Monday, May 28, 2018

T Stands for a Weekend Wrap Up

Hello everyone. It is Monday evening here in New Hampshire, the end of our long Memorial Day holiday weekend. I don't think we had any sun all weekend, but it didn't seem to interfere with my plans.
This week for T Day I am sharing a little recap of my  holiday weekend. 
Friday after work I went and bought a few plants for my garden and then took the hubby out to dinner. 
Seeing it is the official start of the summer tourist season (not the actual temperate season), and I live in a tourist area, lots of  places have opened back up after being closed since fall. Pop's is this fried food place that probably hasn't changed since it first opened in the summer of 1945, and it is SO good.
 And about a million calories! 
But it was a holiday weekend and did feel like summer. We ordered dinner and sat outside on their deck enjoy a very warm evening.

Saturday was my nephew's wedding. Between appetizers, a delicious meal and a piece of wedding cake, I had another big meal.

We had a good seat, with my brother and his wife, my cousin and his wife, along with 2 other couples.  It was nice to catch up with my cousin since I don't talk with him as frequently as I do my brother.
And here is my extended family. (And my bra strap too-eeks). That's me, my cousin and my brother. My brother is the father of the groom. The three of us spent a lot of time together as kids, and are the only 3 of this side of the family really left (of course minus our kids).
And here's the groom and his bride dancing.
In fact it was a dancing kind of event. I was dancing until after 11 PM.

And I only stopped then because they started playing music I didn't know as well. And the hubby was losing steam. 
It was nice, we stayed right at the hotel where the reception was. When we were ready to leave we just had to go upstairs.
And the next morning we met up with a lot of people at breakfast.
The hotel had a very nice breakfast buffet. I had a yummy waffle with fresh strawberries and real whipped cream. 
And I needed a diet coke since I was still pretty wiped out from all that dancing!
The wedding was a good 3 hours from home, and on our way back we passed by IKEA, so it seemed like a good opportunity to stop in.
The lines were pretty long since it was a really cloudy and cold Sunday. Our temperatures went from 91 on Saturday (33 degrees C) to 55 on Sunday (13 degrees C). We picked up a few little things we could use but my daughter scored a really nice returned rug for an extra 35% off.
By the time I got home I really needed a nap.
I was still dragging on this Monday holiday, and it was still cloudy, but it was at least a little warmer.
I spend a good chunk of today working in the garden, 
and not eating as much food as the rest of the weekend.
My azalea is just gorgeous right now.
 My Dad gave this plant about 20 years ago. At that time it was barely a foot tall. (about 30 centimeters)
This is the part of the garden I cleaned out today. It's been a few years since I did a real good clean out (other than just weeding) and the garden really needed that.
If you look on the left you can see the side I haven't cleaned, which doesn't look too bad from far away. 
Up close is another story. ( Kind of like the lawn too. It looks ok from this angle, but up close it isn't much grass and moree weeds.)

Every Tuesday is T Day where we share our drink related posts. Stop by Bleubeard and Elizabeth's blog and join in! All you have to do is share your drink related post with us. 

Back to school now that the weekend is over.   :( 
This is the last week with my seniors. And 3 1/2 weeks until the year is done.
But who's counting?

Thanks for visiting, and
I hope you have a fantastic T day ladies.


  1. Great post Erika. Looks like you all had a great weekend at the wedding, and some good food at that restaurant where you went with your hubby. Your azaleas are gorgeous, and well done on getting some work done in the garden. Happy T Day, hugs, Valerie

  2. Looks like a wonderful weekend Erika! I love a good wedding, and a boogie! Great photos!
    Happy T-Day
    Alison xx

  3. What a great celebratory weekend. I was really impressed with the food from Pops. I want to eat there, I think, although I'm not sure I've ever had clams.

    The wedding coup look quite happy and that water looked COLD!!! So glad to read you danced the night away. The buffet breakfast must have been wonderful because I can tell you enjoyed it.

    Your garden looks fabulous. So much better than mine. I like the rock area that keeps the water and soil from draining away.

    Thanks for sharing your lovely weekend with us for T this Tuesday. BTW, the kids in Wichita have been out for nearly two weeks now. But who's counting, right (grin)?

  4. what a great wedding celebration, always nice to catch up with Extended Family. the Food Looks gorgeous, but you danced away the calories;) and this azalea has a Color to dream of... great Job on garden cleaning (i should do this also...)
    have a great week and happy t-day:)

  5. What a wonderful weekend Erika !! The wedding had to be wonderful, all beautiful and the meals delicious.
    I love your so fabulous garden, you have worked hard in it, and your azalea is really magnificent, I like it a lot.
    I wish you a very happy day, hugss, Caty

  6. Loads of beauty, work and fun in this weekend. The garden looks great, and so does the wedding. Oodles of fun. And Pops looks fun too! Glad you had a great weekend!

  7. What a wonderful weekend! Pop's looks like a lovely place to eat and the food looks so yummy 😁. It looks like everyone was having a wonderful time at the wedding and you look stunning in your beautiful dress, I love the butterflies! Then there's the waffle with strawberries and cream, I'm so hungry now 😉. That azelea is a beauty and your garden with the building reminds me of a Japanese tea room. I'm now off to raid the kitchen as it's lunch time here, wishing you a very Happy T Day! J 😊 x

  8. You really burned you candle on both ends this weekend! How fun! the fried clams look amazing. It's definitely Summer when the clam shacks are open. Nice to be able to catch up with family at the wedding. Best wishes to the bride and groom. Nice that you were able to stay overnight at the hotel and have a nice breakfast the next morning. I've never been to an Ikea. Your garden and azaleas look lovely and after that weekend, no wonder you needed a nap. Have a great day!

  9. what an all around fabulous holiday weekend! Weddings are so fun, and yes, tiring too:) Lovely photos of everyone. Your breakfast sure is a treat and looks delicious. We had the same kind of weather in PA but good for long hours of gardening and yard work so hubby got a lot done. Your yard/garden area looks very relaxing. Have a good week and happy T day!

  10. Erika i have to ask... that one photo of everyone dancing...were they doing the Hokey Pokey?? Thats what it looks like or The Alley Cat... ?? I can remember those from weddings when i was a kid in Pennsylvania.. They were always alot of fun.. Your garden looks fabulous and that Azalea wow! My deer would eat it Happy happy T day! Hugs! deb

  11. I can see how much fun this wedding was for all guests! Sounds super with the dancing and good meal and all! And great to meet up with family!
    Ikea looks the same everywhere I The meal at Pops looks fantastic - I would love to eat clams!
    YOur garden looks pretty and this azalea is a wowser - I am impressed with it! My two bushes did nearly die this winter - but now they look nice... but they are just mini against your giant plant! Happy T-Day Erika!
    Hugs, Susi

  12. What a wonderful but exhausting weekend, Erika. Thanks for sharing the happy wedding photos.

    Your garden - especially the part you've cleaned ;-) is beautiful!

    Happy T-day! Hugs, Eileen

  13. Sounds like a busy but very fun weekend for you all. and that's nice you were able to sleep over after the wedding instead of driving home.
    Love your azalea back in the 70s when I lived in nc for awhile there were azaleas everywhere and I loved them. I have not been able to keep one alive though for some reason.
    we have way way too hot here high temps with high humidity so no fun for us.
    Happy T Day Hugs Kathy

  14. It seems you had a fabulous weekend and maybe would need an extra day to get recovered from the celebrating . The photos of the wedding looked lovely, staying over in the hotel sounds a great idea.
    Your garden photos are super, its a beautiful azalea bush.
    Happy T day wishes Erika.
    Yvonne xx

  15. Your seafood extravaganza looked amazing! Lovely wedding..bra straps and all. LOL Honestly no one but you would have even noticed if you hadn't pointed it out. :)
    Happy T day!

  16. I Love fried chicken and french fries! So many calories but if it is a once in a while meal then I think it is ok ;) Looks like a fun wedding! Dancing, food and friends sounds like the best way to spend an evening.
    Happy Belated Tea Day,

  17. You have so much energy, Erika. The wedding party looked like super fun and how nice to have chats with relatives and friends and then dancing. And a visit to Ikea! And then clearing the garden!
    Seriously it sounds like a lovely three-day weekend.
    Thanks for sharing your life with us, your blogging friends.

  18. Yes , your azalea does look wonderful! The plate of food from Pop's looks huge....and delicious! Best of all though - waffle and strawberries for breakfast - yes please!! Hugs,Chrisx

  19. The deck at Pop's sounds a real treat. Congratulations to your nephew on his wedding. May the couple have a long, healthy, and joy-filled life together :)

    I do wish I had room for azaleas! They're among my favorites, and I love when they're allowed to get tall and full. Yours is gorgeous!


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