Monday, February 4, 2019

T Stands for Hockey Weekend

Happy Tuesday and another week of T. I always look forward to Tuesdays and seeing what everyone has to share for T over at  Bleubeard and Elizabeth's blog .
This week I will share some photos from this past weekend. It was hockey weekend for me!

So some of you who've read my blog for awhile know that my husband and I enjoy our college's  men's ice hockey team. Not only is it usually a good game and a good way to keep our school spirit alive all these many years since we graduated, but it's a fun and  inexpensive night out.
Back in 1999 our University (Maine) was in the  National Championship game against the neighboring state (New Hampshire). The game went into overtime and  the first team to score would be the winner. Maine ended up being the winner and that started this huge  rivalry between our 2 universities.
We now live in new Hampshire and our daughter went to our state University. It was there she met her beau. This year the 2 games were being held New Hampshire (they alternate each year where they are held) which is only about a half an hour away from where we live. Friday night we went with my daughter and her beau to the game. Before the game we went out to dinner at a restaurant near the university.
 I enjoyed a local beer called "Old Brown Dog" with my yummy and warm (on a very cold night) chicken pot pie dinner.

It was a lot of fun going out with my daughter and her beau, including our little family rivalry. This time the game went to New Hampshire which they won in overtime, but that was nice for my daughter and her beau. Not so much for my husband who was hoping for the win. He's thinking of points to make it into the playoffs in another month.

Saturday night there was game 2 of the series. This time we went with a good college friend and his wife, as well as my sister-in-law and her husband. 
Before this game we did dinner again.
We were set to meet at a local pub style restaurant, but when we got there there were no tables available for 6 people. Since it was about 2 hours before the game chances are nothing was going to open up and still give us time to eat and then to walk up the game. So we went wandering looking for a place to eat. My husband was rooting for pizza, but that place was also full. My sister-in-law said there was a Thai place around the corner, which we all wanted except my husband. Asian food is not his thing, but they had a  big table in a quiet alcove so we could talk  so Thai food it was. (I love it so I was a happy!)
 We started off having some Sam Adams beer, but then we found out that we had ordered the last 5 bottles they had so for drink 2 we switched to some Asian brews. (Two drinks means a before dinner drink and a with dinner drink.)

 We all had water after that. 
I had a delicious cracker chicken dish.
 And my husband "suffered" through a noodle dish.
And then it was off to the game.
This time the game was a much better played game by both teams which made it more exciting. And to top it off, our team won! 
My husband was definitely more excited than he was Friday night.  And me too, actually. But most important was the fun and the people we spent the weekend with.

Hope I didn't bore you too much with my weekend dinners. 
Wishing you all a happy T day and thanks for taking the time to visit my blog.


  1. The food looked delicious. And the hockey game looked like fun. Happy T-Day!

  2. What a great weekend you had. Great food, good company, and your school one the second game. And then if that wasn't enough of a winning weekend, ho hum, the Patriots won another Super Bowl. =^,.^= Happy T Day

  3. You sure do know how to enjoy sports and root for your teams Erika, and always more fun with friends, food and family involved! i would have been quite happy with the Thai restaurant too- and although I am not much of a beer drinker I have had Sapporo beer and did enjoy it:)Thanks for sharing all your fun and good food and happy T day!

  4. Your hockey match looks fab, and the food even better. I wish I had that pot pie here right now, I'm hungry! And the noodles look great, too. Glad you enjoyed your beer, too. Happy T Day, hugs, Valerie

  5. though i never watch either superbowl nor hockey (well, rarely sports at all;)) - all These games seem to go along with good Food *g*... so i should think about this...
    have a great week, erika - xox

  6. Great that you could share this special a special meal and game with your daughter and her beau--I love that word :) Lots of good food and drink by the looks of things.

    Have a very happy T Day

    Love Chrissie xx

  7. Wow! Two hockey games and a win that pleased hubby make up for his suffering in the Thai restaurant!!!!! Both meals looked delicious although I am not a beer fan!! I think I would quite enjoy watching an Ice Hockey match! Happy T Day! Chrisxx

  8. It sounds like you had a fantastic weekend with friends and family. I don't know much about your American team games, but can understand the rivalry as we have the same about our Rugby Union matches.
    The food looked delicious and I think my choice may have been the Thai restaurant.
    Happy T day wishes Erika.
    Yvonne xx

  9. Looks like your entire weekend was filled with lots of good food, exciting ice hockey, friends, and family. It was great you didn't have to travel to Maine to see the game this year, too. I wonder why they had these games over the Superbowl weekend, though.

    I like Sam Adams, but only if it's stout. I was glad you shared the Asian menu. Their prices are about right for the meal, but it looked rather like there wasn't much food on your plate. I dID enjoy reading how you were able to get your husband into the Asian restaurant, though.

    Thanks for sharing this food and drink filled weekend, as well as your hockey photos with us for T this Tuesday.

  10. The potpie looks delicious and so does the Thai! I'd be divinely happy with either one!

  11. Looks like you had a fabulous weekend! I love ice hockey and I bet the atmosphere was electric 😁. So nice to spend time with loved ones too and your beers and meal look delicious! Happy T Day wishes! J 😊 x

  12. Happy T-day!!
    Did your team win the hockey game?
    Our team won Friday night's hockey game.......yep! We have a hockey team right here n Bakersfield, California! It is the Condors.
    Thanks for the visit to my blog and your kind comments.

  13. The food looks delicious. I love Thai food.And your pie looked scrumptious too.
    It was lovely to have your daughter and her beau to watch the game with you. I've never watched a hockey game. There seem to be an awful lot of players in the line-up.
    Happy T-Day,

  14. What a fun-filled weekend, Erika. Glad your team won half the time. All the food looks great. Your hubby was a good sport in more ways than one.

    Happy T-day! Eileen xx

  15. Hehe!! A wonderful time - both games..and I loved to read your hubby suffered through his Thai dish.
    My hubby doesn't like foreign food at all and just the pizza restaurant is a place for him...where he find one kind of pizza he likes and in the Chinese restaurant he always just takes s´crispy roasted duck.

    But meanwhile with my vegetarian and vegan diet he gets more at the restaurants here than I do.....

    The beers sounds super!!!
    Happy belated T-Day, sorry for being that late
    they have semester brake here and I play the car passenger for my daughter as she has to exercice for her driving licence.

    Big hugs

  16. Wow! You've had a fun week! I have never seen a hockey match of couse but I'm sure it is very exciting. There are many players, looking at the line-up in the photo. Do they take it in turns, like in water polo?
    The pie looks really scrumptious and of course the Thai meal is fab. I love Thai food.We were in Madrid two years ago and we found a Thai restaurant. Actually we had the same beers as what I see in your photo. What a shame your hubby is not keen.
    And very special it was too that your daughter and beau could join you in the fun.
    Happy (belated) T-Day,

  17. It's nice when your 3rd choice for a meal turns out so well! Yummm! Happy late T day!

  18. Yummmmm!!! That chicken pot pie looks so good!!!! I just may have to make one real soon.
    Bob and I are not really sports fans but we have been to a few hockey games that were enjoyable. One of his co-workers has season tickets and will share them when he is unable to attend the games.
    Thanks for stopping by for T Day. I am slowly making my way around to visit folks.

  19. A delicious looking dinner. I have never attended a hockey game but it sure looks like fun. And cold!
    Happy Belated Tea Day,


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