Thursday, March 28, 2019

Cherry Blossoms

With the last few days of March here, I thought I would share another page for Jo's Hello Springtime challenge at Art Journal Journey.
Today I have cherry blossoms for you. They were just saying on the news last night that this weekend will be the peak cherry blossom bloom for the Japanese cherry trees in Washington D.C. I would love to go see that, one of these days, or even better, go back to Japan during their cherry blossom festivals. I don't know if I will ever get back to Japan, but maybe once I retire and have this time of year off, I could get to DC.
So my page today takes a Japanese theme with lots of paper collaging. 
I layered napkins, tissue paper, some cut outs from some Japanese paper I brought back with me last year, a stamped traditional Japanese woman and some clock and cherry blossom stickers.
Finally a painted a small block and stamped my Live It quote.
Not much else to say today. It's been a busy week but not exactly a very exciting one. We're wrapping up the end of the quarter at school and next week are the mid-semester exams. Already. 
Hope everyone is having a great week and maybe a little more exciting than mine.
Thanks for visiting.


  1. Lovely, bright and cheerful page. I am enjoying the cherry blossoms and other here, too, always so beautiful. Hope you get to Washington one of these days to enjoy it! Hugs, Valerie

  2. Your collage is beautiful! My youngest daughter and her boyfriend are in Japan now and I just am so happy for them. I saw all your beautiful pictures and collages last year and I am waiting for them to send me some pictures so I can make some pages in my art journal and I want to make something for my daughter too. Your pages were amazing, great ideas!
    Have a nice time. Lenie x

  3. Beautiful page. The cherry blossom festivals would make a great addition to a bucket list. School always seemed to go faster at this time of the year. Only 2 1/2 months left before Summer break? Hopefully, the snow will gone by then! :-D Enjoy your day

  4. Most likey I will never visit Japan or Washington D.C.- so your wonderful cheery page makes me deeply contented
    and acts as a good substitute for travelling!
    You know how much I love Japan and Asia styled pages and this one really makes me happy and is a wonderful entry for the Hello Springtime topic! You are such a supportiv host and teamie - thank you so much!
    An amazing page in my eyes!I love all about it!

    Happy day! Hope spring will come soon to you!♥♥♥♥
    Everthing perfect here, but still too cold.
    We will see.
    Lots of LOVE


  5. A really lovely page Erika, the collage and details look fabulous and I love the shades of pink you used.
    I hope you get your wishes although I think my wish would be to see the blossom in Japan.
    Yvonne xx

  6. Wooww this is a so so Gorgeous cherry blossoms ´Art page Erika !! I love how you have so well put all together the pieces of paper and tissu, that ´s amazing. The flowers are very beautiful, love your quote.
    I wish you a very nice day, soon the weekend !
    Big hugs, Caty

  7. Beautiful cherry blossom collage page. We have cherry trees here, but my car's been on the fritz and I haven't seen them yet. I imagine we're ahead of the D.C. trees' schedule. Those would be a gorgeous sight to see in person, but seeing them in Japan would be an experience on a different level, wouldn't it!

  8. I adore cherry blossom and all things to do with Asia so your page just fits the bill for me. Gorgeous.
    I love how you have various pictures overlapping the next, so much more conducive to the eye than isolated pieces spread about - well, that is what I like and your page certainly does it for me.
    Gorgeous colour, lovely images and a great choice of subject.
    Hugs, Neet xx
    ps don't think I will ever get to Japan but I would love to see the blossom - now to look up the blossom in Washington DC on Google.

  9. I so enjoy the work you do when working with a Japanese theme -- maybe my partiality but what's not to love with cherry blossoms?!

  10. You really evoked the beautiful pink blossoms of these cherry trees. Love the collage and your inspiration for it.

  11. Wow, stunning page! I would love to see the cherry blossoms in Japan too πŸ˜€. I've seen a few TV programmes about them and they look so breathtakingly beautiful! Your page captures them wonderfully too 😁. I hope you are having a lovely week and thanks so much for joining us at Art Journal Journey again! Happy nearly Friday too (grin!). J 😊 x

  12. What a super Japanese themed Spring page Erika! It's gorgeous! xx

  13. Great collaging, Erika, love the pinks and all the Japanese influenced images, it all looks terrific together. I also like the way you painted a rectangle and stamped the words, a perfect finish-off.

  14. Hello again dear Erika. Your cherry blossom collage page looks so pretty, I love that japanese motifs very much. Great Art piece. Thanks also for your dear comment on my Blog.
    Happy weekend.

  15. Cherry Blossom is so nice to see on the trees … but I enjoyed seeing it in your lovely art-work too.

    All the best Jan

  16. I'd love to see the cherry blossoms either in Japan or in Washington DC, but I'm afraid I won't get to any of them. Luckily we have our almond blossoms and they come a good second in the beauty contest.
    Your page is gorgeous and I bet it brought back nice memories of your trip to Japan.
    Have a lovely weekend,

  17. This is SO impressive. Far more so than the one I created a few days ago. I really want to return to DC and this time, I want to see the cherry blossoms in bloom. You live in such a colorful area: cherry blossoms in spring, beautiful leaves in autumn. This entry is absolutely adorable, Erika and perfect for Jo's theme at Art Journal Journey. We really appreciate the wonderful pages you have shared so far with us this month.

  18. I adore this page, you are definitely keeping the memory of your Japan trip alive! We have seen lots of trees in blossom this year - some are really laden!! Hugs, Chrisx


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