Monday, December 3, 2018

T Stands for a Journey North Part I

This weekend my husband and I put the dogs in the car and headed north to Burlington, Vermont. We left our house with the sun shining but drove into a grey but pretty winter wonderland. 
Burlington is about 3 1/2 hours northwest of where we live  and is  great city.  It sits on the shore on Lake Champlain, and for once, it wasn't either really hot or really windy and cold. Lake Champlain is a very large lake and is connected somehow to the St. Lawrence River in Canada, and when it gets cold and windy in Burlington it is always worse than many other places in Vermont because the damp cold blows off the lake.
We actually went up for a hockey game because the University of Vermont is in Burlington and they were playing our alma mater team. We wouldn't have gone except that my sister-in-law's husband works for the Marriott Hotel chain and he was able to get us a dog friendly room for  $33 a night (they also went up). We learned about this on Wednesday and made a last minute decision to go and have a little change of scenery.
We had fun at the game, but I think the main theme of the weekend turned into food and drink.
I better not eat all week now!
It began with breakfast on the road.
 We stopped at this classic New Hampshire old farm that is now a place to stop for snack
or a half dozen apple cider donuts. That was 3 for each of us! I will admit I only planned on eating one but as we didn't have lunch until very very late I somehow managed to eat my 3.
(And they were very delicious too!)
We met up with my in-laws at a rum distillery since they were able to go up on Friday and we chose not take the day off from work. When we arrived my sister-in-law was trying this mini drink. It looked really tempting. So I had to try one too.
 This glass was actually smaller than it looks. (It was only about 4 sips.) The distillery wasn't a place to go seriously drink but  a place to taste their products. The winter daiquiri was made of rum, lime juice, and a spicy seasonal mixer. 

 I loved the drink but we didn't buy any rum from their store. I loved their store decor too.

And even though we could have brought the dogs in, they were sitting in the car watching the world walk by. Or else taking a nice nap and getting my car very hairy!  They actually like to ride in the car, and it was only around freezing temperature wise, so it wasn't too cold or too hot for them to wait in the car. Had the temperatures been either much colder or  much warmer we wouldn't have gone since we didn't have a dog sitter this past weekend.
After our drink, it was time for lunch, so we went next door to a local pizza place.
I just loved the door of the pizza place.
The pizza was delicious, and the beer was good although I wish this brewery had made something a little bit darker in color.
This was my husband's beer which I actually liked a bit better. I had a pint with my lunch and at that point I had had plenty of alcohol.
After lunch we went to check out our hotel and take the dogs for a nice afternoon stroll before the hockey game began.
And since it is Tuesday,  it is time to share this  drink related post over at Bleubeard and Elizabeth's blog

Next week I will share the rest of our road trip, which was mostly about Christmas cookies.
Have a great T day and thanks for visiting.


  1. sounds and looks like a wonderful getaway...oh but the cold, brrr! What a super bargain price for a room -especially also being dog friendly. Love that old country store front, and your food and tastings are appropriate for the climate for sure:) Happy T day!

  2. Hi what a fun weekend for all of you. we can't really eat out any more due to our health restrictions-but I love seeing yummy foods and others enjoying it. Nice that your fur family could come along too.
    Loved all the photos-looks like a nice city
    Happy T Hugs Kathy

  3. The photos from your trip certainly look like a winter wonderland! Gorgeous! Yum!! Apple cider donuts are a favorite of ours. The perfect fall treat. And that door certainly is lovely with that wreath. But that handle of wheat certainly is unusual.
    Happy Tea Day,

  4. You had me apple cider donuts! I'd love to relocate the door to the pizza shop. Not only the beautiful wreath, but the wheat sheaves are beautiful. And WOW! What a great BIL. Awesome price for a hotel room! Looks like the weekend was off to a good start. Stay warm this week!

  5. A dog friendly room at the Marriott for $33.00? I couldn't pass that up either.

    Lots of drink references today, Erika. Those donuts look good, too. But it was fun seeing the country storefront, too.

    Rum mini drinks. I might have been tempted to buy some dark rum. I know a friend who likes it.

    Loved the door to the pizza place. Was that wheat? It sure looked like it. I would not have ordered any beer that wasn't stout or dark. You are brave, though.

    Thanks for taking us with you and all the drinks, including water, rum, a mixed drink, and beer with us for T this Tuesday.

  6. Thanks for sharing the photos of your lovely trip, that must have been fun, and glad to see you didn't hunger or thirst while away! Love that decorated door! Happy T Day, hugs, Valerie

  7. A fun filled post that has made me feel quite hungry. The food you had. looks wonderful.

    I love seeing photographs of US places we only usually see in films or news bullitins. Thank you form sharing your 'adventure'

    Have a very happy T Day

    Love Chrissie xx

  8. a nice trip you are taking us with... i feel it on my hips. this pizza looks so yummy!!! and i will have to wait for lunch two hours... i should better visit your page after lunch next time LOL!!
    have a peaceful advent and happy t-day!

  9. Oh, this looks like a fun weekend. And really a tasty one, too! Glad the weather was good and you could take the pooches with you. It makes it so much easier!

  10. I thoroughly enjoyed your photos and accompanying descriptions. This looked like a fun weekend trip. And those donuts looked delicious! (I never think to take photos of the food involved when I take a trip somewhere. I really should, because I enjoy seeing and reading about it when other people like you do that.)

  11. This looks a wonderful trip away Erika. Its good that you were able to get a dog friendly hotel as well. Thats why the mobile caravan was always our holiday choice as we couldn't find places readily to take the dog.
    Your pizza looks delicious and the doorway looked very welcoming.
    Happy T day wishes.
    Yvonne xx

  12. I loved seeing that clear road with the snow on either side! Your journey looks like a great feast! I could not have resisted those donuts - my favourite treat! Glad you enjoyed you break! Happy T day! Chrisx

  13. What a yummie weekend! That was for sure a feast! Thanks for the pictures! I love them!
    Happy belated T-Day!


  14. That sounds like a great (unexpected) getaway. Not too far and as you said, perfect weather. $33 for a room is very cheap. Lucky you.
    That drink looks and sounds interesting. I'm sure i would have liked to try that.
    Looking forward to reading the next instalment of your trip.
    We are usually away on Tuesday and I would use my ipad, but so many comments have not come through that I have given up on that and I just do the comments a day late. Better late than never!
    Happy belated T-Day,

  15. What a fun, enjoyable trip :) I've never heard of a winter daiquiri, but now I'm thinking about gathering ingredients for that pretty drink. That door is like no other I've ever seen. Striking!

  16. I agree, Erika, that Burlington, VT is a neat place to visit although we have only been there in warmer months. I liked the first shot of driving there in the snow and if only on a sleigh!


Thanks for visiting. Your comments are always appreciated!