Saturday, June 2, 2018

June Second

Hi everyone. Happy Saturday and Happy weekend. It's still very humid here. It feels like I am in the rainforest ( including with birds chattering and squirrels squealing so it is loud just like a tropical rainforest too), but the weather is supposed to be changing by tomorrow, and that is good. And even some rainy days next work week-hurrah-that should keep the kids a little more focused. The hubby needs to work today to finish up a big project, so I have the day all to myself. And that is very exciting. Though I do feel bad that he has to work.

First I want to show you a journal page which I will be linking up to Gill's Inspired By challenge over at Art Journal Journey. It's a page from my calendar journal and I was inspired by the swirly lines that came on the base page (it's a coloring calendar).  They made me think of the water and swimming and summer.
I made it a little more exotic after I colored it in shades of blue and added some stamped tropical fish and the mermaid.

And it is also June 2, which means it is time for another look  over at Bleubeard and Elizabeth's blog.

I want to bring you back to June of 2012 and share some sky photos with you.  That June day was a very eventful Saturday for sure.
Here's a link to the original post: Sky and Water where you can read about the sky. And here's the photos I included in that post which as you can see was also was a very changeable weather day.



And evening.
And here's a second link up to some art I had made right around that time also This is It.
I thought this was inspiring hot humid day art.

That's all for me today.
Hope you are having a fantastic start of your weekend.
And I am glad you stopped by my blog.


  1. Beautiful art, old and new, and love the sky photos. Enjoy your day, hugs, Valerie

  2. Adorable new and old work. I love your tropical page for Gill's inspired by theme so much - it's so refreshing!!!
    Fabulous sky photos were this and the scrap book journal pages are super as well!
    Happy AJJ - thank you dear Erika for starting to join in the fun again at AJJ and happy Second on the 2nd my friend!
    Hugs, Susi ( busy busy - but in cheerful spirits)

  3. A very Summery journal page to coincide with the very Summery weather for today. The colorful fish and mermaid make it such a happy page. The sky photos are gorgeous. We tend to think beautiful places are only found in other or exotic areas and not in our own backyards. Stay cool. The humidity will be dropping by this evening. Hot and humid can stay over my house. Hope the temps are more temperate at yours at least until the end of school in 3 weeks?

  4. Good morning, same weather here too and today one can't hardly breath outdoors. big storms are coming in though which hopefully will give us a couple days of relief.
    I loved your journal page-I bought a fish theme table cloth similiar to those colors-and I really enjoyed your second look at all the sky photos-very nice-and those cherries-I want some now-
    Happy second on the 2nd Hugs Kathy

  5. I love your swirly page with the fish, Erika.

    It's still very hot here too and we're waiting for the rainy season. We've hit 100 F a couple of days and are now in the mid-80s. So, headed in the right direction.

    I can hear the rain birds outside "pidiendo lluvia" (praying or begging for rain). Rain birds are actually a type of cicada, but they don't sound as obnoxious as the ones I recall from OH and WI. Anyway, they're welcomed as a harbinger of the rainy season to come. I thought you'd enjoy that little bit of biology trivia ;-)

    Beautiful photos of a unique day weather-wise.

  6. First, I was impressed by the time you spent coloring those swirls. And you made those fish fit right in this under the sea experience. It's gorgeous and well done, too. Thanks for sharing this with us at Art Journal Journey.

    And then, for your second look, I was taken away by your photos of that day. It certainly included some amazing photos and it's also amazing how well your phone picked up the not-so-subtle differences of the sky and water that day back in 2012.

    I laughed at your day before summer vacation art. You made some great pieces, and I am sure you are thinking it won't be long now till that same great final day before summer vacation will finally arrive. Thanks for sharing this second look, which was actually a first look for me, on the 2nd.

  7. Wow! I love your photos and they are so different. Beautiful!
    Your pages are so colourful! I like it. Have a great weekend Erika

  8. Fabulous page Erika. Those swirly lines and swirly bubbles are perfect for your under the sea scene - they look seaweed and air bubbles.
    That water looks cool and refreshing - lucky fish!
    And your photos of the lake are breathtaking - what a view - sigh! the changes of the sky and water were amazing.
    Hope it is less humid for you soon, have a great weekend and thanks for sharing what inspired you and joining in at AJJ.
    Gill xx

  9. What a brilliant journal page! I love the photos on you second look too as well as your art at the time! Hugs, Chrisx

  10. What a lovely page Erika !! Like very much the fishes swimming in shadowssss blue water, just amazing ! Love your two other pages, adore the colours cherries and dropss with the flowers!! Fantastique !!
    I wish you a very nice evening and Sunday too. Big hugs, Caty

  11. Hello Erika, and here's another great artwork from you. I'm loving this blue swirly sea and the obviously happy fishes in their pretty colours. And I've just seen the mermaid. Super fun.
    You did have some changeable weather in that past June day.
    Just now it is hot and muggy here which is quite unusual.

  12. It looks an interesting and vibrant sea on your journal page , I loved the colours , swirls and those cute fish.
    I also loved seeing the photos of the lake, it looks a very beautiful area.
    Have a good weekend.
    Yvonne xx

  13. The water swirls look pretty good and the fishes among it too. Your photos are nice, water is always so photogenic isn't it? your cherry page and the rain page look also good.
    Dear Greetings

  14. Such a vibrant and alive page, love all those blue swirls enhanced by the cute fish! The sky photos are incredible, such beauty! I went back to the original post and they look so much better even in the larger format so I am so glad you brought them back!
    Happy Sunday!

  15. Your swirly water page with the lovely stamped fish and the mermaid - I saw on the second look - is gorgeous! So refreshing - we need at those hot sunny days we have now.
    The sky photos are great - it is a good idea to make a serie of the changeable weather on only one day!
    Your cherry page is sweet - yes, nobody sweeter :)
    And at last a beautiful raining page - a funny completion to the first picture!

  16. It's hot and humid here, too, but your lovely, swirly, water art makes me feel cooler just looking at it. Refreshing!

  17. Yes, we did have some hot and humid weather in NH preceding this past weekend...but all that has certainly changed this week. I don't like the hot and humid days, but the rainy and damp ones are not favorites either so I'd like something in between like the spring we never got. Very changeable views in this post.

  18. Lovely summery art work, and stunning photos of the water! now I have a yearning to go to the beach... ;)

  19. Your page certainly does inspire thoughts of water - love the mermaid :-)

    Amazing photos - hard to believe you took them all on one day - wow! I've seen that in the Scottish isles, too - definitely 4 seasons in one day. The hardest things is knowing what to wear, lol.

    Cath x


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