Monday, October 29, 2018

T Stands for Birthdays

Hello folks. Tuesday has arrived and so it is time for T again. Stop by Bleubeard and Elizabeth's blog and join us where we are  sharing our drink related posts.
For T this week I am celebrating the birthdays of 2 of my most favorite people.
The 29th of this month is my husbands birthday and the 30th is my daughter's birthday. So this past Sunday I made a cake and we had a little party.
I had my piece of cake with some water. (Pardon the bottles of water. We have well water and don't drink it as we have to treat it for iron bacteria. Better safe than  sorry we say.)
I made a vanilla cake with chocolate chips, strawberry jam and some vanilla Swiss meringue buttercream. My daughter wanted the chocolate chips layer and my husband wanted the plain vanilla. So they both got the cake they wanted.
It wasn't it wild party but we had a nice time with each other. It's good to have some 3 of us time since my daughter lives 2 hours away. She was home for the weekend and even though it wasn't my birthday, it was like I got a little gift too. 
Happy Halloween tomorrow also for those of you who like a spooky.

Thanks so much for stopping by my blog.
And wishing you  fantastic T Day.


  1. awe, what a lovely celebration-and I love that you made one cake to please both your hubby and daughter:) Fantastic Halloween assemblage! happy T day!

  2. So nice to be able to celebrate an occasion as a family. Your Halloween page is so fun. Like a find the objects page from the old Highlights magazine. Happy T Day

  3. That cake looks fantastic, happy birthday to your daughter and husband. Glad you were able to spend time with each other. Love the Halloween decoration, too, so wonderfully spooooky! Happy T Day, hugs, Valerie

  4. happy b-day to the two of your´s! i would have enjoyed a piece of that cake for sure!
    i´m not into halloween celebrations, but i love the spooky elements that come with it. what a nice halloweeny decoration piece!
    happy t-day:)

  5. Happy belated birthday to your family and I must say the cake looks fantastic. Water is always agood choice and in a bottle tastes even better. I always have a bottle of water with me even at the side of the computer.

    Love the Halloween Piece--spooky but artistic as well

    Have a great T day

    Love Chrissie xx

  6. That cake looks amazing Erika!
    Wishing your loved ones a very happy birthday!
    Warm hugs,
    Alison xxx

  7. May I pull up a chair and join you for a piece of the delicious cake. It looks like you had a super Birthday get together and your husband and daughter got their chosen cake flavours.
    Your Halloween project looks fantastic, wonderfully spooky and full of haunting delights.
    Happy T day wishes Erika
    Yvonne xx

  8. Good morning, your cake looks and sounds delicious-I do allot of baking but I have never been good at baking cakes like this one. Nice family time for your weekend.
    Happy Halloween and T Day hugs Kathy

  9. Happy Birthday to your two babies!
    Wow -- this cake looks simply fantastic!
    Happy Halloween tomorrow and happy T-Day !
    We have sun today again... wonderful weather!

    Send it to you!

    Hugs, Susi

  10. Happy Birthday to your hubby and daughter 😀. Sounds like you had a wonderful weekend and oh that cake looks heavenly, I bet it tasted delicious! I think the combination of vanilla and chocolate chip is perfect 😁. Wishing you a very happy T Day! J 😊 x

  11. We have October birthdays in my family, too, and it's a great month for birthdays. That cake looks delicious :) Happy T Tuesday

  12. It's always fun when your daughter and husband get to share a cake. I always love this time of year and look forward to seeing what you do for them at that time, too. I always love seeing your warm and inviting home, too.

    How sad that you have a well, but the water is undrinkable. At least you can bathe and wash dishes without worry. Water is healthy, too. Thanks for sharing your birthday cake and water with us for T this Tuesday. And thanks so much for sharing your Halloween decoration, too. I also saw a pumpkin in the background. Looks like you enjoy the holiday a LOT.

    BTW, I think I overdid myself yesterday when I rode out to the pumpkin patch where I picked 10 gourds. I got overheated and didn't realize it until I got home and showered to cool down.

  13. I love your leaves header, Erika.

    Yummy looking cake. Strawberries, chocolate and buttercream - what a wonderful combination.

    That's a very cool Halloween diorama. Happy Halloween to you too.

    Happy T-day! Hugs, Eileen

  14. Hi, Erica! Nice that you could accommodate both your daughter and husband with the two toned cake. The frosting looks yummy, too. Happy Tea Day!

  15. Happy belated birthday to hubby and your daughter! That looks like a mighty nice cake! What a good idea to make the layers to please both individuals.
    No, we don't celebrate halloween, but I do think your little spooky gift is really fun.
    Happy T-Day,

  16. Oh wow! That cake looks amazing and sounds absolutely like my cup of tea.I am loving the combination of jam, vanilla, and chocolate chips. If only I could taste it...

    Happy Tea Day,

  17. So fun that you made a double cake each to their liking.
    Happy T day!

  18. That looks like a yummy cake and how nice to get together for the birthdays. I bet you all enjoyed yourselves. Love that haunted house-very well made

  19. I'm days behind so I don't suppose there is any cake left. Looks like you had a nice family get together.


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