Saturday, March 2, 2019

Welcome March

Hi everyone. Today I have a piece of art to share with Jo's Hello Springtime challenge at Art Journal Journey. It's from my calendar journal. I basically painted the designs already on the page (it was a very light image in the background),and then added a stamped and colored bird, some doodled music notes as well as the label  and the Paper Artsy stamped quote.
The birds are always the first sign of spring in my world, even when we still have snow on the ground. They come out on nice mornings and sing. I love it.
And for Bleubeard and Elizabeth's Second on the Second challenge, I have this page from March of 2016.  
It's lots of paint and collaging. An abstract view of the spring!
You can see the whole post here: Making Art Ain't Pretty.
My husband and I headed down to southern Florida for a few days this past week. It was school vacation for me and he took the week off.  It was very warm and humid (the only place in the US that had above normal temperatures), but it still felt good to be out and about. It wasn't a lounge on the beach week (well maybe just a little) but I got in lots of walking and did some fun things. I have lots to share another day, but here's a couple of photos just to tease.

I'm back to the cold and the chance of a big snowstorm on Sunday night. Hope your weather is spring like where you are.


  1. Beautiful artwork and wonderful photos.

  2. Wonderful pages though wishful thinking today. March sure is coming in like a lion. I was wondering if you went to a warmer climate. the sunset photo is just beautiful. I hope you show us more photos. It will take the sting out of looking at all the snow this weekend.

  3. I'm loving your spring page, there's nothing better than listening to birdsong and your page has captured the springtime feel beautifully! The way you coloured the background, leaves and bird stamp is fabulous ๐Ÿ˜. I'm glad you had a wonderful vacation and can't wait to see more of your photos, the sunset and palm trees make me think of relaxing on sunny tropical shores ๐Ÿ˜‰. Thanks so much for joining us at Art Journal Journey! Happy weekend! J ๐Ÿ˜Š x

  4. Wow, looks like you had a great vacation. Lovely to see the 2 March pages together, both are gorgeous. Hugs, Valerie

  5. Hi, I loved your second look art page and all the photos too-that's a big turtle Happy second on the 2nd hugs kathy

  6. Lovely springtime page, Erika, with that lush, bright green that's popping up everywhere! I love the birds, too - they really brighten life up, especially in the mornings.
    Your photos are wonderful. I'm sure you had a wonderful time in humid Florida - I remember it well :-) Glad you managed to get a break but sorry you're coming back to another snowy forecast :-( Hope it isn't TOO cold. It's not bad here in NW England - not too bright but not too cold either, despite the stronger winds.
    Great to see your second on the second... it's fascinating to look back at what you were doing a few years ago.
    Have a great week!
    Cath x

  7. Beautiful piece along with those words, i'm loving everyones Spring time creations, they sure do brighten up a dull day. I'm keeping my fingers crossed that the weather is kind to you Erika.
    Take care & enjoy the rest of the weekend Hugs Tracey x

  8. Its a beautiful springtime page Erika, the bird do sing their song at this time of year. I liked the photos you shared as well and look forward to seeing more from your trip away.
    I hope your snowy weather forecast doesn't get to bad, our spring has gone walk about and its very cold with nearly gale force winds.
    Have a good rest of the weekend.
    Yvonne xx

  9. Oh what a lovely collage paint page. So colourful. i love it! Poppies and butterflies.
    And then I saw my favorite animal: A turtle! What a beauty.
    So you've been to Florida. I've heard it's very humid. I don't think I would last very long in humid weather, especially as we are used to a dry climate here.
    The baby aligators are cute (from a distance). And the sunset photos are gorgeous.
    Yes, we are having spring like weather. We've been eating outside for a few weeks now. Very unusual.
    Have a great weekend,

  10. What a great first entry for Jo's theme at Art Journal Journey. I simply adore the bird. This is an incredible beauty. I at least feel spring in my heart, but, like you, not outside. It's a very successful entry and I love it, right down to the doodled music notes. Thanks for sharing it with us at Art Journal Journey, dear.

    What a great second look, too. I remember seeing this before, so it was a great second look for me. I remember you took that class and had such a great time recycling items. I love the butterflies and the flowers, too. I think this is a perfect second look on the 2nd.

    I had to laugh at your description of FL. If you think it's humid in March, wait till summer. It's deadly humid and if that doesn't get you, the mosquitoes will. Glad you had a good time, though. From the first two photos, it looks like you went to Busch Gardens in Tampa Bay. And that sunset is definitely east coast beauty in pink. I definitely look forward to seeing more vacation photos.

  11. This bird song page with the Nietzsche quote is fantastic dear Erika! So beautiful - I love all about it! Thank you for joining Art Journal Journey with this masterpiece of Mixed Media ! I love it! Fantastic impressions of the trip to get me curious already! Looking forward to more photos of your Florida adventure! This wonderful page you reshowed makes me happy as well - so cheery and lovely made. Happy Second on the 2nd! We had not the best weather for this weekend, rain and windy again, but at least no more snow. Hope that spring arrives soon here and at your end of the planet as well since we all are in urgent need of it!
    Happy Sunday!
    Big hugs, Susi

  12. Two lovely pieces, the paint over calendar page looks super clever! Good to hear you had a great time in Florida! Look forward to seeing more...
    Have a good week!

  13. Yes, please, I'm ready for Spring! And a trip to Florida looks like a delightful idea :)

  14. I love the colors here. And your Florida shots are great. Don't you wish you could be back there instead of the Frozen North? We head that way Wednesday. Let's hope all weather stops for awhile!

  15. Wowww Erika !! What a so Gorgeous Art page !! I love the little tender bird and the leaves, the drops and the quote. Really wonderful ! Spring is comming!
    Your second is amazing and very happy, love the butterflies, the flowers.... and this true quote!!.
    I thank you very much for these so beautiful photographs you have shared with us, they are great and interesting. Hope you´ll get fine weather very soon. Here today around 24 ยบC, very hot day!
    I wish you a happy afternoon,
    Big hugs, Caty

  16. Lovely artwork Erika - great quotes - especially about music - I couldn't imagine a life without that or not having any of my keyboards guitars etc :)
    Loved your photos - looks like you had a fabulous time.
    Gill xx

  17. Whata great page! So vibrant! I love the colours and the poppies and the butterflies. It definitely announces spring. Not long now!
    I love the turtle. It is my favorite animal. They can become so old and could tell a story. That fascinates me. Also the fact that they look like a living fossil appeals to me. It might be psycological, the fact that turtles/tortoises can hide/shelter inside their 'house'. I'd love to do that sometimes...
    The baby aligators look very cute, but I wouldn't like to meet one. (The mother rather).
    Sunset photos are stunning!

  18. Super painting, Erika. I like the big blue raindrops (that's what they are?) and the bluebird singing his lovely song. All the colours are lovely here, the bright green new leaves of Spring and the pink sky. Maybe it's dawn and the sun will break through to make a clear sunny day.
    Looks like you had a good trip, looking forward to seeing more. The creatures are amazing and the birds flying over the setting sun is a fabulous photo.

  19. Nothing nicer than to waken to than bird song - a real herald of Spring. Thanks for sharing your lovely page with us.
    Great holiday photos too - hope the week of warmth set you up ready for the cold blast you seem to be having.
    Hugs, Neet xx

  20. Ahh, the music of the birds is such welcome music in this season... and the wings of the butterflies (and moths) express the renewed freedom of the season!


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