Sunday, March 17, 2019

Chitter Chatter

Happy Sunday or maybe even Monday, depending on when you read this. Our cold is back, although it is not quite as bad as it was, but when Friday really felt like spring, these temperatures today make you think Mother Nature likes giving you a hard time.
And Happy St. Patrick's Day to those who celebrate. 
Last night we went to a hockey game in Boston to wrap up the season, and before the game we went to a pub for a burger and beer, and they were adding green food coloring to beer to celebrate St. Patrick's Day. Since I have never had a glass of green beer, I decided to give it a try. 
So did my husband. It really didn't change the taste at all, and what the heck, it was festive and fun. If you are wondering why the smaller one looks different from the the taller one, it is because the beer I was drinking wasn't as filtered as the one my husband had.
And some of you are also showing your early spring photos, and so I thought I would show mine so you don't think I am just needlessly complaining about the weather.
This is my backyard late Friday after work. Snow, mud and puddles. I woke up this morning to a dusting of new snow, but now the sun is shining again.
And several asked about how many babies an alligator can have at one time (based on yesterday's photos), so I looked it up because I didn't know. What I found said 35-50 is what they usually lay for eggs.  I imagine not all hatch, but still, that's a whole lot of baby gators. No wonder why I saw so many in the Everglades.
And speaking of Florida, how about more  from my travel journal and a few more photos.
 The page on the right is colored with watercolor crayons and then I added the die cut mermaids tail. No we didn't see any mermaids, but  we did see some fantastic creatures.
Spoonbills with some ibises.
Woodstork in flight.

And my favorite, the royal tern. This little guy (girl?) was such a ham for the camera, even if he (she?) was just doing it's natural thing.

Enjoy whatever is left of your weekend. And thanks for stopping by my blog.


  1. Happy St. Patrick's Day! I'm enjoying your Florida photos. Gorgeous birds, and such variety! I know you'll be glad to see the end of the snow as the warm weather makes its way to you :)

  2. This is a so Gorgeous Art page Erika !! Absolutelly wonderful!
    I really like the background you've created, the colours are beautiful, and the tail of the mermaid gives it a special touch. The palm trees on the left are very pretty too.
    It's ibnteresting that green beer, I've never tasted it, just the normal one. I like to see the snow on the road, there is not here in our city.
    The birds are beautiful, also my favorite is the last one, so cute. Thank you very much for sharing them with us.
    I wish you a very happy day, and seng big hugs,

  3. Oh my goodness, Erika - more snow? I can't believe it so late in March! I think you're allowed to complain... one of my KCUK girls from Canada used to say the birds were crossing their legs because they were so desperate for Spring and for the snow to melt. I'm sitting here with a blanket over my legs, waiting for the heating to come back on... but it's more because of the strong winds over here and the constant rain, rain, rain. I prefer snow to rain any day!
    Beautiful wildlife photos and I love your journal pages. Pity you didn't come across any mermaids on your travels, though :-(
    Hope this next week sees lots of bright sunshine, getting warmer and warmer! I think you need it.
    Cath x

  4. Love the wonderful bird photos. I've never seen green beer, but it looks very festive, so glad you enjoyed it and had a good evening out. Wow, so many baby gators, sounds scary! I'm glad there are none in the Rhine! Your travel journal is fantastic. Hugs, Valerie

  5. Oh my that green beer is a vibrant colour, still it was a fun way to celebrate St Patrick's day.
    I hope your snow is is melting, although I think the mud and slush stages of the thaw are not good to get around in.
    Your travel journal page looks lovely and so do the photos of the birds you added today.
    Thank you for the information about the alligator babies, that is a large amount of eggs, its perhaps a good job they all don't hatch out.
    Yvonne xx

  6. The green beer is very festive and very green. Happy St. Patrick's Day. I'd much rather see sea and sand than mud season. We didn't get a dusting of snow, but it was very cold this morning. Love seeing all the birds. The tern is very cute. Better weather coming this week

  7. I love the bird photos, and the colours on your page Erika.
    The green beer made me smile, and I won't complain about our weather after seeing your snow!
    Happy Monday,
    Alison xx

  8. Your sea sand sun page is so pretty and I love those photos! I had never had green beer but I drink green grass drinks - and they are also!
    Happy super belated St. Patrick's Day Erika!

  9. That's some seriously green beer -- and loads of fun! LOVED your birds -- you got some wonderful shots.

  10. That is a lot of snow, hope the thaw is happening now!! Your journal page is fabulous!
    One of your photos may have explained my fascination for the Everglades- and Ibis, I had a dictionary of animals and used to be fascinated by the Ibis picture - I used to try and draw my own!! These are great pics! Hugs, Chrisx

  11. Happy belated St. Patrick's Day. Green beer seems to be the order of the day. I know several bloggers who showed green beer last weekend, too.

    Your post went from one extreme to the next. First the piles and piles of snow, then the sticky, humid FL weather. I really enjoyed the journal photos and the birds you discovered while there.

  12. I love the mermaid tail page and the bold colors you used, Erika. Very clever the way you used the die cut. Lovely flamingo pictures too. Eileen xx


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