Thursday, September 6, 2018

Flying High

Hi everyone. It's just about the weekend here.  I am looking forward to some cooler weather this weekend. It's been a tough week with temperatures over 90 (over 33 degrees C) and even though my area of the school has AC it never got really cool.  I even had to get the school nurse to come with a wheelchair one morning as I had a student pass out (as did at least 2 other teachers that I know of).
Today I have a new page for Yvonne's fun Fantasy challenge at Art Journal Journey. I have a flying superheroine  stamp set and thought it would be perfect. So I sprayed the page blue with some ink, used watercolor crayons to make my trees and also took some white paint to make the clouds. Then I did a bit of outlining with a Stabilo pencil.
Finally I added my flying superheroine.
I don't know if I'd want to be crime fighter but I sure would like to be able to fly over the trees (or the traffic to get home from work quicker than usual-smile).
Wishing you all a super weekend.


  1. Great page! oh my that is terrible that your school is so hot-hoping it cools down for you-hugs

  2. Wonderful page, I often think how lovely it would be to fly over the river and countryside round here. Sorry it is so hot again, it's been quite pleasant here. Hugs, Valerie

  3. Another fabulous page Erika, love how you built it up with the white paint over the blue background, the trees look awesome too! How lucky to have a stamp set like that, the heroine looks fantastic, who would not want to fly like that....

    Wow, the heat in your area sounds horrendous, no wonder people were starting to pass out... Here's for cooler weather and a fantastic weekend, - you deserve it!

  4. This is a fun, fun, fun journal page, Erika. I adore the super-heroine. I like how she's flying above the trees. Yes, you would get home much faster that way. Thanks for sharing this wonderful journal page with us at Art Journal Journey.

    I was saddened to read about your excessive heat in the school. I know you had problems the first of the week, but it seems they should have had the problem fixed by the end of the week. Some children are less heat resistant than others. Ijust hope they leave the AC on all weekend, so the building can cool down a bit before the warm bodies return on Monday.

  5. Gosh, Erika. For some reason, I thought it was the weekend already.

  6. I am totally in awe of your flying superheroine page dear Erika! AMAZING!
    So pleased to see it linked to the collection of "A world of Fantasy" at Art Journal Journey!
    That really sounds unpleasant with your heat of this school-week and I fear you send it to us as they forecast a new heatwave for the next week here. We will see. Yes I often think how much easier it would be for us to have wings...but I fear the traffic in the sky would be dangerous then - (grin)
    Happy start of your weekend - hope it will be a fun one and with cooler temperatures for you!
    Big hugs, Susi

  7. I love the thought of Super heroines flying over trees tops.
    What a way to travel, no traffic jams or waiting to join the line of traffic.
    Its a fabulous page Erika, this could be a future mode of transport.
    Thank you for another awesome page for my AJJ theme.
    I hope your weather cools down, we seem to be back to autumn temperatures and thats a relief.
    Yvonne xx

  8. Perfect!

    Cooling down here too. Today it was in the 50s when I got up and only in the 60s forecast. Like you, we were in the 90s on Monday. Weather is just too weird.

  9. I've often wished that I could fly over backed up traffic, but I'd want my van to be able to fly too so I wouldn't have to go back later to pick it up. Either that or just fly to and from wherever I'm going.

    It's supposed to heat up where I am over the weekend. It's been rather pleasant this past week.

    Arlee Bird
    Tossing It Out

  10. Oh, my. Hope those students were ok. Lots of schools down here only had half days.

    Your super heroine is cool. Flying would be a cool super power especially if it could get you out of traffic jams

  11. It must be scary to have students passing out. I hope you get cooler weather soon.

    I'd love to be able to fly, but crime-fighting wouldn't suit me. "New heights" or new anything can be frightening, but your heroine shows us how to rise above the fear.

  12. Nice graphic. We all need to take flight once in a while!

  13. Fabulous page! I love your superheroine flying above the trees and it would be so cool to be able to fly home in super quick time from work, wouldn't it 😁. Sounds like you've had a busy and exhausting week with the heat, I hope things have cooled down a bit now. We've been busy getting ready for visitors who staying for the week, they arrive today. Happy weekend! J 😊 x

  14. This is marvellous. Imagine having a superheroine stamp ready to hand, how useful.
    I love the way you did the sky and the clouds and then the trees. Sounds easy but I don't think it is.
    She looks great flying over the trees..
    Hope it get less hot for you soon. We've now got cooler Autumn weather, hope it comes to you too.

  15. This is an absolutely gorgeous Art journal page Erika !! love the trees, the clouds, and of course this superheroine too !! this would be so exiting to fly !! have wings and feel the wind...... :)
    I wish you a very nice Sunday, big hugs, Caty


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