Monday, February 18, 2019

T Stands for Breakfast Number 2 or Lunch, Call It What You Want

Hello T Day ladies, and to anyone else who stops by. It's time for another Tuesday and drink sharing post over at Bleubeard and Elizabeth's blog.
I've been thinking about spring, and I am getting excited that signs of it are showing up.
 I bought a pot of tulips at Costco last weekend which are going to bloom soon. Tis the season for spring bulbs.
And at the local Tractor Supply store where I bought some bird seed they had their seed displays out.
But the Mother Nature doesn't seem to know that any of this is going on. This is what she had in mind for us today.

For T this week I take you out for a lunch time breakfast at my favorite local hole in the wall restaurant. My  husband and I weren't planning on going out to eat. We had gone to the our local transfer station-AKA the dump- with the week's trash and then we had a couple of errands to run. But my husband looked at me as we drove out of the dump and said he wanted to go shopping for a new hat for summer.  I guess he was thinking spring also. (And if this sounds unusual, it is because he is very sun sensitive.  He is permanently on immune suppression drugs being a kidney recipient so a hat has become part of his daily wardrobe.) 
This meant we were heading a bit further afield than planned. So to fuel us up for the journey, we stopped for a bite to eat.
 It was almost noon by the time we got seated and also Sunday, and this restaurant only serves breakfast on Sundays. 
But no fear. Pancakes and a side of something with a little more protein would work. 

Good thing I just had my morning shake for my first breakfast back at about 8 and I was getting hungry for lunch.
These kept me going all day.
 I like this photo of the hubby.
I'm posting this Monday night and I'll get to visiting blogs some time on Tuesday. I just graded a big stack of multi page lab reports for a class at school, and I don't think I can read any more tonight. 
Hope your T Day is a good one.
And thanks for visiting.


  1. my yard looks the same-winter-lol I think we will all be really ready for spring this year.
    Your breakfast looks delish-and a nice photo of your Hubs
    Happy T hugs Kathy

  2. Aah, I think many of us have Spring on our minds:):) We're supposed to get another mix of snow and ice on Wednesday-ugh!! Nice to get a meal while out on a long day. Great pic of hubby- but where's the new hat? Happy T day!

  3. I am sure you are longing for spring when you see the snow every day - soon! Tulips are always wonderful. Your breakfast looks very good, yummy, you have made me hungry! Happy T Day, hugs, Valerie

  4. Wonderful when the Spring flowers appear-we have lots in our garden just beginning to show their true colours.

    My hubby bought lots of packets of seeds this week-he is so thrilled when he sees them on sale this time of year.

    The food looks inviting and your husband looks very happy.

    Have a very happy T Day

    Love Chrissie xx

  5. I can understand what you mean by all that reading. It gets tiring after awhile, I know. I know I have to get up and rest my eyes awhile, too.

    Is that your home where all the snow is? I'd hate to clean the windows off in preparation of your drive to town.

    Your tulips are beautiful. Of course, your hope for spring and mine are similar, since I am to get up to 5 inches of snow today. Hopefully it won't turn to ice if it melts because we still have ice from last weekend.

    Those pancakes look good, so I must be hungry. I saw your husband's potatoes and eggs and now I'm really hungry. It's time to make some soup (grin). Thanks for sharing your tulips, your weather, your husband's smiling face, and your breakfasts and drinks with us for T this Tuesday.

  6. That looks so good! I love those hole in the wall places with placemats that have all the local ads! The food is usually really good!

  7. Almost time to think about starting seeds indoors. Needs to be warmer so I can clean out the sunroom to use as a greenhouse. Yesterday's snow was such a nuisance and a lot wetter than I expected. More icky weather later in the week. I love going out for breakfast. Those pancakes look fluffy. Your Hubby looks happy. Did he find his chapeau? Happy T Day

  8. Snowy Winter and the garden center seed packets promising Spring, the weather is for sure well mixed up these days. Your pot of tulips look lovely.
    Its a super photo of your husband, taken in the restaurant. The meal looked
    yummy, but I think I may only have had room for the pancakes.
    Happy T day wishes Erika.
    Yvonne xx

  9. the seed display fit perfectly for the sunny days we have here - but i´m sure winter will come back soon. sun just teasing us;)
    hope your school stuff is not too annoying. happy t-day:)

  10. Looks like a well filling meal Erika! Good to be well filled when one has so much shopping work to!
    And snow again, sorry for you - but you have brought spring indoors woth your lovely tulips!
    Have a great T-Day dear Erika!

    Good weather today again here, sat outdoor with the dogs at the proch to drink tea after luch... I so hope they failed with their forecast of winter again for my area!


  11. It looks such a great place to eat and those pancakes look so yummy, maybe I'll have to make some πŸ˜‰. Thanks for your comments on my blog, Banded Brewing is a fun place situated in the old mills in Biddeford, I liked their Veridian beer and there is also a gin distillery right next door which has a bar too if you are interested 😁. Happy T Day! J 😊 x

  12. All that snow! Brrrrr! But we're hat wearers, too, and any time is a good time for a new hat :) I like your hole-in-the-wall spot. Right down my alley. Happy T Tuesday!

  13. Ha ha ha! you are so right about Mother nature not making up her mind. In the last two weeks we have had ALL FOUR seasons!! No wonder everybody is getting sick.
    I'm a pancake lover (even though I try to stay away from gluten), so that 2nd breakfast made my mouth water.
    Happy T-day

  14. I'm glad you two got to enjoy an unplanned trip and meal. Happy T-Day!

  15. Your hubby looks happy and that's aok:) We also got a dump of snow and tomorrow snow, sleet and freezing rain...again! Wishing you a happy Tuesday

  16. Your scenery looks so peaceful and beautiful! I love how the snow drapes the trees.
    Your breakfast/lunch looks delicious but I would have to say the sausage appeals to me the most. I haven't eaten many pancakes since I went gluten-free but seeing your plate makes me miss big breakfasts. And from what I hear, hole-in-the-wall joints have some of the best food.
    Happy Tea Day,

  17. The snow is lovely but that first picture of the tulip made me smile. I like all the flowers from the spring blooming bulbs. We saw some daffodils in someone's yard a couple of days ago. Breakfast looks good. I can eat "breakfast" any time of day

  18. Your hubby looks very content. Thats how we like to see our husbands.
    Well, your brunch looks delicious. I mazde american pancakes for the first time last week. We even had maple syrup to go with it. It was a real treat.
    You're still having the white stuff (don't want to mention the S word!). I hope spring comes soon.
    Happy T-Day,

  19. What a contrast, Erika, - all those signs of spring and then the reality!

    Your hubby looks healthy and happy. Hats can be quite dapper. But do you need to buy a summer hat in the depths of winter?

    Happy T-day! Eileen xx

  20. It looks beautiful but Oh so cold!!! We are expecting a warm weekend and hoping to spend it with our grandchildren at the caravan - if they can bear to be parted from their tech stuff!! Your breakfast looks delicious -no wonder hubby is smiling - great photo!! Belated Happy T Day! Chrisx

  21. Love that placemat. Sometimes the placemats can be quite entertaining and if they are not to dirty, I bring them home. LOL Your breakfast looks good, too. Happy T Day!


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