Monday, August 6, 2018

T Stands for Hot Summer Days

Hi there Ladies. It's Tuesday which means it is time to share our drink related posts and join the T day fun. This happens every Tuesday over at Bleubeard and Elizabeth's blog.
Today I am going to show some summer fun in the boat.  My husband loves boats. Our boat isn't big or fancy, but we can do some exploring and have some fun summer adventures.
This past Sunday (the only sunny day this weekend) we took my husband's sister and his college aged niece for a ride.  His niece was really excited as she has never been out in the boat before.

A toast that Ally finally gets to go for a boat ride.
Of course our toast was either ice water or flavored seltzer water, depending on your choice. Sunday was very  hot  and ice water drinks  were about the only thing refreshing.
Later on we anchored the boat and went ashore for an ice cream.
It was an interesting boating day. We saw one whale (no photos), a seal (no photos) and a Mola mola, also known as the ocean sunfish. I've never seen one of these in real life before.
Here's what they look like from a side view if you were swimming under water.

The are strangest looking fish.
They are also the heaviest fish in the ocean and feed mostly on jellyfish.

"Ocean sunfish that are seen in our New England waters are typically 4 to 8 feet in length, weighing 300 - 1,000 lbs. Preliminary studies conducted by the New England Coastal Wildlife Alliance (NECWA) has conducted in conjunction with NOAA's Aging and Growth Laboratory in Woods Hole, MA, indicate that the majority of these fish are juveniles who have not spawned. The large adults have been reported to be up to 10 feet in length and weigh over 2,000 lbs."

Here's  couple of the photos I took. They aren't as clear as the other photo because I took them looking down through the water. These fish like to bask in the sun on the upper level of water and you see their fins going in and out of the water almost like a shark fin. The only thing is their fin is floppy and not stiff like a shark fin. 

It was a pretty cool adventure.

And here's a few other photos from the day. It was a little foggy when we started out.
But cleared out later.

And before I wrap up, I want to show you a great ATC  I received in the mail the other day from Eileen, The Artful Crafter.
It's a real beauty.
And it came with a packet of some Japanese paper and a very cool poem.
There was a little stencil too but it's kind of hard to see on the paper.
Thanks Eileen. It's always fun to get happy mail, as I am sure all of you would agree.
Hope everyone has a wonderful T day.
 And I appreciate you stopping by to visit.


  1. Lovely and cool photos from your day on the water, what a dream in hot weather. That sun fish is fantastic! You got some great goodies from Eileen, enjoy! Happy T Day, hugs, Valerie

  2. what a fun trip! i especially enjoyed the sunfish! reminds me of the moonfish we saw at the monterey sea aquarium 20 years ago now (!)... nature comes up with the finest creatures!
    happy t-day:)

  3. Amazing impression are these! Happy T-Day Erika! Oh you received a wonderful ATC from the lovely Eileen and I like her poem so much!♥♥♥
    Hugs Susi

  4. What a fun post. Glad your husband's niece had a good time on your boat. The photos you shared are fabulous and the ones of that fish are out of this world. SO unique and different. Of course, the photos from the water of the land are also incredible. I really, really loved joining you with a bit of seltzer water. It looked like a great day out.

    Wasn't that wonderful of Eileen? I see you got to play pick up of the jalapeño peppers in your envelope, too. She certainly chose wisely on what to include. I am sure the washi paper will come in handy in your Japan journal.

    Thanks for sharing your day on the boat and your drink with us for T this Tuesday.

  5. Very fun post! sounds like a wonderful day on the water-and a beautiful area around the lake.
    the Japanese papers are so lovely! enjoy
    Happy t wishes Kathy

  6. Wowww Erika, those photos are wonderful!! great journey!
    Love the card, it ´s so gorgeous, and the poem is fabulous!!
    I wish you a very nice afternoon, big hugs, Caty

  7. Thank you for taking me along in your boat. It has certainly cooled me down! The info about the mola mola fish is fascinating! I had never heard of it. Aren't they big!I'm glad they don't eat people...
    Eileen's ATC is great. I saw it on her post too. And the little poem made me smile.
    Happy T Day,

  8. What a fabulous boating adventure! I love boats too and would be out boating all the time if I had a boat that is 😉. My friend in Maine lives on a lake, so I'm looking forward to having fun on their boat when we stay - yay! It looks like everyone had great fun and you got some great photos, lovely views! That's such a beautiful ATC from Eileen and the poem is amazing 😁. Those crafting goodies especially the teacup stencil are fabulous too, so kind! Happy T Day! J 😊 x

  9. Sunday was a gorgeous day to be on the water. And ice cream, too. Fun goodies in the mail. Great way to start the week. Stay cool!

  10. Eileen has been busy!!! What a lovely surprise you received from her... Your photos of your adventure are amazing Erika! How cool to see a Mola in person! Reminds me of our adventures camping on the Devils River in TX ... always something seemed to come up to make the trip special.. Whether it be our dog waking us up at 3am to pull out porcupine quills or... a huge toad pulled out of a hole or... lol Loved your post Erika! Happy T day hugs! deb

  11. Beautiful photos, and a beautiful atc! I had no idea sunfish grew that I've always wanted to see a whale from a boat, that must have been wonderful! looks like a fun time, thanks for sharing it all with us ♥ happy T day!

  12. I love the water although I haven't ever been on the ocean. I grew up in boats on the lakes. There is something magical about being on the water.
    Happy T day!

  13. What beautiful photos from your boat trip, Erika! I am loving the scenery and all the unique sea life. I have never heard of the Mola Mola fish but it does look interesting indeed. A bit scary if I were underwater and came face to face with that. That must have been very fun for your SIL's niece, being out on a boat for the first time. Looks like you had a beautiful day for it.

    Your ATC from Eileen is so lovely and perfect for tea day. I especially LOVE those papers from Japan. I bet they will look amazing in an art journal.
    Happy Tea Day,

  14. That looks like such a cool place to go! I'd be so excited seeing those fascinating creatures, it'd be hard to stay in the boat lol

    Happy T Tuesday

  15. What a lovely (and instructive day) on the water, Erika. I'd never heard of a mola mola fish. They look prehistoric. You saw a whale and a seal - what a special day. We went whale watching once. It was fabulous. We saw dolphins coming toward the bow. As they slipped under water to glide under the boat, a whale leaped over the bow. We all got soaked but it was worth it.

    Thank you for sharing my ATC. I love that the tea bag sentiment ties in with the rest of the post. Your photos are better than mine. I have to do something about the lighting in my craft room. Or maybe it's the photographer's fault ;-)

    Happy T-day! hugs, Eileen

  16. Fantastic photos of your boat trip Erika, everyone looks so happy.
    The photos of the fish taken under the water look amazing it must be great getting so close to them.
    Its a beautiful ATC from Eileen and the goodies look lovely.
    Happy T day wishes.
    Yvonne xx

  17. Looks like you had a very cool getaway from the NH heat that’s everywhere it seems. Luckily, we have been escaping a lot of really hot weather on our cross country road trip. It’s been warm in many places, but much less than in places we’ve lived...NJ, VA and now NH.

  18. I am not a good sailor but you certainly make this trip look like fun! Sun fish really are huge aren't they - and he looks so cute! Love Eileen's ATC and poem! Have great week! Belated Happy T Day! Chrisx

  19. Oh what a nice day on the boat!! Looks like so much fun! I'm sure your niece had a blast!

  20. It looks like you all had a wonderful day on the water! Great photos, and Eileen's art is lovely!
    Alison xx

  21. David saw lots of those Mola Mola's when he was out on the whale watches last summer, strange beings those. Nice ATC. See you were close to Dead Duck when you saw the lpg vessel. We see that one all the time. xox

  22. You do have fun, Erika, both in Real Life and in Blogland. Being on a boat in hot weather must be delightful. I absolutely love the sunfish, I might have to paint him.

  23. I love boats but it's been forever since I was on one so I'm a tad envious. What a perfect day and beautiful ports of call you passed by! Biggest sigh. Isn't summer grand?


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