Saturday, August 11, 2018

Gros Morne Part 1

It was a rainy Saturday here but my daughter's home for the weekend so even though it was a good art day, I spent time with her instead. Since I have a lot of photos from my trip to Newfoundland a month ago (wow-it's been a month), I thought I would share a few.
Today's photos are from a freshwater fjord (not really a fjord since real fjords are where mountains meet salt water but for lack of knowing a better name I will still call it that) called Western Brook Pond. It is in Gros Morne National Park, a gorgeous park  the very end of the Appalachian mountain chain.
It was a 3 kilometer walk in along a road (shown in the upper photo) through the peat bogs to get to where the boat tour docked. You can just see the mountains peeking out along the horizon. There is no transport for passengers in or out to the docks for the boat trip, but they must use this road to bring supplies like gas in for the boat.
This next photo is the view of Western Brook Pond near the end of the road. The house roof you see is where you confirm your ticket , use the toilets, or buy a snack.
This is the view of Western Brook Pond near the end of the road. The house roof you see is where you confirm your ticket , use the toilets, or buy a snack.
And this is the boat we took our tour of the fjord on. I took this photo when the boat came in from the tour before ours.

The views of and in the fjord were amazing.

Sometimes you had to look up to get the best views.

It was a wonderful 2 hour boat trip, worth the 3 kilometer walk in and then the 3 km walk out. (Not that 3 km is all that far.)
More photos from Gros Morne National Park another day.
Hope you enjoyed my photos today and enjoy the rest of your weekend.


  1. I can see why you and your husband decided to visit Newfoundland as your trip this summer. The views from the boat are simply breathtaking. It is a genuine beauty and the views you shared are out of this world.

    BTW, if my math is correct, 3 km X 2 = about 4 miles. You must really like to walk, too! I would have enjoyed the walk if I got to see such lovely views.

    Enjoy the rest of your weekend. I hope your daughter isn't too upset about her "old" room.

  2. What a beautiful tour you had, well worth the little walk in. The scenery is breathtaking. Enjoy the rest of the weekend, hugs, Valerie

  3. Wonderful photos indeed, - what an amazing rugged part of the world!
    Hope you had a great time with your daughter too!

  4. Wow Erika !! those photos are jus amazing, wonderful, gorgeous!! Thank you very much for sharing them with us. The views are fantastiques!! really.
    I wish you a very nice afternoon, big hugsss, Caty

  5. Wow, it looks such a beautiful place, I loved seeing your photos 😁. I hope you had a fabulous time with your daughter! Happy weekend! J 😊 x

  6. These photos are wonderful , it is a beautiful area to visit, the scenery is awesome.
    Have a good time with your daughter.
    Yvonne xx

  7. Such beautiful scenery Erika! Thanks for sharing your memories and photos with us.
    Alison xx

  8. What a stunning landscape! Those photos make me feel like I was on your tour with you :) Well worth the walk, I'd agree.

  9. I hope you had a beautiful time with your lovely daughter Erika! This images are uncredible for me! What a unique part of the world!
    Simply GORGEOUS!

    Big hugs, Susi

  10. Stunning scenery Erika - thanks for sharing them.
    Hope all ok with you - sorry I've missed so many posts - will try and catch up with a few now the weather has cooled down here and my brain and pc working again :)
    Hope you've had a fun weekend
    Gill x

  11. Gorgeous, gorgeous territory. Anytime I am near the water I am divinely happy. I would be happy here, I think!


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