Wednesday, March 6, 2019

What's Been Going On

Hi everyone. Life became a little crazy for me for the last couple of days.  My 89 years old Mom went into the hospital last weekend right before I got home from Florida. It meant a 2+ hour trip down to visit over the weekend. She got released this past Tuesday. However, the rehab didn't have a bed  for her until today, and the assisted living where she lives didn't want her being alone for fear she might fall on her oxygen tubing so I got to go stay with her for 2 days. My brother lives near her, but his wife is in the final stages of cancer and doesn't have much time left, so I have had to do lots of things he would usually take care of.  It also means I haven't yet gone back to work from my vacation and I got to be a nurse, which I will admit I am not very good at. But it was some good quality time with my mom, and I am happy to report that we are hopeful she will have a complete recovery. I'm sorry I can't say that about my brother's wife, which is really really a sad thing.
However, I did discover something. My mother's assisted living had a really slow connection to the internet, so I used my phone and its service to make comments on many blogs the last couple of days since I couldn't pull them up on my laptop. (Even though I had my laptop with me.)  I thought this process was working, until I went back to check on a couple and realized that even though I had hit post, they didn't go through. I am guessing the same thing happened to all my comments last week  when I was away in Florida. So if you didn't hear from me last week on your blog posts, it probably meant my comment didn't go through as I spent time each morning or later evening commenting with my phone. Sorry ladies!
It also means that all the TIOT comments I made didn't go through either, which I just wanted to let you ladies on the design team know.
It's too bad it didn't work but lesson is learned.
OK, now that I have babbled on, let me move forward to some art.
First of all, I received a fantastic package from Bleubeard and Elizabeth when I returned home. I got this beautiful art from her.
 And she also sent me this cool homemade paper which you will see soon in some art.
 Thanks so much Elizabeth!
And also I want to add another journal page for Jo's Spring challenge at Art Journal Journey
It's what early spring is like here in New Hampshire (once the snow melts or is melting). We have a 5th season of the year  that is Mud Season.We're still waiting for that to arrive this year since we have more snow on the ground now than we had all winter.
I made my page by using watercolor crayons to create the muse, as well as some clear glue to make it look a little bit wetter. I drew the boots on watercolor paper, cut them out, painted them and then added the spring words. Those words had been stamped on acetate and then cut to fit the boots. The polka dot background is a Gelli print on deli paper that I tore into pieces and then collaged them. I doodled and painted the letters, as well as adding a bit of mud to them too.
Now that I am home to good internet speed, I will be by blogs soon.
Hope everyone is having a good week.


  1. Sorry to read about your mom being hospitalized, Erika, and even sadder news about your sister-in-law. Please never be concerned about not being abler to post comments on our blog as there are far more important issues in your family and I am sure other bloggers would say the same. Sending well wishes for your mom and hope that your SIL is not in pain. And yes, we do know about mud season in New England although we still have too much ground cover of snow and ice to see any ground.

  2. What a great gift from Elizabeth. Enjoy it, Erica! And your page is unique! Kisses, my friend.

  3. I’m so sorry for all the stress you are under. It is never easy to see one’s mom be sick especially when they are up there in age. I can’t help but think of my mom. I am so glad you were able to be there even though you had to take time off work. I feel very bad for your brother who must see his wife ebb away and you have to see this as well. This is just very sad but I am so glad you got this nice gift from Bluebeard which is so sweet and so are the nice homemade papers. I love your boots for the rain. This is a fun page you created and this is a nice way to forget one’s problems

  4. So sorry to hear your Mom has been ill and wish her a complete recovery. Sad to hear of your sister in law, too. Nursing is hard work! Lovely hanging from Elizabeth, and love the mud page for spring. Have a great day, take care of yourself, hugs, Valerie

  5. MUD! This is something I definitely wouldn't have thought of. It's a fabulous entry for Jo's theme at Art Journal Journey. I especially liked how you created the boots with the overlay. Super clever. Thanks for sharing it with us at Art Journal Journey, dear friend.

    Glad you liked your gift. The 5 cent stamps are new, so the old ones that have the coffee pot are being discontinued. I'm just glad I could find a way to give you something you could use in your art, along with your very, very, very belated Christmas gift.

  6. I forgot to tell you how sorry I was to read about your mother and I am delighted that she will more than likely recover. She is in my thoughts.

  7. Thanks for the update Erika, it sounds as if there are good and not so good aspects to most of them (so sorry about your SIL, that sounds awful)…
    I love your Spring mud piece, yep mud is just as much an aspect of spring as all those pretty flower and bird images usually associated with Springtime themes. The goodies you received look amazing too.

    Hope normality will return to your life soon, and may your mum recover speedily!

  8. I am so sorry to hear about your Mom but great she did it well and will recover - ♥♥♥- and wonderful you were able to help!
    So sorry about your SIL. ♥♥♥

    Don't worry about those comments - I read recently at a few other blogs that they gained the same experiences with commenting with commenting via cell phones. I am not sure- I never comment with my phone - it's to tiny for my fingers but sometimes I comment when I use my IPad - have to test if my comments are not showing when I do this.
    But I can tell you that your T-Day comment is shown on my blog - even though I don't know if that information helps in any way.

    This painting is absolutely G*O*R*G*E*O*U*S!!!I love how this boots are made Erika- awesome!!!
    We have the same fifth season here as well... two years ago I wore gum boots the whole spring/summer/ autumn season when out with the dogs. But I guess that is what nature needs and loves in our region!

    A wonderful hanger from Dr.E. - I have a similar one hanging here by my side I got from her for Christmas / Birthday and I can say I simply adore it.
    And her wonderful paper.. I so love it and she sent me three sheets recently as a surprise and just made me happy with it - this handmade papers are absolutely gorgeous!

    Best well wishes for your wonderful Mom, my thoughts are with her and with you!♥♥♥

    Happy day my friend,
    such a wonderful painting for Jo's "Hello Springtime" collection at Art Journal Journey! Thank you very much!!!

    Big hugs,

  9. Great to hear that the colours of my last pages cheer you up! I read the comment just now after I wrote this comment!
    Happy day my friend!
    Hugs Susi

  10. I love how you were inspired by "mud season" and your pages are just perfect 😁. The spring text on the wellies looks fabulous and I love the muddy mess you created 😉. That's such a beautiful gift from Bleubeard and Elizabeth too! Thanks so much for joining us at Art Journal Journey and enjoy the rest of your week! J 😊 x

  11. I am so sorry to hear that you have had a 'not nice' end to your little trip. I just hope your mom improves day by day and that the nursing home can feel competent enough to deal with her illness. Sorry about your sil. That must be terrible for the whole family. I have seen how illness can affect a family, just stay strong in your relationship.
    On a brighter note your page is lovely. I do like how you did the wellington boots with the wording on them - quite a novel idea to use acetate in this way - bet it gives a good shine to them. Great colour combo to.
    Do take care, rest when you can but still find time for some enjoyment.
    Hugs, Neet xx

  12. It sounds as though you and your family have really been going through the mill. I'm happy to hear your mother is doing better, but sad news about your sister-in-law. And with all that going on, you were still managing to do some blog-visiting and commenting (even if Blogger wouldn't cooperate with you) - I don't think you have any need to apologise!

    I love your muddy boots - so clever to add the clear glue to give the mud that glossy wetness. A great spring page - hope the snow melts soon so that you can enjoy mud season.
    Alison x

  13. I am so sorry to hear about your family health issues, but I'm glad your mom is recovering well. It sometimes seems everything happens at once :(

    Those handmade papers are a treasure! :)

  14. Sorry to hear about your mother.I bet she was happy to have you around to help her out. And good she will make a recovery. Sad about your SIL. Wishing your family strength to get through these difficult times. The quiltlet is so pretty what a lovely surprise. Will look forward to seeing what you make with the papers. Your page made me laugh. Mud Season. Another season I don't look forward to, but fortunately it doesn't last as long as Winter. Take care.

  15. Oh Erika what a worrying few days you have had, I was pleased to read that all seems to be going well for your moms recovery. So sad for you all as well that your SIL is very ill.
    Don't worry about the comments at TioT's there seems to have been a few issues in blogland, a few times I had only half of what I wrote getting posted.
    I am pleased you managed to get some art time, it does help escape, even for a short time. The page with the wellies looks fantastic and fun.
    Take care of yourself Erika, thinking of you and sending hugs.
    Yvonne xx

  16. I'm so sorry to hear that your mother is hospitalized Erika, and I hope she will get better soon. I am also very sad about the illness of your sister-in-law, one is never prepared for this. I understand that you are very busy taking care of your mother and doing everything you can with your brother, you are admirable and strong. Much encouragement.
    The presents of Elizabeth are Wonderful, love them !
    Do not worry if you can´t visit the blogs, we understand it perfectly.
    I really like the beautiful boots that you have created, they are impressive.
    I send you a very big hug, and take care of yourself,

  17. Oh Erika, I'm so sorry to hear about your mom and your shortened vacation but especially your mom and sister in law. What a week -- what an awful week.

    I can and can't imagine all the things you were going through in your head on that journey back. I hope your mom will recover and that your sister in law's last days are relatively pain free and filled with love and family.

    LOVED Elizabeth's gift toyou!

  18. This is a wonderful page - love those wellies! Great use of that Hero Arts Spring stamp, too - one of my most used stamps at this time of year. You've depicted the mud really well and the whole page is just so expressive. Brilliant!
    Cath x

  19. Sorry to read your sad news and further to hear that your Mom will make a complete recovery! It may not be your fault about the lost comments as I lost a lot last week too! I found by accident that they hadn't published and managed to revisit most blogs! The goodies from Elizabeth look great! Your MUD SEASON page made me smile - not the best of seasons I am sure! Hugs, Chrisx


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