2015. 
Let me link the post for Second on the Second and say konnichiwa

Today I have a couple of fun tags I made 3 years ago. I picked this particular post because next vacation  (in late April) will not be a stay at home vacation for me. One thing I did do this past vacation week was get together with the 3 of the teachers I am traveling with to plan a lesson.  We have to teach a short lesson in a school we are going to visit and figured we would start to get organized
All stamped images on my tags are from a set  by Aladine.
And lastly today I have a journal page I made this past week.
I am linking up to Try It On Tuesday and their Vintage Challenge. I started my page with this vintage school transparency. (The perks of being a teacher is snagging potential art bits that are on their way to the trash.)
I collaged some scraps of green paper around the edge, and then stitched over it. Finally,I added some vintage TH kids.
And since flowers are also a sign of spring, I am also linking up to Rosie's challenge at Art Journal Journey: Spring.
Hope everyone has a wonderful weekend.


  1. I can't believe this week has passed so quickly. I guess being up for over 48 hours took its toll, because Wednesday and Thursday were blurs of sleep, eat, sleep, read blogs, sleep, and sleep. At least you enjoyed the time you had while on spring break.

    First, I simply adore these little Japanese characters. The tags are beautiful, and I am so glad you shared them with us as your second look on the 2nd. The stamps are SO unique and I love how you colored them. I am glad to say hello to you, too! And to thank you for sharing these tags.

    I had to laugh at the piece you created for Art Journal Journey. I bet that little boy isn't too happy having the word ovary next to him, although I though you did a fantastic job using those little TH paper dolls. Thanks for sharing this lovely floral spring experience with us at Art Journal Journey, too. I've seen school transparencies before, but nothing this lovely and colorful. What a great way to teach this subject.

  2. The Japanese themed tags are adorable. What lesson will you be teaching while traveling to Japan. I'm dreaming of Spring and Spring flowers like your wonderful page. Hard to believe yesterday was gorgeous and sunny. Today and tomorrow will be stormy and windy and maybe more snow. Sad face. Hopefully, this is the last storm of the season. Have a great weekend!

  3. I adore your Japanese tag especially. I'm very excited about your upcoming trip and find myself missing Japan. Have you read "Pachinko" (about Koreans in Japan pre-WWII through late 80s. It's fascinating and for 450 pages, flew by. You will have such a remarkable time!

  4. Glad you are enjoying the vacation and I can imagine how much you are looking forward to seeing Japan.Great tags and a lovely journal page, thanks for joining us at TIOT. Enjoy your hockey match. Hugs, Valerie

  5. A great pair of tags Erika, and I absolutely love your art journal page!
    Have a great weekend,
    Alison xx

  6. What a beautiful post, Erika.

    Thank you for playing with us at ART JOURNAL JOURNEY

    Have a wonderful weekend

  7. And I say also thank you for joining us at TRY IT ON TUESDAY

  8. Great things here. Are you travelling to Japan by any chance. I think that would be fun but where ever you are planning to go is great. I like the planning part as much as the going part I think

  9. Erika, your collage of the parts of a flower is wonderful. I love how you have decorated with bits and pieces doomed for the trash can. I do the same. The Japanese tags are precious and the Aladine stamps are so cute.

  10. Have fun at the game ! I am crossing my fingers for your team Erika!
    What a lovely review of the nice asia tags! And I am thrilled about this fabulous page fitting vintage at Try It On Tuesday and Spring at Art Journal Journey so well!
    Happy rest of your winter break Erika!
    oxo Susi

  11. nice to see your 2nd on 2nd - you have the cutest stamps.
    i adore your new blog Header. and this new collaged journaling page is just great, my biology-sister-at heart (as a retired biology teacher i feel really Close to you!)

  12. Hi Erika, A wonderful page and I love how you've used the vintage flower image with the TH kids. Love the 2 cute Oriental tags, so colourful.
    Avril xx
    p.s. I see you have linked to TioT, thanks for sharing.

  13. Wow, what an amazing journal page! You made such good use of that vintage school transparency and your additions are wonderful 😁. Thanks so much for joining us at Try it on Tuesday! I'm so pleased that you had a great week and wishing you a Happy Weekend! J 😊 x

  14. Lovely revisit to see those wonderful tags.
    Your trip away in April will be here before you know it, I think you will be really looking forward to going now the date is getting closer.
    Its a fantastic floral page and I like the way you added the vintage kids. Thank you for joining us all at TioT's Erika.
    Yvonne xx

  15. Sounds like you had a perfect vacation-and a very fun weekend coming up too-enjoy! and good luck to your team
    I enjoyed reading your re post-first time for me
    Happy second on the 2nd

  16. Oh those tags are so cool. But I'm really loving the flower! I love the people on it like they're part of the image. So fun and cheery to view. Love the fab stitch too!

  17. Love your Japanese tags, they will really get you iinto the mood of your forthcoming trip! Your new piece is lovely too, always love those fun Tim kids.

    Can't believe that week off flew by already, it seems like yesterday you were so looking forward to it. Anyway, hope you have a great weekend, we are still burried in snow here...

  18. Hello Erika!
    Me again to answer your question about the weather.. it is still freezing but not as bitter cold as it was the last past days. Snow is still here but at least it stopped snowing now...
    I don't watch or read the weather forecast any more - they fail so often. I am sure spring will come soon!
    Bad to hear that another storm and winter came to you! We really often have nearly the same weather !
    HAPPY WEEKEND - don't let the bad weather affect your spring mood - I am sure you are happy nevertheless, lucky Erika! We are blessed to have our wonderful passion for art and life!!!
    oxo Susi

  19. Just by reading the comments, can I safely assume that you will be going to Japan?. How exciting! I have never been but for many years have had exchange students staying sat our house.
    What are you going to teach them? (In the one lesson) Is it English class?
    Your Japan themed tag is beautiful. I love those dolls.
    Your botanical page is great too. Very educational for me, who has forgotten most of what I learnt in botany classes.
    Have a lovely weekend,

  20. Fabulous page for vintage at Try It On Tuesday! Thanks for playing along with us Erika!
    Lula xx

  21. I'm glad you had a nice week and hope you enjoy going to the game. I like the Japanese-themed tags and the sharing quote. I know you must be looking forward to your trip in April :)

  22. I love your second look, those stamps ate fun! Your journal page made me smile too..
    and I caught sight of Elizabeth's comment and laughed out loud! Hope you are eased back to work gently next week! Hugs,Chrisx

  23. Brilliant journal page, Erika.. Love the way you have used all small elements to create interest here, I was just looking at your page for long.

  24. waue great tags and lovely journal page ;O))

  25. Hi Erika, yes my friday event is going to be anything baked, grilled, etc in cast iron pieces. so this is to feature using cast iron cookware thanks for asking


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