Tuesday, December 11, 2018

Look Who's Coming and T Stands for a Journey North, Part 2

Hi everyone. It is Tuesday already! Not only is it T Day but I am also honored to announce I am the guest designer over at the latest and last of 2018 challenge at Try It On Tuesday The new challenge is Guess Who's Coming-It's Santa!!
I painted some cardboard with green and gold paint. Then I stenciled the stars in silver paint.
This jolly old guy was on the cover of a Vermont Country Store catalogue that arrived in the mail, and when I saw this I knew it was the image for this page. I fussy cut him out and carefully attached him to the page with some matte medium. 
I stamped the sentiment with this old stamp I had in my stash. I added a bit of trim along the bottom, as well as the little hey Santa button. And finally I finished off the page with some little gold and silver gem stars.
Thanks so much to the fantastic ladies who host for inviting me to join them for this fun holiday challenge.
I hope you'll join us too.

I am also going to link this page up with the latest Tis the Season/My Favorite Season challenge over at  Art Journal Journey.

I am also back this Tuesday for T Day with the rest of my journey north to Vermont.  Last Tuesday  I shared the beginning of my weekend away when my husband and I went north to Burlington, Vermont for a hockey game along with both of my sister-in-laws and their husbands. Today I want to share some fun I had Sunday on the way back home.
Tuesday is also T day and it is time to share our drink related posts over at Bleubeard and Elizabeth's blog. Here's my breakfast before we drove home. We found a bakery/restaurant near our hotel and I figured it was best to have something substantial  to  start my day.
Cold drink selection was fairly limited so I went for a bottle of cranberry juice. These sausage were very very good and had a taste of Vermont maple syrup. After eating  this I was ready to hit the road.
Well, almost ready to hit the road. I mentioned that breakfast was at a bakery/restaurant, and I had to drool over this bakery case for a couple of minutes.
But I did decide  my husband and I needed a cookie for the road.

And these holiday fruitcakes looked yummy too, but I stuck with the cookies.

Once again our drive was under grey skies.  As we made our way south we hit a lot of rain, and in some parts it was heavy.
Also on the way home. I wanted to make a little stop at the King Arthur Flour baking store. I love this place. It is in Vermont but right on the border with New Hampshire. For those you who may not be familiar with King Arthur,  they produce all kinds of flour. They have a nice little baking store where you can buy not only flour but some baking supplies.
And when we visited this Sunday they had  some creative ideas for holiday cookie art.
Like these snowflake cookie trees.
And these Hanukkah candles, dreidels and this cookie wreath.
And they also had lots of cookies out for sampling. Between the cookie I bought after breakfast and all the samples I  ate, it was a cookie Sunday for sure!
The store also had this fun Christmas tree with some mini holiday baking molds and some gingerbread decorations. (As well as a few other things as you can see.)

And outside they had a tree also. It looked quite festive with the snow on the ground.
Other than a few baking ingredients, I didn't buy much during my visit to King Arthur, but
I was inspired  to dig out some of my holiday baking equipment and bake some cookies this past Saturday.
It is that time of year!

Thanks for visiting my blog.
And hope you have a happy T day.


  1. Lovely journal page, so bright and cheerful! Thanks for sharing more photos of your trip, it all looks great. Especially all those yummy cakes, cookies and pastries - yummy! So tempting. The photos outside look very wintry, too - still no snow here! Happy T Day, hugs, Valerie

  2. Oh my - your Santa page is a WOWSER!!! Happy to see you as our GD this fortnight at Try It On Tuesday with this fabulous piece dear Erika and a wonderful entry for Elizabeth's topic at AJJ as well! My gosh stunning post with this bakery case and all the sweets and treats for the season! And you have such nice cookies made by yourself as well.
    I already have made a lot (better say load) of Vanille Kipferl for hubby.
    We got new snow this morning!
    Liyongo feels very well with his therapy - sometimes he plays just like a young pet again.

    Happy week dear Erika!
    Hope everthing is o.k. at your end of the globe!

    Hugs, and HAPPY T-Day!


  3. That is quite the breakfast to start the day, exactly what my doctor calls a heart attack breakfast! I bet it tasted good though.

  4. A wonderful Santa, dear Erica.
    And I love your photos

    So glad that you are a guest designer for us at TIOT.

    Have a wonderful week

  5. Such a cheery Santa page! I love the sparkly background and your Santa looks very jolly - perfect 😁. I enjoyed travelling with you too, your breakfast and all those sweet treats look amazing! I'd love to try one of your cookies too - yum! Thanks so much for the inspiration and joining us as Guest Designer at Try it on Tuesday 😀. Wishing you a Happy T Day and wonderful week! J 😊 x

  6. What a delightful vintage Santa! He's terrific.

    And I want to go to Vermont. That place should be on all the tourist brochures!

  7. fun and cheerful Santa art Erika! What a great outing you had- so many delicious looking goodies. I'll have a raspberry tart please:) I love all the special cookies and food decorations from the King Arthur shop! Lucky you to be able to visit. I think I would have bought way too much there;)Happy T day!

  8. Your Santa page is a real mood setter. Your breakfast loos so good and I would have smudge up that bakery case with finger and nose prints. I've never been to the King Arthur store. K.A. is my flour of choice. Your cookies look amazing. Stay warm out there!

  9. What a fabulous cheery page! It's so good to have you as our Guest Designer, especially with such a jolly Santa! You really did get lucky with the image! I love seeing your breakfast but it was the cookies and cutters too that caught my eye in this part of your post! Happy T Day! Chrisx

  10. Cookies! Cookies everywhere! They look delicious, and I'm not sure I could've stopped with one ;) I'd have had to seriously consider a fruitcake, too. They've been scarce around here. The winter scene is lovely. Happy T Tuesday!

  11. I love your Santa page-and how you made it too.
    what a fun weekend-great food and wow I would have really enjoyed visiting King Arthur-I buy allot of their flour-great cookie displays too
    Your cookies are pretty-I am ready to get out my cookie cutters and start baking again soon
    Happy T Hugs Kathy

  12. First of all its lovely to you you with us as our GD for our last challenge of the year at TioT's. Your Santa page looks fabulous. He brings an immediate smile when saw his happy jovial face.
    I am pleased its late at night here, seeing the photos of the delicious food had me longing for one of those delicious cakes.
    It was a super post to read.
    Happy T day wishes Erika.
    Yvonne xx

  13. I was SO happy to see you were the guest designer at TioT this month. That is a fabulous entry. I am also happy to see you recycled an image and it didn't end up in the recycle bin. You did a great job fussy cutting it AND I think the matte medium helped keep any unwanted bubbles away, too. This is a wonderful guest designer entry, dear. And thanks, too for sharing it with us at Art Journal Journey, too. I love how supportive you have been this month.

    I bet Kathy is going crazy over you visiting that King Arthur Store. I know she has mentioned that flour she uses several times. I loved the wreath and the menorah cookies. Those were awe inspiring. That tree outside was wonderful. Much more so than the one inside, I believe.

    Now I want to join you for a cookie baking session. This would be fun, fun, fun. Your cookies look absolutely AMAZING! I am super impressed.

    I haven't eaten yet today, so your breakfast looked good. Now I want to fix a couple of eggs! I haven't had cranberry juice for ages. I must put that on my shopping list. Thanks for the trip to King Arthur, your amazing cookie baking session, and your breakfast and cranberry juice with us for T this Tuesday.

  14. A beautiful vintage journal page with a nostalgic feel Your breakfast and those bakery treats certainly look like they were worth the look. But your homemade cookies are just as gorgeous as those cookies on display! well done!
    Happy Tea Day,

  15. When I saw your Santa page I did a double take. The VCS catalog with Santa on the cover is laying on my desk, LOL!. Enjoyed looking at the places you visited, they all had that holiday cheer going on.

  16. How lovely to have you guesting with us at TIOT, Erika! A fab, colourful and bright page, with a fab Santa, too!

    Your cookies look amazing! We just don't do 'cookies' American style over here... they're much plainer and simpler and rarely iced! I can't imagine eating all that for breakfast, lol. I'm very fond of my simple Muesli and Soya milk... great pics!

    Cath x

  17. A fabulous journal page Erika, I love the image of the jolly Santa, he looks stunning against the green/gold background.
    Great pictures from your trip, those cookies look delicious and the tree looks fabulous decorated with the cookie cutters.
    Lovely to have you as our Guest Designer for this challenge.
    Avril xx

  18. Ooh! All that yummyness is making me hungry! I love your Santa page Erika! xxx

  19. Congratulations on your guest spot at TioT - and what a fabulous page with that bright, cheerful image and the gilded stars in the background. I loved sharing your trip to Vermont, thank you. My family visited there when I was 11, but that was in the summer - so it was nice to see a snowy glimpse, even under grey skies.
    Alison x

  20. What a great post! Where to start....
    First of all your santa entry is wonderful. Congratulations on being GD at TioT. That will be great fun especially with the holidays on our doorstep.
    I enjoyed going on the trip with you. Yummy breakfast and delicious pastries, cakes and sweets. Ooo temptation...
    I loved those cookie trees at King Arthur. I saw on the sign that they are made of 'spicy speculaas'. My favorite cookie. The Hanukka display was amazing too.
    I think the photo that I spent the most time on was the christmas tree with all the baking molds. What a fab idea.
    As if I wasn't hungry enough after looking at your photos, here are your own home made cookies. They look sooo delish. Especially the snowflake cut into wedges.
    I'm supposed to be on a diet, but I feel like I want to raid the cupboard for something scrummy now!
    Belated happy T-Day,

  21. A perfect post in my opinion -- Santa and cookies! I love both, and the bakery and King Arthur flour shop look delightful. Your sugar cookies with the sparkles look delish! happy T day a bit late!

  22. What's not to like with maple-flavored breakfast sausage? And those bakery goods looked delicious as did your own homemade cookies, Erika. Nice that the Vermont Country Store catalog lives on in your Santa art.

  23. Sorry to be so late to tea. The winter holiday time is always crazy busy for my business. Better late then never ;-)

    Pretty holiday header, Erika. December is a tough month to host TioT. Good luck! The theme is great; but the time is so limited. Love your Santa page.

    The baked goods look sooo good and I love the sound of maple-flavored sausage. Cookies to go? I'm with you.

    I haven't baked any Christmas cookies yet. I need to get with the program!

    Belated Happy T-Day! Eileen xoxo

  24. A fantastic page and great you are the Guest at TIOT

    Wonderful pictures of the food all looks yummy to me

    A bit late so hope your T Day went well

    Love Chrissie xx

  25. Your Santa page is fantastic! I like this green background and all the other gorgeous details!
    Beautiful photos of Christmas time, lunch and decorations!

  26. Oh, my goodness! Both the tree and the goodies look delicious! :) Have a great week!

  27. What a super post. All that food has made me hungry. Some great ideas there for cookies and the Thank You cakes look delicious.
    Your page is such a joyful one with the big guy all in red. Great fussy cutting and I love the background colouring you chose.
    Hugs Neet x

  28. What a wonderful page Erika !! I love it. Congratulations for being the guest of Try it on Tuesday! That Santa is very happy with his bag full of gifts, for the delight of the children.
    Thank you very much for your fantastiques photographs that you so kindly share with us. I like them a lot, especially seeing all those Christmas cookies that you have made, they have to be delicious.
    Seeing the snow is wonderful!
    I wish you a nice week, big hugs,


Thanks for visiting. Your comments are always appreciated!