Friday, December 21, 2018

Merry Christmas

Happy Friday everyone! Winter arrives today. And today we have some warm temperatures and lots and lots of rain coming. All fall it's been cold and we had  snow and now that it is winter we are having a spring like day. Go figure, huh! School wraps up today also for the holidays. We have a half of day and then no more school until January 2. 
I need to finish a bit of wrapping and then this weekend we have some family visits to make. Lots of holiday fun are on my weekend calendar.  And when I get home today I think the first thing on my vacation agenda is a long nap. This time of year it just seems to be dark all the time and add that to all the running around trying to finish up the to do list for both work, home and holiday, a nap sounds like a fantastic way to start my break!
So today I have a few more of my December journal pages to share with you. 
I am linking up to Bleubeard and Elizabeth's challenge over at Art Journal Journey The latest challenge is Tis The Season/Favorite Season. I know I haven't had much variety to post this month.
My pages are a mix of ink,paint, stamped images,  stickers, die cuts, tags, and various paper. 
This will be my last post until after the 25th so I am wishing all of you a fantastic and joyful Christmas.  
Be merry!
And thanks so much for visiting my blog.


  1. I'm loving your pages, they capture the spirit of the holidays beautifully 😀. I can see you are looking forward to your Christmas break, wishing you a wonderful time and a very happy weekend! J 😊 x

  2. Those pages are fantastic again! You are just the best scrapbooker girl! I already said this! Lol!
    Wishing you the best of naps ever to start your break!
    And fun with the family visits!
    Thank you very much for supporting AJJ so well again this December! You know how much I appreciate your art !I am in love with the sweet christmas houses ..
    and the other ideas are all so happy and cheery as well!
    Great to have you with us at Try It On Tuesday this fortnight! You are such a great inspiration always! Thank you!
    Hugs, Susi

  3. Lovely journal pages. Have a great weekend, have fun, hugs, Valerie

  4. Lovely pages-enjoy your vacation-and holiday
    Merry Christmas

  5. The most wonderful time of year and captured beautifully in your pages. The errands, the decorating, visiting family and friends, goodies, and waiting for the Big Man. Enjoy your long Winter's nap after school and your vacation. You teachers deserve the down time. Stay dry today!

  6. I think your holiday journal has been my favorite holiday project of the season from all the blogs I visit. I love how you've done it -- it's fun and cheerful, not too crowded so you can write, terrific graphics and useful. Honestly, I need an art project that is actually useful when it is done!

    Have a wonderful holiday and enjoy that nap! Just wake up in time for all the fun festivities! Merry, merry Christmas!

  7. What a nice long break you get, Erika. Your journal pages are beautiful. Of special note are the houses and Santa with his sleigh, as well as the baubles and TH dolls. They are great additions to your December to remember, and so thoughtful of you to share them with us at Art Journal Journey, too.

    Have a wonderful Christmas, enjoy your time away, and see you when you get back. BTW, sad, but true, your gift is NOT in the mail.

  8. LOVE all of your pages!
    Merry Christmas!

  9. I feel right at home with your cityscape :) I like the festive journal pages, too. Naps, yes, a great addition to your schedule :)

  10. Wonderful journal pages again Erika, each one you have shared so far has had so many lovely details.
    I hope you had your rest when you got back home and are ready to let the holidays begin.
    Happy Christmas wishes to you and your family.
    Yvonne xx

  11. Merry early 🌲Christmas wishes, Erika and hope you and your family enjoy a wonderful holiday. Enjoy your school and blog break as well.

  12. Some fabulous pages again Erika, well done to keep it all going despite such a busy schedule! I keep meaning to say I really like your Christmassy blog header as well!

    Enjoy that nap and your well deserved break and have a fantastic Christmas with family, friends and lots of creativity!

  13. Merry Christmas and wishing you peace, joy and happiness in the new year.

  14. All the very best to you, Erika. May 2019 bring you good health and happiness.

  15. A Happy Christmas to you and yours Erika - and all the very best for the coming year.
    Sorry I have been missing in action but my back has been giving me a lot of trouble so crafting and everything else it seems is on the back burner.
    It doesn't stop me enjoying your journal pages though, they have been a real treat throughout this month.
    Take care and enjoy that nap - you sound as if you need and deserve it.
    Hugs, Neet xx

  16. hope you are having a great time and relaxing as much as possible:) have a great turn into 2019:)

  17. Wonderful festive pages Erika!
    Wishing you a very joyful Christmas and new year.
    Alison xox

  18. Hello Erika. Your journal pages always have so much life and colour in them. I love the houses, with good roofs for Santa to land on.
    Have a great time with your family and also have some good relaxing snoozes.
    Happy Christmas!

  19. I just got home and checked my mailbox. The PO was right. Your package is HERE. I'm off to open it now. BTW, you are always TOO kind, dear Erika.

  20. OMGosh. I'm in LOVE. You outdid yourself. I simply adore all the goodies you included. Did you make that purse? I LOVE it.

  21. Merry Christmas to you, Erika! I hope your day is filled with love, peace and joy and your break is filled with warmth and good fun!

    Fab pages... sometimes you just have to create in the middle of your busyness!

    Cath x

  22. OK, so I'm way behind commenting! I went off the grid for a few days of merriment. But I LOVE your journal (I know, I sound like a broken record on that but I'm so inspired!) And I hope your Christmas was terrific and your break just as good. And I LOVED your card! Thank you! I feel especially grateful to have a piece of your art in my Christmas collection!


  23. Lovely pages in your December journal! My favorite is the first one with these wonderful houses!
    Wishing you a happy and creative New Year dear Erika!
    Big Hugs, Rike xx


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