Thursday, January 10, 2019

2018 Calendar Wrap Up

Hi everyone. Yesterday I had some awful snow driving on my way to work and that had turned into rain by the time I got to work. At home we got 3 inches of snow and at work we got none. This had been the story this winter, tricky morning drives. But here's something that has never happened to me in this crazy winter driving. I have a bridge over a narrow strait between where a river goes into a bay that I have to cross, and as I drove onto the bridge it was snowing heavily and as I exited the bridge on the other side it was raining. And it isn't really a very long bridge.
 Today I have some of my "doodles" from my drawing journal, starting with the December calendar that is in the front of the book.
And here's a few of my favorite drawing pages from both November and December.

It was a successful year doing my drawing journal. I didn't necessarily get to it every day, but I would go back in fill something in.  I had some days where I had some new ideas for journal pages, but other days where I just did the same thing, or at least what felt like I was doing the same thing.
I did get myself another journal for 2019. I am hoping some new ideas will come to me as I go along, and I am using this year's journal as more of a general journal and not just a drawing journal. But I do hope to continue drawing because the more I do, the more confidence I get. And confidence seems to be half the ability.
Thanks for stopping by and I hope you enjoyed your visit.


  1. Great to see all the pages from your calendar journal, they are lovely. What a funny story about the bridge, that must have been like entering a new world on the other side. Sorry the weather has been so bad, it's no fun having to drive in it, I'm sure. Here it's been mostly grey and damp, but we did have some nice sunrises and a couple of sunny interludes. Hugs, Valerie

  2. It was wonderful to see the last pages of your drawing journal! It looks like you had lots of fun and I love that it inspired creativity with ideas for pages too - perfect 😁. Such fabulous drawings and happy memories of 2018! Have a great day and wishing you a nearly Happy Friday 😉. Creative wishes! J 😊 x

  3. You put my calendar to shame. I love how you draw daily. You do so well. I also love your other journal calendar. I hope you are now rid of the hives. They can be devastating. I loved every page and they felt so festive. So glad you shared these pages.

  4. Just saw your question about the oven. I have a dedicated toaster oven that lives in my basement studio.

    I've also made mosaics. I created two, one for Halle and one for myself. I used rubber stamps (YES, red rubber) then cut them to size. I baked the mosaics on the substrate which was an old book cover. It worked great and I've never had any fall off. When my friend Theresa (with pink hair) stayed with me for a week in 2008, she brought a lot of her rubber with her. We sat and made lots of mosaics, but she took most of them home with her, because I couldn't see a need for them at the time. I still have a set of alphas made with polymer clay I made a few years ago.

    To answer your question, YES, I'm keeping the clay partially because I have so much money invested in it, and partially because I want to get better at making and handling it. Even gloves don't get rid of my fingernail marks.

  5. Since your question about the toaster oven was valid and I had failed to cover that in my tutorial, I have added your question and my response with photos to my blog post. Thank you for pointing this oversight out. If you had that question, then others probably would, too.

  6. Your calendar journal is such fun! I love each and every photo but especially the drawings -- the tree lights and the Christmas sweater and snowflakes. Be careful out there. Today we have an errant flurry of snow but it's the first in a bit and probably won't develop much. But cold!

  7. I do enjoy hearing your snow stories. We have sunshine here with an expected high today of 45, and it's fun to see the difference in what we're experiencing.

    I don't journal at all, much less create an art journal like you do, and I'm impressed by your illustrations and designs for your pages. Thanks for sharing these :)

  8. Good to see your pages Erika, your drawings look great. It will be full of memories for you when you look through it as the years pas by.
    Yvonne xx

  9. So much fun to read your journal. I love all the drawings and doodles especially everyone's Christmas stockings. We've been lucky and had just rain. Some snow flakes today, but they won't amount to anything. I hope.

  10. Such a great calendar, Erika. It is great to see your doodling. Kisses, my friend.

  11. Some amazing drawings there, Erika - they look calm and unhurried - sounds as if you've had an awful time of it with the weather. Hope it's not so bad now. We've had no snow so far but it's been cold. Happy 2019 again!

    Cath x

  12. PS Hope you managed to get rid of the hives! That must be so uncomfortable :-(


  13. Absolutely LOVE your drawings Erika, and I am full of admiration for how you kept it going!!!! And on top of all the other things you do! My favourite is the jumper one....

    Stay safe on your journeys, that bridge experience must have been something else...

    I think the weather is going crazy everywhere, we have not had a drop (or rather flake) of snow this year so far....

  14. I love your calender with the drawings and the single pages are so pretty as well! You really got so mcuh better and free and loose - just super! I should draw and paint much more..but the know! What a story abouth the weather with the bridge! So sorry you have such bad driving conditions just now. Here as well- but I don't drive too much. You will be happy when retired and you don't have to drive in such conditions then!
    About your hives!
    Have you dried out a dairy-free diet for a few weeks?
    I so often hear that this changes so much for better dermatological.

    Big hugs, Susi


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