Tuesday, June 12, 2018

A Formal Dinner

 Hello ladies and happy T day to all.
I thought I would do something different this week other than Japan photos, but I looked and I don't have any other photos  for T Day. So once again, I am going to show you some Japan photos. Hope you don't mind. :)
I will say that I ate so many different foods there, most that I didn't know, and I still can't tell you what they are.  Food for me  is one fun thing about traveling, especially to a place where food is so much a part of the culture and where I wasn't familiar with much of it. I took a photo of almost every meal I ate.
Today for T day I am going to show you this very formal dinner the owner of the school hosted for the teachers. 
The dinner consisted of lots of traditional local dishes.
 You can see I had a Japanese beer and a glass of water for my drink.

 I love how pretty the Japanese always make their meals.
I know this dish below is some various sashimi fish.
I have no clue what this was.  Anyone know?
 And plates are always small with just a few bites of food.
 This is Miyazaki beef. It is local roast beef and we were told it is often served at Academy Award parties. Whether they were just trying to impress us or whether that is true I don't know.
 And some Miso soup.  I don't actually know the order the dishes that we had. They just seemed to keep coming.
 And this melon had some sort of glaze.
And we ended with some matcha green tea in this drinking bowl and this sweet ending. I don't know what it was but it had  gel consistency. 
I'm linking up to this week's edition of T For Tuesday  over at Bleubeard and Elizabeth's blog where Elizabeth asks that w link up a drink related post.
And all this Japanese food inspired me to make this page in my Japan Travel Journal. I used a sheet of origami paper with this tradition Japanese image as my background, layering it with some other origami paper. Then I added some newsprint (who knows what that says) as well as a couple of yen coins I brought home.
I will link up my page to Gills fun challenge over at Art Journal Journey.
Have a great day everyone.


  1. Wonderful page in your Japan Journal, and the Japanese food looks beautiful, they always decorate everything so well. By the way, your T-party link leads to AJJ and not to your blog! Happy T Day, hugs, Valerie

  2. OMG - you made me hungry now and I really LOVE Japanese food! It looks all so beautiful made ... wow!
    This looks like a matcha pudding to me but I am not sure----

    and I LOVE your beautiful mount Fuji page! Adorable!
    And for me you can show many, many more Japan photos please ! You know this!
    Happy T-Day my friend!
    Love from

  3. The table setting is so pretty. Was the leaves and frond a place card? All the dishes look so pretty. Dinner raised to an art form. Your lovely Japanese page could be used as a travel poster. Happy T Day!

  4. What a memorable meal. Seems they put on a huge spread for you. Tiny bowls with tons of dishes and tons of different textures and flavors. I would hate to have to do all the dishes afterwards (grin). Did you eat everything? I had no idea Japan made their own beers. I think of saki when I think of Japan. See what little I know? Thank you for sharing this formal banquet and feast with us for T this Tuesday.

    The journal page you created looks very traditional. I really like it. I had forgotten about those coins, which make such great embellishments. It's a gorgeous page, fitting the formal banquet you had. Thanks for sharing it with us at Art Journal Journey.

  5. I love the page you did in your Japan travel journal, Erika.

    The formal dinner is beautiful - every plate a wok of art. I've really enjoyed all the photos from your trip.

    Happy T-day! Hugs, Eileen

  6. I will never tire of your Japan posts, and I enjoyed seeing how the table was set and how the food was presented. What a wonderful experience!

    Happy T Tuesday :)

  7. I have been really enjoying all of your posts from your Japan trip.
    The plating is so beautiful and it all looks so delicious. I will ask my husband if he knows what that one dish is-in his younger years before I knew him he lived in Japan for awhile.
    I love your travel journal page-very very nice.
    thanks for sharing everything Happy T day Kathy

  8. Aaaahhh Erika there we go!! The right post yeahhhh!! I love seeing your Japanese food... what lovely plating .. a feast for the eyes before you even eat.. Just lovely.. just like your ArtJournal page.. Beautiful! Thank you so much Erika for sharing.. Happy T day! Hugs! deb

  9. Oh my what a really elegant dinner indeed. the Japanese have such a way of making every bite a beautiful presentation don't they. I wouldn't get tired of your photos of Japan:) Love your inspiration page- really fab collage art! happy T day!

  10. Gosh Erika, those plates are works of visual art. It must have been a wonderful meal, every dish looked delicious and tempting.
    I loved your travel journal page and how you added the coins .
    Happy T day wishes.
    Yvonne xx

  11. I love immersing myself in the food and culture of the places I travel to as well and I’m so pleased you shared this amazing dinner this T Day! What amazing food, like you say they are presented like works of art, I bet they tasted so amazing too, and I would happily eat everything …lol ;-) . Your travel journal page is so beautiful too, I love the colours, papers and coins – perfect! Wishing you a Happy T Day! J x
    p.s. sorry I missed your posts this weekend, I'll be catching up soon :-) . J x

  12. The Japanese meal looks so interesting. I like the idea of having different courses with small portions and it all looks so neat and precise.
    I really like your AJJ Japanese collage, it looks so "foreign"with these lovely colours, something completely different from another world. Amusing that we have no idea what the newsprint says, words and characters also from another world.

  13. I feel bad, Erika. I didn't notice your link before, because I clicked on your blog from my left sidebar. Again, I NEVER, EVER tire of your posts from Japan!

  14. Your journal page is wonderful! I am loving that Japanese image on the background. I loved seeing all the pictures of the unusual Japanese food. Some of it doesn't look particularly appetizing but we all know looks can be deceiving. Thanks for sharing.
    Happy Tea Day,

  15. oh that Japanese meal looks STUNNING. So pretty...daintily garnished on beautiful dishes. I suspect some of it was sushi/pickled? raw fish? simply gorgeous. LOVE your AJJ piece as well...can you tell I love all things Japanese? A wonderful piece of art to remember your trip...happy T day!

  16. Food really is like art in Japan.... amazing photos!

  17. all these photos of the dinner are mouth watering. i agree - it is so interesting to eat food that is not familiar... love this post!
    fun - i had this asahi beer when i was visiting my son in berlin (we were in a japanese restaurant specialized to ramen (noodle soups) with different additions. it was sooo good, i remember it well.
    have a great week, erika! ♥

  18. wonderful photos of japanese food,so beautiful and makes me hungry,your japan page is beautiful,i love your japan photos.
    happy day.

    hugs jenny

  19. Wow! What fabulous presentation of those delicious looking dishes!
    And I love your Japan-inspired page too Erika!
    So good to be back in my craft room, although the holiday was fab ;-)
    Happy Wednesday,
    Alison xx

  20. There is so much to love here, I don't know where to begin. This may be one of my favorite tags you've done. All the elements are perfect together and it really speaks to me of Japan.

    The wonderful dinner is beautiful. I love the presentation -- to me that can be a make-or-break kind of thing (not that I live by that rule every day in my real life!). I remember one meal I had in Japan that was served the same way and it was like opening Christmas presents, wondering what the next course would be. Your photos are great. Are you going to try any Japanese cooking here in America?

  21. Fascinating photos of the Japanese food Erika - oh how I wish I could reach in a taste a little of each.
    Love your page and the papers that you used - and those coins are cool!
    Thanks for sharing another fabulous page at AJJ.
    Gill xx

  22. Memorable for sure, you can keep all that raw fish though, not for me. Always beautiful though. xox

  23. It is like a little adventure to eat such unknown things, but it is a really artistical dinner and so interesting to look at! I never get tired to look at your beautiful photos!
    Your page in the Japan Travel Journal is gorgeous with all these Japanese details!

  24. One of the greatest pleasures of international travel is to experience different cultures and food is an integral part of that.

  25. What fabulous art on those plates!I love your journal page! You must have so much you would like to record!A very belated Happy T day Chrisx


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