Tuesday, October 16, 2018

T Stands for Meeting Up for a Pint

Happy T Day my friends. Tuesday has come again and it's time to share our drink related posts. It's a good time when we gather over at Bleubeard and Elizabeth's blog.
Today my T day post is about meeting another T Gang  lady (and her husband) who joins us every week on T Day. We met  here at the Brewery on a Tuesday afternoon for a pint.
 Jo and her husband Graham were in the area and so we made plans to meet.
We enjoyed a pint and some good conversation. In fact we chatted so long it got to be time for dinner.
(This is my turkey wrap and some couscous on the side. You can see my pint too.)
It  was great to get better acquainted with Jo and Graham. They are both really friendly and nice people, and it was a really pleasant meet up.
And I was thrilled that Jo remembered  something I wrote about back when I returned home from Newfoundland. I had mentioned how I had fish and chips but no mushy peas. So look what she brought me.
Big smile! I will show you my fish and mushy peas another T day post.
And this stamped envelope she made is gorgeous.
 And the gifts inside were also wonderful.
Thanks again Jo for your thoughtful gifts.
And thank you also for letting me use some of your photos.
It's exciting to meet someone you know from blogging and perfect to have a lovely T day adventure.
Hopefully someday I can meet with Jo again if she comes back to my side of the pond or if I get to her side of the pond.
And I hope all of you have  wonderful T Day adventures too.
Thanks for visiting.


  1. Thanks so much Erika, me and hubby had such a great time with you too! It was wonderful to meet up and chat over a pint or two 😀. You chose the perfect place to meet, it was such fun and the food was so delicious! Enjoy your mushy peas...lol 😉. Looking forward to meeting up again sometime and wishing you the happiest of T Days! J 😊 x

  2. now that is a heart warming post about a meeting of two T-pals. you really look like having a good time with lots to chat:)
    have a great week and happy t-day:)

  3. Glad you enjoyed your meeting with Jo, you 2 girls look really happy. Lovely gifts, too, enjoy! Your food looks wonderful, and I am so hungry just now! Happy T Day, hugs, Valerie

  4. Wow - what a fabulous and surprising T-Day posting! To see two of the nicest T-Day Ladies together and you both look happy and relaxed! Just great! Jo brought wonderful gifts!
    And the food looked delicious as well!

    I am happy you shared the photos and all this! Makes my heart happy!

    Unbelievable - you maybe get snow?! We have already sunny and warm days here.
    And everything is all right exept of having not enough art- and internet time!
    Keep warm Mrs. Nelson!

    Hugs, Susi

  5. Awe, I have especially enjoyed your and Jo's posts today. How wonderful and special for blogging friends to get to meet- and from so far away too! Great place to meet and have a pint and a bite. Can't wait to hear about your mushy peas-how fun that Jo brought you some, along with those great craft gifts! Thanks for sharing and happy T day!

  6. How wonderful! If I’m reading this right, Jo joined you in NH. I see that Jo imported her incredible smile. It light up my screen!

  7. So lovely moments with Jo for sure Erika !! Wonderful place to talk, and so delicious meal!! The gifts are very beautiful ! Thank you very much for sharing with us.
    I wish you a very nice day,
    Big hugs from a "rainning day" in Almería,

  8. I have just been reading about your meeting on Jo's blog.
    It looks like you both had a super time together and enjoyed chatting.
    Your food and drinks choice looked delicious.
    Enjoy your goodies and those Mushy Peas.
    Happy T day wishes.
    Yvonne xx

  9. Haven't beenn on in a long time. How lucky for you both, fun!

  10. I so enjoyed seeing your pictures of your meeting with Jo! Looks like you had fun. So glad you shared pictures of your outing.
    That envelope and goodies are fabulous. I love the stamped images on the envelope. Looking forward to seeing what you make with them.
    Happy Tea Day,

  11. glad you enjoyed your meeting with jo,looks a realy happy 2 girls.
    wonderful gifts,enjoy them.
    the food looks so yummy,i love couscous too,now i am hungry.
    happy nice week,dear erika.

    hugs jenny

  12. What a special surprise for the rest of the T-gang. I loved reading about your meet-up with Jo on both blogs. The mushy peas gift was pretty funny and the crafty gifts look fabulous.

    Happy T-day, Erika! Hugs, Eileen

  13. looks like you are having fun YES

  14. How cool that you got to meet up! I just wrote in Jo's comments that we were in Maine in late August! We loved it and the lobster rolls! :) Great to see your smiling faces. Happy T Day!

  15. How exciting to meet in person! And the food looks delicious :)

  16. It's always fun to meet face-to-face with those we have "met" in blog-land, Erika. We have met a few fellow bloggers and one in particular has become a regular meet-up every time we go to PA. Maybe one day we can also meet up as we're all in the same state!

  17. I apologize for being so late, but the electricity on my block went out many hours ago just as I was commenting on Lisca’s post. So anyone who linked after Eileen gets this apology message.

    I just came from Jo's blog and I told her as I scrolled down and saw the two of you together, I thought you had taken off for England. I had NO idea she came to this side of the pond, although I know she loves to be here in autumn. Love the gifts you two exchanged and the ones Jo gave you looks like one included some Japanese doll stickers.

    I am sorry, but didn't see any stout beer, so I'd be drinking coffee or water at that microbrewery/restaurant. Your food looks good, though. And I really want to know what is special about mushy peas. You would think if they are so popular in England, my grandmother would have served them at least ONCE!

    Thanks for sharing this meetup and your wonderful time with Jo for T this Tuesday.

  18. Great photos Erika! How wonderful that you and Jo got to meet up! xx

  19. Good morning, sorry I don't know how I missed this post. I did see Jo's
    Think this is so awesome that you both were able to meet up-and enjoy time together. You chose a perfect spot for a brew and food-Loved the photos
    Happy belated T Kathy

  20. Wow! What a lovely surprise! I have just come down from Jo's blog and saw you two having a pint! Fab!
    You chose the perfect venue I think as Jo and Graham love breweries. Your pint looks very tasty. I might have chosen that one myself.
    Your lunch wrap looks very yummy but I am astonished by the size of the couscous. Here couscous are about a mm and a half in size. Very tiny. Much smaller tan rice. It is so small that it cooks just by pouring boiling wáter over it and leaving it to stand for a couple of minutes. Job done.
    Happy belated T-Day,

  21. What fun to meet a blog-friend in person! And what sweet gifts, too. Looks like you had a marvelous time. :)

  22. I read about this wonderful meet up already on Jo's blog, it really sounds as if you had a fantastic time together!! Nothing like meeting up with blog friends! Great photos of you both!!

  23. Scrumptious food, good friends, and mixed media goodies...who could ask for more? Awesome that you guys got to meet up. The mushy peas made me smile- that label art work is pretty fabulous! happy T day a bit late... ;) ♥

  24. Wow that wrap looks appetising (and huge)

  25. What a treat to meet up with Jo! I'm sure you will enjoy those mushy peas with your fish and chips! Your food looks yummy, although I am not so keen on beer ! Love the other goodies Jo brought you too! A very belated Happy T day! Chrisx

  26. Hi Erika - so glad I chose this post as my starting point for catching up with you - what a fabulous surprise seeing Jo over there at your end of the world.
    Looks like you both had a lovely time and some lovely food and goodies as well.
    I have been thinking of you especially in the last week - as I'm sure you must know or someone from the UK has already told you about the live tv 'Autumn watch New England' programmes we had last week coming from Holderness, New Hampshire...
    I haven't watched them all yet and am in awe of what I have seen so far - the trees, scenery, birds and wild life... wow!... I always love seeing places around where you live but I am even more in love with New Hampshire now.
    Hope all ok with you and having a lovely weekend.
    Gill xx


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