Monday, March 4, 2019

T Stands for Bleubeard and Squiggle's Friends

Winter is back here in New Hampshire. Yesterday (Monday the 4th) we had a snow day with no school, which was exciting as it was my birthday and I got to have a day all to myself. It is probably the only time in March the snow made me happy.
But now it is Tuesday and it is time for T again. Today for T I am taking you to visit a place that has lots of cats. I thought Bleubeard and Squiggles might like that.
(I have a lot of photos today and I will warn you my dates are approximate and are based on what I remember being told. If you are an expert on this subject you might have more specific information.)

 Ernest Hemingway (for those unfamiliar with American Literature) was an accomplished 20th century writer. He won both the Pulitzer Prize and a Nobel Prize, and maybe some other prizes too.
During the 1930's he lived with  his second wife in Key West, Florida in a house that is today a museum. It is the largest privately owned piece of land in Key West, 1 acre, and technically the house belonged to his second wife as she was very wealthy, and he was not.
The present family who owns the house turned it into a museum because after Hemingway's second wife unexpectedly died in the early 1950's, the house was sold to a woman who was then constantly bothered by people coming to her door and asking if it was the Hemingway House.
At the time the house became a museum, Hemingway had been divorced from his second wife and was married to someone else. He might have been  living in Havana, Cuba then as that is where he went after Key West.
Now Hemingway liked cats, especially those with extra toes.

There are still six toed cats living at the Hemingway House, many of them descendants from the original Snowball.
And they have the run of property too.

The cats even can sit on the furniture and sleep in the beds, which by the way have signs saying keep off the furniture. Those signs only apply to people.
This guy had the tour guides routine down and had found a perfect spot for a treat. We saw him do it 2 other times with other tour guides.
Now these cats have their own full time private veterinarian. Females have one liter of kittens and then they are neutered, just to control the numbers of cat.  There are in the neighborhood of 42 cats on the property.
The guides know all of the cats too.
But they have some pretty fancy digs besides the main house.

And when they die, they have their own cemetary on the property.

I hope neither Bleubeard or Squiggles get any big ideas from this post.
I even liked some of sidewalk decor.
I thought Hemingway's writing studio above the garage would be a great place for an art studio.
His decor wasn't exactly my style, but it was cool to see his actual furniture and where he had his most productive years of writing.

 And the gardens were so tropical and lush.

And lastly, there was the pool. Our guide told us that the Hemingways bought this house for $8000 around 1930, give or take a couple of years. When Hemingway was gone for awhile (maybe covering the Spanish Civil War as a reporter), his wife decided to add a pool. The pool cost over $20,000 dollars to put in. It replaced his beloved boxing ring.
 It is a nice pool. I would like something like that at my house, especially if I lived someplace it could be used more than a few months out of the year.
 I really liked this reflection photo.
When Hemingway returned and found out about the pool. he tossed a penny into it. He said something to the effect that his wife (Pauline) had spent everything including his last penny. She had the penny permanently put into this spot so she could always say I got every last cent out of him (after they were divorced that is).
And after that tour, it was time for lunch.

 And how about a Havana Red-Amber Ale to quench your thirst while you wait for your hamburger to come off the grill?
Join us at   Bleubeard and Elizabeth's  with your drink related posts, and you can see what all the T Gang has been recently up to.
Big thanks for visiting me today as I know it was a long post. Hope you enjoyed it.


  1. wow I really enjoyed this post-I didn't know any of this about Hemmingway-loved that the cats are still there and live there-pretty neat. I would have enjoyed the tour thanks for sharing all the photos
    Happy T hugs Kathy

  2. Belated birthday wishes, Erika, and thanks for the Hemingway info and now I know more than I did about this American author.

  3. Bleubeard and Squiggles are both so happy you shared Hemingway's home and garden, as well as the cats. My internet friend Caterina Giglio went there several years ago and shared the 6 toed cats at that time. It's a lovely home and beautiful grounds. But the cats are what make it for me. Needless to say, I loved every minute of this post.

    Looks like you had a very refreshing drink after a full tour of the museum. The amber ale looks refreshing, but I'd prefer a stout (grin). Thanks for sharing your trip to the Hemingway museum, the cats, and your ale with us for T this Tuesday.

  4. Loved your tour of the Hemmingway house, and great that cats are treated so well there! The photos are lovely, thanks for sharing. And love the little pet cemetery, too. Hope you enjoyed your ale while waiting for your hamburger! Have a good week and a happy T Day, hugs, Valerie

  5. A fun and interesting post to read, I had no idea he had such a love for cats, and how amazing their ancestors are still there.
    Some great photos of what looks like an amazing trip.
    Oh and belated Happy Birthday!! How wonderful you could stay home to enjoy it!

  6. a fantastic post - if i ever come near there i must visit! the cats have their own vet! i didn´t know he had such a love for cats! i really enjoyed all the details you joined with us. happy t-day!

  7. Beautiful house and photographs of it. I remember reading about the six toed cats he had. Thanks for sharing your photos. Happy T-Day and Mardi Gras!

  8. Wow - what a fantastic tour - I am thrilled you took me with you chairwise! Such a place- amazing to visit!
    Fantastic photos! I said it already but you are my favourite blogging photograph out there!
    Happy T-Day my friend!
    Big hugs, Susi

  9. Love your post! How cool to see Hemingway's place!! And all those kitties- so sweet. You must have passed (flown) right over where I was in Palm beach:) Wasn't that warm air and sunshine such a nice break from the snow and bare trees? Glad you got the day off to spend your birthday as you wished-hope it was wonderful. Happy T day!

  10. This looks like an awesome house to visit, all the photos looked great. The cats are living comfortably there and look like they are the owners of the home. The pool must have been lovely to see with the garden plants reflecting in the water.
    Happy T day wishes Erika. I hope you enjoyed and had a Happy Birthday.
    Yvonne xx

  11. Wow -- everything I love -- writing, cats, sunshine, cats, water, cats, flowers, cats. This would be a destination for me!

  12. Happy birthday wishes! Hemmingway's home looks fabulous, I love the colonial style with the wrought iron, balconies and shutters 😁. I so enjoyed looking around with you, thanks for all the interesting facts too. Wow, the gardens are beautiful with all those tropical plants! I'd love a pint of the Havana Red-Amber too, as you know red ale is one of my favourites 😉. Cheers and wishing you a very happy T Day! J 😊 x

  13. What a wonderful virtual visit, thank you :) I thoroughly enjoyed it. I've been fascinated by Key West since my youth and have often wondered what a trip there would be like. Such an interesting look into Hemingway, too :) Happy T Tuesday

  14. What a great post! Thank you for showing Hemmingway's house. And what a beautiful house it is! I would love to live there. The gardens are lush and the pool is pretty neat too.
    I loved seeing the cats. I didn't know about the 6 toed cats, and loved the story behind it. I also smiled reading about the last penny.
    What a fun post.
    Happy T-Day,

  15. What a beautiful place to visit. The architecture is lovely and that garden... I can see how it would be a very inspirational place for an artist to live. The tropical gardens and that studio with all the books look like they would be my favorite.
    Thanks for sharing this lovely museum.
    Happy Tea DAy,

  16. Happy birthday, Erika! How neat that you got the day off to enjoy yourself.

    The tour of the Hemingway mansion was fascinating. I didn't know about the six-toed cats. That's quite a story. I love the pool story too - lol.

    Happy T-day! Eileen xx

  17. What a neat place to visit. All those cats! I knew that he had lived in Keywest at one point. Thank you for sharing all the interesting stories. I love the one about the penny! Great T Day post.

  18. what a fun visit! Have never been to that city, and thought it would be a fun tour, but I'm allergic to cats. so maybe not. lol! Love all the colorful photos! I do envy the year-round flowers and color of warmer climates...happy T day!

  19. Just catching up Erika, a fabulous post, I really enjoyed the tour round Hemmingway's house. It was interesting to read about the six toed cats.
    Hope you've had a lovely birthday.
    Avril xx

  20. What a fabulous place to visit - the garden especially looks amazing! Hugs, Chrisx

  21. How wonderful that the cats are still there! Looks like a great place to visit Erika! xx


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