Saturday, December 15, 2018

How's Your Weekend?

Hi everyone. Hope you are enjoying your weekend. Mine hasn't been exciting but it has been great. I'm on my 4th movie ( When Harry Met Sally, Casablanca, Guardians of the Galaxy Volume 2 and now the African Queen), and managed to get off the couch long enough to get a few little things done. And it was warm enough (for a switch) that I even got in a little walk today.  
It's looking quite wintery. 
The little stream by part of the road had some ice on it.

Guess it is December and we've had a lot of cold weather so the wintery look is expected.

And I have another December journal spread  to share with you. Today's spread is for the Look Who's Coming: It's Santa over at Try It On Tuesday.

 There's a bit of Mr. Claus on each side. 
On the left I used some holiday paper, a glassine envelope that I decorated and placed a tag inside which I will journal on, and finally I added some red paint rings. On the left I used those same painted rings, some holiday postage stamps and a vintage Santa face image.
This challenge has been up for only a few days so you still have lots of time to join us for some holiday fun.

Enjoy the rest of your weekend. 


  1. It LOOKS cold and gloomy there. We've actually had some nice days here and no moisture to speak of. Your photos are very moody.

    Your santa, on the other hand, is all cheery and happy. Those images look vintage and I love both, How clever to hide your journal page in the glassine envelope. It's all lovely. Super great Christmas paper background, too.

  2. Stunning photos of the wonderful area where you live and good to hear you had some relaxation in your weekend! Another fun page full of excellent ideas! Love the tag in a bag idea and I like how the paint rings link the two pages together!

    Here the weather is horrendous, wind, rain and hail, no snow where we are sadly....

  3. Wonderful photos and a great journal page.

    Thank you for joining us at TRY IT ON TUESDAY

  4. It does indeed look cold and wintry, but as you say it's winter. Thanks for sharing the frosty photos. Your journal page is beautiful, as always. It snowed a bit here overnight, but not much, and tomorrow it's supposed to be warmer and wetter! Have a great Sunday, rest, have fun, and enjoy your films. Hugs, Valerie

  5. May the Christmas season fill your home with joy, your heart with love and your life with laughter.

  6. Great photographs and artwork. When I saw the first photograph, I thought, "That looks like it could be a road around here: where is she located?" and I saw New Hampshire. There is something lovely and unique about the look of New England. (I'm in CT. The snow we had in late November melted, so it's back to bare looking for the time being.)

  7. Your walk photos would make wonderful fronts for Christmas cards. I love the retro look of your journal. Enjoy your day!

  8. Love the impressions of the walk and your fab Santa pages for TioT! Have a great Sunday!
    Hugs, Susi

  9. Lovely photos of your walk Erika, it was a stay home time for me icy rain and snow that thankfully did't last into today.
    Your Santa themed journal pages look fantastic, I love how you add pockets and areas to store your private journaling. Its an awesome spread for the TioT's theme, we are so pleased to have you with us this time.
    Yvonne xx

  10. Yes, that is a much more wintry look than we have here. Crisp and fresh and a good break from sitting inside. I've seen and enjoyed all 4 of those movies. Such a variety!

  11. Hello Erika, firstly sorry for not visiting for ages and not replying to your comment about Squam lake etc. We don't have that 'Northwood Law' programme here but I will see if I can view it elsewhere maybe - thanks for that.
    Hope all well with you at your end of the world. Well I can see it is certainly very wintery there at present - definitely a good excuse to stay cozy inside and watch films - love your choice of films. I have seen the 'African Queen' so much I think I know most of the dialogue off by heart :)
    Love your Santa journal pages too - especially the postal marks etc.
    Have a great new week.
    Gill xx

  12. What a beautiful coin a phrase!! It really does look beautiful in your area!
    Santa looks happy to be on his way!! What a great idea to put the tag in a glassine bag! Thank you so much for joining us at Try It On Tuesday! Chrisx

  13. Great movie selection, and I love your Christmassy pages Erika! Looks very wintry where you are!
    Have a lovely week,
    Alison xx

  14. What wonderful is your Art journal page Erika !! I love it, this paper is gorgeous, and the tag inside the glassine envelope is a great idea !! love the vintage Santa and those red paint rings. Really amazing !
    Wish you a very nice Tuesday,
    Big hugs, Caty

  15. Four movies sounds pretty darned good to me. Love those Santa pages. Very happy indeed!

  16. So nice to walk with you in your winter wonderland - beautiful 😁. Your Santa pages are fabulous, I love the design with the Christmas paper, red circles, postage marks and jolly Santas - perfect! Thanks so much for joining us at Try it on Tuesday! J 😊 x

  17. We had a nice weekend and went for breakfast, first time to Parker’s Maple Barn in Mason, NH. Then we spent time wandering around downtown Milford, NH, where I bought some locally crafted ornaments.

  18. Love your photos but boy oh boy it looks chilly. Glad I am tucked up in bed whilst reading your blog post. The photos of the ice on the stream are beautiful and you could frame them, they are so evocative.
    By contrast your journal pages are lovely and warm looking with the addition of the red - and what a jolly Santa he is.
    Have a lovely day/week.
    Hugs, Neet xx


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