Sunday, March 10, 2019

The Weekend

Hi everyone. The snow has almost arrived. On the radar it is just a few towns away, and I bet by the time I finish writing this post it will be here.
It's been a good but also bad weekend for me. My Mom is off of oxygen (good news) and we are now in the process of figuring out how to move forward  to continue her care.  My daughter's flight from California this morning was cancelled (not so good). Yesterday was gorgeous and we had a nice beach walk. Friday night I went to my school's boys basketball playoff game and they won by 1 point to advance to the semi-finals (both good). But also my SIL, who has been fighting breast cancer, passed this weekend (not good and also very sad). Needless to say this weekend has been an emotional roller coaster (as the cliche goes) for me. 
But for my own good, today I get some art time! Hurrah! I haven't had any time at all, nor really felt like it, since my snow day last week. Today may or may not be the most productive day in my happy place but even making bad art is better for the soul than not making art at all. (At least in my humble opinion.)
 Back before we left for Florida I started a small 3 ring binder to use as a trip journal. I had picked up the binder at a local Staples on their clearance rack for under a dollar. Then I covered it with some matching pieces of colorful ocean print papers and some tropical washi tape. Then I added some stickers also. 
Everything on the cover I had in my stash except for the tape, which came in a set at Hobby Lobby that was on sale for 40% off,  so I picked it up especially for making this journal. Above is the front and this is the back.
 I'm hoping today to get work some more on this.
Here's the first page of the journal.
 At Christmas time I had made an order from for some dog treats for the pups, and this giant sized postcard came in the box. I saved it and decided it would make a great front page for my journal. I added the two big flowers (to cover the advertisement), and also added the tape along the bottom. I had to snip the corners  for it to fit into this binder.
I covered the back with some paper and tape, as well as added the journal tag and this fun flamingo cloth sticker.
 And finally for this preview, I made this page from this postcard sized striped paper I had. Not sure exactly where it came from but it was in something that arrived in the mail. I added the heart sunglasses and then 2 of those little jiggly eyes.
I am linking this up to Jo's spring challenge at Art Journal Journey. I know the tropics may not be really like spring, but for those of us living in a place where winter doesn't want to leave, a trip south can be a spring or late winter rite of passage to get a little bit of spring like sunshine and  weather. (Although those of you who have visited me for a while know I don't usually go south like this. This trip was for my husband, but I must say I did enjoy it.)
And since it is now snowing quite hard, how about a few tropical photos from Florida and a morning we spent in Biscayne National Park.

 Cool shadow view looking down from the top of the lighthouse.

 And view out the window of the light house.

Hope you're having an all good weekend. Thanks for visiting. It is always appreciated by me.


  1. So sorry to hear that you have so much on your plate just now. My condolences on the death of your SIL. Hope your mom continues to improve. Glad you found some time for art, and your new journal is off to a fantastic start. Look after yourself, hugs, Valerie

  2. Wow, sounds like a rollercoaster ride of a weekend! So sorry to hear about you mum's health and the passing of your dear SIL! Thinking of you and sending you comfort and hugs 😁. I'm glad you got some crafting time and your tropical pages are perfect for spring, my American friends like to escape the snow and head to sunny springtime weather too 😉. Thanks so much for joining us at Art Journal Journey! Take care! Big hugs, J 😊 x

  3. Life is sometimes like a drive in a roller coaster. So sorry that your SIL died. Best wishes for your Mom.
    Your book cover pages look so nice and colorful and the foloowing pages are very funny and colorful too.
    Have a nice and creative March with no more bad news.

  4. I hope everything gets better with your mom and your SIL, Erica. I will pray for you.
    I love your photos and definitely I am in love with your beautiful journal. The cover and the back are fabulous. Great pages too. Hope that one day I will be able to make a journal too, I am still an amateur in journal pages!!!
    Hugs, my dear friend.

  5. Fabulous bright and arty pages, and lovely to see some sunny photos from your trip.
    Alison xx

  6. It sounds like you and your family are under a lot of stress right now :( I appreciate the wonderful Florida photos. Thx!

  7. Seems when it rains it pours. Condolences for your SIL. You've created a wonderful trip journal.I love the sunglasses with the googly eyes. Thanks for sharing your warm weather photos. As close to Spring and sunshine as I'll get for a while. At least the snow has turned to rain.

  8. Wishing that your Mom keeps recovering so well furthermore ! My fingers are crossed and my thoughts are with her ♥ It is really sorry to hear about the untimely death of your SIL! That's so hard!
    I can imagine that this all is a bit too much just now and I can tell you that this isn't bad art - it is gorgeous and you are such a pro with scraps and adornments! Wonderful cheery pages and amazing photos of Florida - they make me longing to hava a little south to the sun trip as well.... but I have to wait for the south to come to no money and no time and no hubby who wants your photos have to be! Thank you for this!
    And the pages of course fit spring - thank you very much for joining in again with Jo's theme! You know how much I appreciate it and specially I am touched that it helped you to make art in this bad times! That's such a good way - others need meditation or sports or expensive goodies to heal their souls - we help us through our crafting and arting - we can call us happy souls - am I right?!
    Have a good start into the new week and let us not worry about the bad weather-
    bad storms here just now... boah!
    Let us feel spring in our hearts whatever the circumstances are!

    Big hugs, Susi

  9. So sorry to read about your SIL. I knew you said her prognosis wasn't good, but had NO idea she would be gone this soon. It was good to read that your mother is doing better, though.

    I was SO impressed with your journal cover. I can't believe you had all that in your stash already. It's a charming and beautiful entry for Jo's theme at Art Journal Journey. I hope you have a snow day if it's as bad as they predict it will be.

  10. Oh Erika, what a week you have had. I was so sorry to read that your SIL had passed, my thoughts go out go to you and your family.
    It was good to read that your mom is improving and I hope the arrangements you have to make for her wellbeing go well.
    Its good the you found some time to create art, it is good to escape and shut out the worries, even for a short time.
    Look after yourself Erika, take care.
    hugs Yvonne ss

  11. Hi Erika, just catching up and I'm so sorry to read about your SIL, you've really been having a torrid time latey but I'm pleased your Mom is recovering well. Its good that you had some crafty time to start your travel journal and use that fun postcard. Lovely photos from uour trip away
    Hoping you have a good week.
    Avril xx

  12. So glad you had some art time during your roller coaster weekend, - my heartfelt condolences to you and your brother! Good to hear your mum is improving and I hope your daughter has had a safe return by now...
    Your colourful travel journal looks fantastic, specially love the covers! Wonderful photos too! Hope the snow won't last too long, - have a good week ahead!

  13. So sorry for your loss Erika
    art is always there for us, loved your piece, and all the Florida photos. hope things have balanced out now-hugs

  14. Condolences to you and your family, Erika, on the passing of your SIL. Good news about your mom and hope she continues to improve each day. We also had a mixed bag of weather in Nashua on Sunday - snow, fog, rain and then colder temps. The FL photos in this post were a nice change of scenery.

  15. Oh Erika, my heat goes out to you. What an emotional rollercoaster you have been on. Condolences for your sil. I guess the only comfort you can take is that she is free from pain now.
    Shame that your daughter's flight was cancelled, I hope that by now she has managed to visit, and good news (you needed some) about the result of the basketball playoff.
    How strange the weather is all over at the moment. My friend in CA said they have had so much rain these past three weeks and yet here we are in the UK having had spring-like weather in February but a combination of hail/snow/rain/high winds all in the space of one day in March.
    Love your journal cover. What fabulous stickers but then inside that giant postcard - well, that is fabulous! So sunny and such fun - makes one smile. As does the reverse which you did as a cover up (no-one would ever know). But that is not the whole of it - no, you treat us to some sunglasses and googly eyes on a great striped background. Fab!
    Thanks also for the photos of your trip - makes me want some lovely sunshine and the heat it brings with it.
    hugs, Neet xx

  16. Lovely art … but my condolences on the death of your SIL.
    I do hope your mom continues to improve.
    Thinking of you.

    All the best Jan

  17. Oh Erika, you HAVE been on a rollercoaster this week. I'm so sorry to hear about the passing of your sister-in-law. And your mom -- good news about the oxygen but I know from experience the challenges of recalibrating a life after a big health crisis. It takes energy and strength and time. Hang in there.

    The photos from your trip are beautiful and I know that time was sorely needed and so sad it was interrupted. Your journal captures it well.

    Hoping your daughter can make it home soon.


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