Monday, April 16, 2018

Monday Again

Happy new week everyone. Monday has rolled around again.Hope everyone had a good weekend. More rain in my forecast today, and it's a bit icey this morning. The icy rain woke me up last night and everything outside is slightly white but very glazed over. It is supposed to get above freezing today and hopefully this icey white melts away with the regular old rain that is going fall and fall and fall.
I was hoping to be more ambitious yesterday but the dreary dark day zapped a lot of that hope. I can't say it ended up being a very productive day, even artwise. I was a bit frustrated as I had a list of things I felt I should do. Oh do I hate those lists in my head because after you take a step back you realized none of it had to get done.  The pile of clothes I need to put away and all the dog hair on the floor, well, we'll just live with it a little bit longer I guess. :)
But all in all it was a good weekend, I got my running around done on Saturday and yesterday I did manage to get more packing done and lounged on the couch reading.
Here's a spread in my Night Sky journal called Eclipse. I began with the diagrams of eclipses (left page) cut out of an old book. I mounted it on my page which had some printed tissue on it first. Then I found this piece of a printed acetate in my stash and decided to finish the page off with it, along with some paper tape and some cut out words. 
So then what do you do with the right hand side? 
I abstract painted the eclipse, did some doodling, some stamping and used the outside of scrap paper that I cut a star  out of. The lunar word is cut out of a scrap of an old poster. 
There's bits of collage and bits of recycling in this page so I am going to link up to Alison's great challenge at Art Journal Journey.  It's been a great challenge this month and I've been having fun making these pages.  This is most likely my last page of the month since as many of you know I am off on Thursday and I won't be back until the 28th.  So thanks Alison for the great challenge.
I will be by for T Day tomorrow so see you then.
Thanks for visiting and hope Monday is going well.


  1. Icy here this morning. I wish I hadn't looked out of the window. I like the eclipse diagram. Your page is making me wonder when the next lunar eclipse is. I just notice the little pink rocket ship. :-D Cute. Hopefully Old Man Winter will leave today. Stay warm, dry, and have a good day

  2. I love the elements that you collaged on this spread Erika! It all came together beautifully with that eclipse.
    Thanks for joining in my challenge at AJJ again.
    Alison xox

  3. I know weekends like that. I felt like Saturday was that way for sure. Gloom and doom! Nothing bad but rain and ice and weather and that can bring a girl down. So, getting this page done? I say bravo!

  4. I know weekends like that. I felt like Saturday was that way for sure. Gloom and doom! Nothing bad but rain and ice and weather and that can bring a girl down. So, getting this page done? I say bravo!

  5. Good morning, I think with your big trip coming up it's nice to take a day off and "chill"
    we have gotten down to the low 20's at night since saturday-and very dark cloudy and dreary here too I decided to spend the weekend watching the Twilight saga again. there is also loads of special effects and other things like music videos, time with the author etc that I started to watch.
    always enjoy seeing your latest art too
    Happy Monday Kathy

  6. Goodness, Erika, I had NO idea you would be gone as long as you will. We will truly miss you, but are delighted you will be able to spend T time with us tomorrow.

    These are lovely pages in your Night Sky journal. I especially like the acetate overlay. It made a very interesting page even more enjoyable. Of course, the right side was well done, too. The eclipse you painted is fabulous, and worthy of praise. So glad you were able to join us one last time this month for Art Journal Journey.

  7. I love your spread in the Night Sky journal dear Erika! Fabulous!
    Thank you very much for all your fantastic pieces linked this month to Art Journal Journey! Amazing!
    Spend wonderful days in Japan!
    oxo Susi
    I have made a spread for you-
    shown here:

    Hugs, Susi

  8. We broke a record for coldest temps on this date that has stood since 1885! Unseasonably -unreasonably?- cold. No ice here, though there've been some reports on snow flurries. So strange.

    I enjoy tracking the moon stages and eclipses, and I love your spread. I'm a city girl, and light pollution makes it hard to see much in the night sky. I appreciate you highlighting in art what I have trouble seeing in real life :)

  9. Sorry the weekend was so grey. But you made a wonderful page. Hope you are getting on with your packing! Hugs, Valerie

  10. You're off to Japan on Thursday and yet you managed to find time to make a great art page like this? A Night Sky Journals sounds wonderful, I'm thinking of lovely dark pages. I can see little doggies running round the eclipse, of course they are and the whole piece is just amazingly created.
    Have a great time, Erika.

  11. A wonderful double page in your journal, both sides look good with all the pieces you added and recycled.
    Thank you for another fantastic piece for the TioT's theme.
    Yvonne xx

  12. it was a dreadful day as well, here in Nashua. We awoke to a light coating of snow and then rain and more rain and still raining tonight.It was the perfect day to be indoors and get correspondence done. Hope this mess won't turn icy by tomorrow morning. It's starting to look like spring doesn't want to come out and play nice.

  13. You had rain and ice and freezing days, what a pity no warm weekend! We had warm days and all of the trees in the garden begin to bloom, so if I could I would send you some sunshine!
    Your double page in your Night Sky journal is gorgeous with all that recycled and collaged things and your doodling!
    I wish you a very happy and beautiful travel time!

  14. i love this celestial spread so much! the contrasting Colors come out great!
    wishing you lots of fun on your travel! take care!

  15. Such cool pages! I love all the papers that you used on the pages and your fabulous eclipse 😀. Wishing you a wonderful new week and Happy Travels! J 😊 x

  16. Sorry for the dreary weather...hope it cheers up soon. LOVE the eclipse...first art I've seen with one, and that shocks as it was all the rage last year. Very cool pages!


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