Thursday, May 31, 2018

No Make It a Scream

The way yesterday went, it needs to be a scream.
Here's how my morning started.
 7:00 AM.
I didn't know it at the time, but my fuel pump had been invaded by mice.  All I know is that the gas I pumped into my car was pouring out the bottom.
No car and the big problem was I couldn't get to work yesterday. I was scrambling to figure out what the kids should do. Calling in sub-plans. And not a good week to take a day off. I need to give senior exams on Monday and we have a million things to do to wrap everything up.
But it was a gorgeous day. And by the time I would have gotten it work (waiting for the tow, getting home to get the truck, getting back to work)  most of my classes would be done, so I might as well enjoy the beautiful day.
Like taking the dogs for a walk.
 We finally got the plastic off the screen porch. Then I needed to give it a good cleaning as it was full of empty plant pots and chairs and yard decorations and a bunch of other stuff stored in there through the winter.
And of course I would wash the floor and a dog would come walking in and leave muddy paw prints all over the floor. 
But I did manage to get it cleaned up. I broke the hose in the process. One of the dogs walked through the garden a broke the new peony plant I had just put in the ground on Monday. Not my 
day for a few reasons I guess.
But I got the hammock set up in the screen porch by 4 PM, and then I made  myself a BIG margarita and said the heck with it. 
Hope your day was better than mine!
Happy Thursday.


  1. Oh dear, what a thing to happen! I've never heard of mice invading a gas pump, hope you soon have your car repaired and mice free! Have a better day today! Hugs, Valerie

  2. I can say ONE thing. That's some cool toenail polish! Other than that, I feel for you, dear. It seems when things go bad, they go REALLY bad. At least you accomplished something, even if it was a bit in vain and a bit alcoholic (grin).

  3. oh what a day - and all because of mice - really?
    I think you deserved that drink after all that - and it was probably due long before 4pm :)
    Hope your car is better soon and you have a better day.
    Happy Thursday
    Gill xx

  4. Gee, you made a Margarita and didn’t invite us all over? Shame on you!

  5. On the bright side, your car picked a beautiful day to bite the dust. And you still have a couple of days to get the kids ready for their exam. Looks like you made the best out of a day that turned pear.The porch looks great and you certainly deserved to put your feet up. Hopefully, today is a better day.

  6. Uff.... bad mice !!When things don´t work as we have thought..... material things..... perhaps it´s because we need to learn more about ourselves :D But don´t worry Erika, all will be well again, it´s just a moved day! and your dogs are really lovely!! My dog is 12 years old, and he is an angel.
    Love your page !! It is just amazing !!
    I wish you a very nice afternoon, big hugss, Caty

  7. You have had a bad day, I hope you won't be long without your car. We once had mice in the caravan but fingers crossed they've never been in the car.
    Things seem to go on a roll of mishaps, so I do hope you have had all yours over and done with for now.
    I can see why you look like you are screaming on the journal page after reading this post.
    Hope tomorrow is a better day.
    Yvonne xx
    p.s. I don't go in the off road Land Rovers, you get bumped and shaken to bits on the trials route and it is possible that they could roll and end up in trees or muddy puddles. Its all very safety minded, they have Roll Cages, competition seats, belts etc. They even have to have a fire extinguisher on board. My roll these days is to provide the food in rather large amounts for three hungry blokes...hubby and two sons.

  8. We've had mice do damage to engine parts before. Crummy day, but I like how you made the best of it!

  9. I agree with Elizabeth, when things go wrong everything goes wrong it seems-but sounds like you ended up with a good day. and dogs are so funny aren't they can get into mischief without even trying lol have a great firday

  10. This is really not nice of those boozy mice, !
    Fingers crossed now for you that you get your car back soon. You made the best of the little desaster cleaning the porch and the page is so cool as well!
    I feel with you my friend! Keep calm!
    Your margarita goes so well with the hammock and your toenail polish! Stylish!

    Happy June!

  11. Oh my goodness, what a day,- - at first I thought "every cloud has a silver lining", but it seems it really was one of those days.... I think we get them all at times, and maybe what we have to learn is patience? Who knows, hope the rest of your week and weekend will be much better! Loved the scream by the way :o)

  12. Tough day... mice in the gas pump?! A scream definitely seems like the right response, not a yawn. But the porch looks like a great place to relax after all the hard work. You earned your margarita, and now you can yawn!
    Alison x

  13. Oh dear! What a bad day for you! Good idea to keep calm and carry on!!!! Chrisx

  14. I'm sorry about your car! That's a problem I've never heard of. Wow!

    I love your screen porch and think it looks like the perfect place to spend an afternoon. And an entire summer :)

  15. You DID have a day! I'm glad at least the margarita was good, no broken glasses or tipped over hammocks. And from your last post, glad the damage is covered.


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