Friday, May 4, 2018

A Little Shopping Anyone?

Hi everyone. The weekend has arrived and  I am ready for it. :) It wasn't that this week was so long but with my body adjusting back to my home time, I spent a lot of my week in a daze. Glad I seem to be past that now and I am ready to get back to doing some things around the house. 
Today I have a few Japan photos to share with you in this post. 
On a rainy evening in Kyoto we went to a covered shopping area.  This area of Kyoto has been a shopping area for a very long time, even before it was this modernized covered area. It was huge, and even though this photo makes it look like one long street, it was really several interconnected areas.

And we spent a few hours one afternoon in Tokyo along this shopping area that was similar in many ways to the one in Kyoto. (Except for those cool lanterns of course!)
The shopping area included lots of stores and restaurants, many of them typical tourist style shops but some of them quite interesting.

 Like a bamboo seller.
 And a coffee roaster which may not be exciting but I thought the paper signs were not only cool but beautiful.
 Or perhaps you prefer these sweet bean paste filled treats.
And if cookies are not your thing, these fried fish shaped pastries filled with sweet bean paste or sweet potato paste are quite yummy also. 

 And there are not so sweet food stalls too.

 Including this noodle shop.
And the Japanese love their umbrellas. So if you carry a plain black one you might want to buy one of these artistic ones.
 I liked the guy on this sign.
 And this lady was handing out advertisements for an owl cafe.  We didn't go but  she and her owl made a great photo.
 And I found this crazy man with his tuna placard in front of a restaurant interesting.
 Seaweed anyone?
 Or pickled daikon. 

I can't say I spent a lot of money on these short little shopping walks, except for lunch or dinner, and of course a snack. The bean paste filled pastry fish were sure yummy!  
Hope you enjoyed today's mini Japan journey. More to come some other time.
Enjoy your Saturday.


  1. Simply incredible photos. You certainly were exposed to a lot of places, businesses, and people. I really enjoyed this because I somehow doubt I'll ever get to Japan. I wonder if you realize how very lucky you really are. Since I've "met" you, I've followed you to the southwest, Iceland, and now Japan.

  2. Wonderful photos of the Japanese shops. Love the beautiful signs, and the coffee machine. And the girl with her owl is fantastic. Looks like you had a great time there. Love the new header, too. Have a restful weekend, hugs, Valerie

  3. Oh yes - I really enjoyed the photos- so intersting, thanks you very much dear Erika! Happy weekend!
    Hugs, Susi

  4. So much to look at and everything is so colorful. Enjoy today's sunshine

  5. What an amazing place! I loved the tour around the shopping area and the bean paste filled fish sounds yummy and the way it is presented is a work of art in itself πŸ˜€. I wouldn't have been able to resist buying things πŸ˜‰. I remember you were talking about buying a kimono before you went, did you buy one? Thanks for sharing your fabulous adventures and wishing you a happy weekend! J 😊 x

  6. I loved that Japan was so very different in everything from what I'm used to. I can imagine all the smells and eye candy in your expeditions. And the smiling faces. Love this series!

  7. Fascinating! I'd want to try so many things! And I find myself needing one of those umbrellas. I thought my bright yellow was colorful, but these Japanese ones are much more fun :)

  8. Fabulous photos!! It brings back so many memories for me!

    Have a wonderful weekend and a no doubt much deserved rest!

  9. I have no idea what most of those items were but it was all fascinating! Of all the foods I would have been most likely to try the bean filled fish pastry. ;)

  10. Those shopping areas look really interesting. Seeing the stalls laid out with different foods was also good to see. I have an ask, did they actually smell of the foods they were selling or did all the smells mingle together?
    Yvonne xx

  11. Oh I did enjoy the mini journey, Erika. Everything is so different.
    The arcade looks fascinating. I wonder if English was widely spoken?

  12. Thank you for taking me to Japan! It is great to see your photos! I love seeing all that (strange) food. Living here in Europe we don't get to see a lot of Japanese food apart from the odd sushi bar in a big city. It's fascinating.
    I like the chap with the large tuna. As for the sea weed... I'd love to try that.
    Thanks for sharing.

  13. I have enjoyed sharing your trip with you Erika. Only wish I could have tasted some of those yummy looking foods. I love looking at all the color about- from the signs and advertisements, to the packaging and fabulous umbrellas. The lanterns are still my favorite:)


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