Friday, June 8, 2018

May Calendar

Happy Friday everyone. I woke up early today but somehow time still seems to be getting away from me. :) I am glad it is Friday, even though with graduation tonight it is going to be a long day. But I am looking forward to seeing the kids wrap up their high school career and getting to say sayonara to  some of my former (yes, now they are former) students. 
And I want to say a big THANK YOU to all you who commented on my retirement question. It is really encouraging that no one said "I wish I still had my job and stayed working." I think a lot of my doubts com from my husband who isn't ready to retire but he hates the idea of me not going to work also. (Hee-hee) All year I have been saying 2 more years until I retire, and now that I need to send in my intent letter I am for some reason having all these second thoughts. Just a bit of too much thinking about it I guess.
So today I have my monthly calendar to show. The front of my drawing journal has these monthly calendars so I figured I might as well make it a little more exciting than leaving it blank. :)
Hope everyone has a great weekend and Friday too!


  1. You had a busy month. Your calendar is so fun and happy. Here's to another great month!

  2. Love the calendar! And hang in there with graduation -- it will be a long day but the start of summer (though I'm sure you have things to wrap up before you split!)

  3. Now why can't MY calendar pages look this good? Yours are sensational. I love what you did with yours. The only thing I didn't care about was the fact that Sunday is the first day of the week in most U.S. calendars and the last day of the week in most U.K. calendars. I DO love yours, though, and the daily squares seem to be larger than mine, too. Good job, dear.

  4. Your monthly calender looks just so HAPPY with the little drawings! Super!
    Tell your hubby that you will use the free time at home then to spoil him beyond all measure!
    Happy stat of the weekend my friend!
    All at its best here - good weather and guests at the weekend!
    Hugs, Susi

  5. Your monthly calendar pages are fantastic. Don't let yourself be talked out of retiring - think of having all day, everyday to follow your hobbies, paint, go on journeys....Hugs, Valerie

  6. A fantastic calendar spread Erika. two of your notes leaped out, the one that noted the surgery, how time has flown by, an anniversary that must mean so much to your family.
    The other' Play Hokey', made me smile, I hope you had a great day.
    Yvonne xx

  7. Love your fun and colourful calendar! And well done for keeping it up every day too!! Hope graduation was enjoyable and your day was not too tiring...

    Being home all day will be very different from going to work, and as you asked about bullet journalling, I only started it after I retired, and have loved it. It's given my day structure and stopped me from just bumbling along, and you can make it as quick or elaborate as you want, one of the things I love about it :o)
    Happy weekend!

  8. Your calender pages are such fun! Your drawings and colours are wonderful and made me smile 😁. I hope you are having a lovely weekend, Happy Saturday! J 😊 x

  9. It's so nice to have such a calendar - I have too, only a little one, but I enjoy to go back years and read again - and with the little drawings it's so easy to remember!


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