Wednesday, February 6, 2019

A Single Yellow Flower

Hi everyone. The temperatures are cooling off here after a couple of gorgeous April like weather days. I even had my house windows open for a bit and was able to let in some fresh air. Smile. But it is only early February and so the return of winter weather isn't shocking.
Yesterday when I looked out my window at school I saw 2 flocks of birds. One was a flock of Eastern bluebirds, which I have never seen before. I know they are around but aren't common. But their blue backs were quite vibrant with the way the sun was hitting them.
(photo from internet)
 And I also saw a flock of robins. These birds are not uncommon here, but usually leave for the winter. Usually people say they are a sign of spring.
(photo also from on the internet)
But I think these are ones that are wintering here, but still exciting to see since it is only February.

 Today I a bit of art to share with you.

First of all I have another page for Rike's challenge over at Art Journal Journey. Yellow is her theme, so I added this big bold painted yellow flower to the page. The background is actually a piece of white watercolor paper with  some fancy cut out paper. I was lucky when I found a whole stack of this paper for under  a dollar at one of those dollar type discount stores a couple of years back.
 I added the flower while I contemplated what else to do. I had a package with 45 of these vintage ladies. They are just black and white pieces so I colored them yellow.  I added them to my page as well as some Japanese writing, which once again, I have no idea what it says.

And I also have another tag for Tag Tuesday and Michelle's hearts challenge.
This gentleman doesn't look very shy to me, so I thought he would be perfect for this tag. He's got the flowers for his favorite lady, and he hopes she'll be so happy with them he'll get a kiss. 
But I don't think he is going to to be sad if she doesn't thank him with a  kiss, because he is really in love.
And as I saw on Valerie's blog, I will link up my tag to More Mixed Media. This challenge is anything goes with optional red.
Have a great Wednesday everyone.
And as always, I appreciate your visit.


  1. Hi Erika, love your birds. Robins are very much winter birds here. Great journal page with the flower and ladies, and love the striking tag. Thanks so much for joining us at Tag Tuesday and at More Mixed Media, much appreciated! The guy really doesn't look shy, does he? Have a great day, hugs, Valerie

  2. Love your chic women in yellow, and that bold beautiful flower taking centre stage - a fabulous page. And the bold beau in the tag below certainly looks ready for action!
    Alison x

  3. I love the blue yellow Vintage Ladies page - you are so clever with Mixed Media pages - This looks fabulous, the colour combination is super and the page is much appreciated at AJJ / Yellow theme- Thank you so much dear Erika for joinng in again! The tag is wonderful for Valentine, you gave this handsome gentleman a wonderful background! You have great birds in New Hampshire! I am impressed ! We have pretty the same weather again as you have. Yesterday sun and nearly 10 degrees C. and now it's freezing temperatures again and grey. We will have to wait some more weeks I fear. On German blogs I have seen the green of the first snowdrops already but here is nothing to see peeping out of the frosty earth.
    I think our hubbies are pretty the same - mine also eats things but just in the way he is used to...just good old homemade style of Austrian cooking...
    pretty difficult sometimes.

    Big hugs,


  4. I remember the other day you mentioned you saw bluebirds and robins. This past year (maybe in the Fall?) I was able to photograph bluebirds for the first time. (They were in a cemetery of all places. I went there to get old gravestone photos.) I always think of robins as the harbinger of Spring. Whenever I see the "first one" in the new year (here in Connecticut) I think Spring must be very close at hand. (I think some actually remain here year round, so seeing that "first one" might be deceptive, but I can dream. So far I haven't seen any, and I usually don't until late February or early March. If they do stay here year round, I think they hang out at the beach, where Long Island Sound keeps the temperatures a little warmer than anywhere else north of the shoreline.)

  5. This fancy cut out paper is wonderful - I like the design! And there is this big bold painted yellow flower - I LOVE it! The two ladies in yellow are beautiful and it's a great idea that they are smaller than the flower - so it is a very interesting composition!
    Thank you so much for linking this gorgeous entry to my theme at AJJ!

  6. It must have been so cool to see the bluebirds. I've only seen 1 and that was a few years ago on a January thaw day. I've been anxiously looking for the robins. With the sleet and freezing rain tonight, I think there will still be quite a few more weeks before they make their appearance. I like your sunny yellow flower and chic ladies dressed in sunny yellow. Cute tag. The lady receiving the flowers might say: What did you do? That's what I say to Himself as he never (rarely) brings me flowers. :-D Have a good day.

  7. We have bluebirds in this area but never see then right around where we live. Too urban, I think, with not enough open space. The robins are year-round residents here, but we still say, "Look, the first robin of Spring," on the first warm day of the season lol I love your photos.

    I love those yellow dresses. Styles I could warm to :)

  8. So Wonderful page Erika !! Love the so beautiful background and the big yellow flower, just amazing, love your so tender tag too, really gorgeous. I ´m always delighted with your fabulous and unique creations! Congratulations!
    These little birds are lovely, with gorgeous colours.
    I wish you a very nice afternoon, and send you big hugs,

  9. A great journal page, the yellow flower is beautiful, I also liked the background , the cut out paper was looks great.
    A wonderful tag and that fellow looks quite a guy, he looks like he waits for his gal.
    Yvonne xx

  10. Great page and a beautiful tag, Erika.
    I received my books (vibrant watercolours and Jane Davenport fabulous figures). Now I have to read them!!!!!!!!
    Hugs, my dear friend.

  11. Two fabulous pieces again today, love how those two elegant ladies complement the vibrant flower. The whole piece has an oriental feel to it! Lovely romantic tag too and how exciting to see those birds!

  12. Gosh what a startling blue that is on the bird - how lucky you are to have seen them.
    Love your page with the big yellow flower, gorgeous background paper - what a find. Also like your tag - your guy fits in perfectly.
    Hugs, Neet xx

  13. Bluebirds are nasty birds, Erika. I remember one time when they swooped down and tried to do battle with Bleubeard. He was sitting in a chair on my back patio and they were dive bombing en mass. I saw them and ran outside with a broom in my hand, Thankfully, he no longer wants to go outside, but back then, he was fair game for those bright blue birds. Robins live here all year long. I've never heard the expression first robin of spring, because I saw a robin at my feeder just the other day and I assure you, it is NOT spring here. It's bitterly cold. Like 10 degrees F cold.

    Your journal page is wonderful. I am So impressed with the way you colored those ladies dresses. And the background is gorgeous. A real find! Thanks for sharing it with us using Rike's theme at Art Journal Journey, too.

    That tag is playful. i like the mischievous look on the man.

  14. I would love to see bluebirds but they hide and don't show up where I live. We get plenty of robins but it is still cold here, actually we had a bad ice storm yesterday with more to follow this eve. I love your page with the 1920's ladies who pop off the page. Your tag is fun as well with the proud gentleman in front

  15. Oh, I'm longing to one day see a bluebird! They're so pretty. I just felted one but the kit didn't give me any orange for the tum so it's just an all blue bird. Not great but good practice!

    Love both your art pieces this time. The flower certainly reminds me that one day there will be spring!

  16. You saw 2 flocks of birds? How wonderful and hopeful. The Eastern bluebirds are very pretty birds. I've never seen one. I remember how excited we'd get when we saw the first robin - harbinger of spring. Never mind that we knew spring could still be months away.

    I always enjoy your Japanese characters. They're so artistic. Never mind that neither of us can read them ;-) Great spread for AJJ. Eileen xx

  17. Beautiful art, and I love the birds Erika! Let's hope Spring is coming soon!
    Alison xx

  18. beautiful birds and beautiful art. the hearts tag is very classic and fun -=- anyone would be happy to receive that as a valentine! thanks for linking to tag tuesday. happy valentine's day! xo


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