Wednesday, October 3, 2018

My Drawing Journal-Highlight from September

Happy October 3 everyone. Thought I would share the September calendar at the front of my drawing journal.
 I've been liking my calendars a lot more after months of doing them. I think I finally got the hang of what I wanted my calendar to be.
It's another grey wet morning here and awfully dark. Right now it feels like it is still the middle of he night. But since we have the new sod patch that my husband put down this past weekend, the last 2 days of rain has been a blessing.
And it is hump day! Already!
Have a super day.
And thanks for visiting.


  1. How cool? This looks fabulous! A great idea for a calender!

    Hugs, Susi

  2. OOhh This is a gorgeous drawing journal Erika !! Absolutely wonderful, I love all your drawings, they are great, with so clever ideas!! Congrats !!
    I wish you a very nice afternoon, yes, you can send me all the rain you don´t want, :)
    Big hugs, Caty

  3. Love your calendar. You certainly make busy look fun. Can't wait for tomorrow. Warm weather coming back!

  4. That light bulb! :) I don't keep a calendar, but I can imagine looking back on these illustrations would bring back fun memories. Even "yawn" lol

  5. Wonderful calendar pages, really bright and beautiful. Hope the weather gets better. We had a nice day today after a cold and stormy one yesterday. Hugs, Valerie

  6. OMGosh, Erika, why haven't I seen this before? It is fabulous, and I love how you drew something creative, yet relevant each day. I may just try that next year, if I continue to make these calendar pages.

  7. Super drawings in your calendar page. They all look interesting even if it was a 'yawn' day that did make me smile.
    Yvonne xx

  8. Your calendar looks fantastic, I am just full of admiration for how you manage to do it each day despite your busy schedule!!!

  9. A brilliant idea and great that you fill in the page each day--I always forget after the first couple of days.

    Have a happy weekend

    Love Chrissie xx

  10. Vignettes of everyday life, love it. xox


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