Saturday, October 6, 2018

Boats and Not so Scary Monsters

Happy weekend everyone.
 I was feeling a little bit under the weather today; guess I finally caught the virus going around school. Luckily it wasn't too bad (although I didn't  get moving until noontime) and I was able to help my husband bring the boat home this afternoon. He had to put it into the water and off its trailer so he could fix the trailer for the road. Therefore someone needed to help him manage the boat while he pulled the trailer up and did the needed work.

It's always sad to pull the boat, probably because you now it's quite a while before it goes back in.
But I love this photo of one of the dogs in the back of the truck. She was watching us pull out the boat.

It was really quiet today at the marina (as it was only 60 degrees F/15.5 degrees C), so not exactly a boating day. But with the low clouds it made for some nice photos from the shore.

This past week has been fun but I've had limited art time. So I don't really have anything for any challenges except for a couple if Halloween pages I made a few weeks back. 
Luckily this one works for Linda's Creature Comfort challenge over at Art Journal Journey
I was inspired to carve these stamps of Frankenstein and Dracula. They aren't very scary and more just fun. Then I had some of these silly foam eyes that are from a kid's make a face kit, as well as a couple of stamped quotes to finish off the page.
Wishing everyone here in the US a good Columbus Day weekend, or Indigenous Peoples Day as there is talk of changing the name to here in New Hampshire. And also I want to send a Happy Thanksgiving weekend up to my Canadian friends.
And wishing everyone a great rest of your weekend.
Thanks for visiting.


  1. Yes, it's always sad when you have to store your boat. But I loved the photos, regardless. And the leaves are definitely showing autumn has arrived in your part of the world.

    I'm always blown away when you carve your own stamps. They are fun and fabulous and go absolutely perfectly with Linda's theme at Art Journal Journey.

  2. Love the Halloween pages and the scary stamps you carved, great idea. Sorry you're feeling under the weather and hope you soon feel normal again, whatever that is! Lovely photos from the lake, love how your dogs keep an eye on everything. I went on a boat yesterday, you will be able to read about it on my blog soon. Enjoy your Sunday, hugs, Valerie

  3. Fantastic photographs of the boat and beautiful place.

    Love the Halloween pages I bet you enjoyed making them

    Thank you for commenting at Jumbled Crafts

    Have a great day

    Love Chrissie xx

  4. I love this page with your unique carved stamps - really spooky and fun and I have to say THANK you Erika for a linking up to AJJ even your artsy time was so limited this week! Hope you feel well and haven't got this virus. Stay healthy! Wonderful photos of the beach and I feel with you - the boating season is much too short. It's always a little sad "Farewell" after a happy summertime when pulling the boot. Even Maddie knows this!
    Happy rest of your weekend my freind- we had a warm week and nice weather, so I managed a lot of needed work in the garden.

    Hugs, Susi

  5. Glad you're feeling better Erika! Great photos! xx

  6. Sad to see the boat come out of the water as it means the end of Summer. The red leaves and scenery around the lake are gorgeous. Your carved stamps are fabulous. I love the Count. Hope you're feeling better and can enjoy the rest of the weekend.

  7. Lovely photos from the lakeside. Taking the boat home must really feel like the end of summer for you. I loved the photo of the dog looking through the back window.
    Its a wonderful journal page, your hand carved stamps look fantastic and no, they don't look too scary.
    Yvonne xx

  8. You’re lucky to have a boat and enjoy it. It looks like your doggie really enjoys it too. I love some of those shots you made which looks so relaxing actually. I do like your Halloween page....not that frightening but keeps the feel of th spooky time

  9. The shoreline is beautiful with that fall color. 60 sounds chilly! It's still in the 90s here.

    I'm sorry you don't feel well and hope you're back in good health soon!

  10. Love your Art journal page Erika !! Wonderful carved stamps!! funny and scary those eyes!! Great ! Thank you very much for sharing those so beautiful photographs with your boat! Love your dog ! I hope you will feel better soon, take care.
    I wish you a very nice new week, big hugs, Caty

  11. aah yes it must be bittersweet to pull the boat in til winter is over.... I know how I miss walking on the beaches and watching the boats...
    hope you're feeling much better. And what a fun Halloween page! great hand carved stamps! Thanks for once again sharing at AJJ:) Happy Sunday!

  12. Very fun Halloween page. Hope you are feeling better and can enjoy tomorrow off. Might be hot on Wednesday, close to 80. We might get in one last kayak/paddle before we permanently keep the boats in the barn. It's that time. xox

  13. Not much time for visiting blogs at the mo, but just wanted to come by to say that I love your carved stamps and journal page! Great photos too, though bittersweet that the boat will now be out of action for a while.....

    Hope you feel better soon!

  14. OOhh Erika, I was sure I leave you a comment yesterday, OOhh, perhaps I just wrote it and didn´t publish, I´m sorry.
    But You may know that I love love love your scary-monsters page !! it ´s GORGEOUS and very funny, I ´m afraid of these eyes !! :) I ´m in love with those carved stamps of Frankenstein and Dracula!! Great !
    I also want to thank you for the so beautiful photographs you have shared with us, wonderful boat, and I adore your dog !
    I wish you a very nice afternoon, big hugs, Caty


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