Monday, March 25, 2019

T Stands for a Yummy Lunch

Hi everyone.  It's good to be back after missing T day last week. I wish I could report that all our snow has melted or that has the mud dried up. The temperature is dropping off tonight as I write this,  but they are saying it will be warming up a lot later this week. I sure hope so since March has been a lion so far and I am ready for the lamb to arrive. Just a couple of days I hope.
I will be stopping by  Bleubeard and Elizabeth's blog  for T. Won't you?
This past weekend my husband and I decided it was warm enough to put the Christmas decoration boxes up in the unheated attic over the garage. Finally. Afterwards we did a bit of cleaning out and when we finished for the day, we decided  to go out for a late lunch.

We hadn't been to this local place for almost a year, but they have good food and a big menu.
Even better, all their meals come in 2 sizes. I always go for the smaller light fare size and still have leftovers.
 I had this yummy macaroni and cheese with some pulled pork. It came with a bread stick and a side salad. My drink was an unsweetened iced tea.
I mentioned last post how I found a couple of boxes of art goodies in my attic cleaning. I thought I would share another colorful painted piece of cloth I found. There were several of these pages and I think I was going to make a book out of them. No reason I can't do that now.
Even though I made this many years ago, I have never posted it. Does that mean it is too old to post at Moo Mania and their Colorful challenge?
I used some colorful fabric as my base, and painted and stitched the flower and the ini hearts.  I even added a little glitter  in the center of the flower as well a a few little brass mini butterflies.
Hope everyone has a great T day and thanks for stopping by my blog.


  1. That meal sure looks yummy!
    And that color fabric with the beading is gorgeous! Can't wait to see the rest of what you found.
    Happy Tea Day,

  2. So with you Erika- out with the lion and bring in the lamb! Love that your restaurant choice allows for two different sized meals. i have seen so very few that do that. Gorgeous fabric art!! Happy T day!

  3. Did you paint the fabric background, or did it change colors on its own? It is wonderful. You really should also enter it at Art Journal Journey, too. It sure looks like spring to me. Susi gave me permission to use fabric in my art as long as the size constraints were met. That's a great flower and butterflies also signify spring.

    That looks like a fun place to eat and the food looks great, too. Your iced tea looks a bit chilly because it is still cold in my office tonight. Your salad on the other hand, looked fabulous.

    Thanks for sharing your fabric art and your iced tea and meal with us for T this Tuesday, dear Erika.

  4. Love the new art you made, it's really glowing. Great new header, too. And your lunch looks very good, and has made me feel hungry! I haven't started on spring cleaning yet, but perhaps sooner or later when my fingers are better. Thy still keep turning blue! Happy T Day, hugs, Valerie

  5. This vibrant and beautiful fabric page is absolutely welcome at Moo Mania & More. I am in awe of your fabric pages and hope you will show us some more of them! I hope you can find a way to use them, maybe a cover for a self bound Art-Journal or something?! Gorgeous work from the past dear Erika! I had a smile on my face about the unheated attic over the garage. We have also such an attic over the garage and guess what - I was never there - as we have to take a ladder to climb up - but hubby stores there so much things and finds it really handy to have this extra room for storing.
    The meals look very tempting - this restaurant seems to be a very good choice.

    Happy week - happy T-Day and thank you very much for joining in at Moo Mania & More dear Erika!
    Our weather is quite similar - I was on the porch in the sun wearing a bikini on Saturday and now it's so cold and chilly again - yesterday even some snowflakes came again - but fortunately just a few minutes of snowing..... who needs snow at the near beginning of April? Nobody! Or is this already April-weather?! Who knows?!


  6. good that i had just lunch, your meal looks mouth watering.
    love the vibrant colors of your fabric art! good you had an idea to use it:) happy t-day!

  7. I haven't had good mac and cheese for a long time. that looks GREAT!

  8. Your meal looks delicious and as usual with your posts I am now extremely hungry 😉. Luckily it's lunchtime, now what shall I have maybe some homemade Mac and cheese? 😁. Your fabric piece is amazing, the colours looks spectacular and the design is beautiful! I can't wait to see more and I bet the journal that you make from these pieces will be stunning! Hope spring is with you soon and wishing you a very Happy T Day! J 😊 x

  9. Wow! What an idea! On a colourful fabric you painted and stitched! Wow! I lllllllove this inspiration!!!!! Thank you, Erika!!!!!!!!! Hugs!!!!!!!!

  10. Glad you got your Christmas things back to their summer home, Erika. It makes me wonder where you've kept them all this time. I had a friend who loved Christmas so much that her tree stayed up until Easter! That meal looks like a well-deserved treat.

    Your painted cloth is beautiful. I think it's fair to link it to Moo Mania, even years after it was made. The rule "never-before published" means just that!

    Happy T-day! Eileen xx

  11. Your colorful fabric piece is really gorgeous!! It's a good idea to make a book out of them!
    The meals in this restaurant look very delicious!
    Happy T-Day! Hugs-Rike

  12. Not having to cook after cleaning out is such a treat. The food looks really good. Hopefully, you fabric page will send March out like a lamb. The page is so cute and colorful. One more day of cold and then a warm-up. Enjoy the sunshine and Happy T Day

  13. Wonderful artwork and the food looks delicious. Happy T-Day!

  14. Our temps have dropped, too, but only into the upper 30s and we have good sunshine and spring flowers in bloom :) I hope spring comes your way soon.

    The food at that restaurant looks tasty. I like when you can get smaller portions. It's a thoughtful option.

    Very colorful! What fun it must've been to find such forgotten treasures :) Happy T Tuesday

  15. A very beautiful fabric page

    Thank you for joining us at MOO MANIA & MORE

  16. Your meal out looked delicious and a good end from your busy morning.
    The fabric page looks gorgeous and I look forward to see the other pages you will make into the book.
    Happy T day wishes Erika.
    Yvonne xx

  17. your meal looks delicious-a nice reward for getting some things done. I love your fiber page very much-never too old to use your art-a book sounds nice too
    Hope you get some warmer weather soon-ours is still very up and down.
    Happy T Hugs Kathy

  18. Love your fabric page - it's colourful and beautiful! Food looks good, too - I always found American food servings way too generous - a light doesn't look very light to me, lol. They certainly like their food. I did enjoy it, though.
    Have a great week!
    Cath x

  19. While your snow is melting we are melting in this humidity we have, cant wait for our winter which is not that cold anyway. I should not look at these websites when I am hungry, and yours is just as bad with all the nice food displayed LOL
    Bridget X3

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  21. Our snow is melting too. It's supposed to get near 70 today!! Just for the day though...then we drop back down to normal temps for this time of year.
    Fun painted fabric.
    Happy T day!

  22. That restaurant looks like a place we should try as well...thanks for the info. I am right there with you on being tired on cold temps and sooo ready for spring and blooms.

  23. Sorry to hear that you are still waiting for Spring! It's on it's way surely!!! Your Mac 'n Cheese looks delicious! It's my favourite thing to eat but hubby is not so keen!! I love your colourful cloth - it 's cheered me up no end!! Belated Happy T Day! Chrisx

  24. Oh yes, that looks like a nice place to eat. And the smaller portions is a good thing. I do hope they are a bit cheaper as well.
    The fabric flower is gorgeous. Very colorful. Just what we need.
    Sorry I'm late to comment,
    but a happy belated T-Day,

  25. Jewelled is how I would describe your piece of painted cloth. Such rich jewel like colours - lovely
    Oh Erika, your photograph of the food reminds me of the lovely meals we used to have when visiting America. I miss my friend so much since she passed and this just reminds me of the great restaurants she used to take us to on our travels. Nothing quite like it in England. Could just do with a plate of American food.
    Hugs, Neet xx


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