Monday, April 15, 2019

T Stands for a Girl Weekend

Happy Tuesday and Happy T Day. 
I went to write this earlier but I was engrossed with the news and seeing Notre Dame in Paris burn. It so sad. 
How can you replace what is irreplaceable? 
But on to happy moments like T day.
My daughter was home this weekend and we had some fun mother-daughter time. It started Friday evening when we went and got pedicures.
Then Saturday before we went through and cleaned out some of her boxes which were in the attic, we went and took a nice but a bit muddy walk.
 Sunday we took a road trip to IKEA. We left before eight in the morning since we not only had a 2 hour trip but we also took the shortest route which meant we had to drive straight through Boston to get there, and I wanted to avoid the city traffic as the day progressed. We arrived hungry since we hadn't had breakfast, so while waiting for the store to open. we went to the IKEA cafeteria and had the Swedish American breakfast.
Scrambled eggs, fried potatoes, sausage and Swedish pancakes. And a bargain as breakfast was only $2.00 each. 
And you can see we had water as our drink.  
I thought the name was appropriate not only for the meal but for us  because we have a lot of Swedish heritage.
I got the bookcase I wanted and my daughter got her shelving/cabinet unit she wanted. Of course then we had to fit this into my car, which is not that big.
Easier said than done. We had to rearrange the car twice, but put 2 girl brains together and success is sure to follow.
We took the long way home and looped around Boston  and but that gave us lots of time for some good girl  talk. 
It was a busy weekend but a nice change of pace. 
Won't you join us for T this week over at Bleubeard and Elizabeth's blog? All you need to do is share a drink photo with us.
Thanks for visiting my blog!


  1. Sounds like an awesome mother daughter weekend-Wow that is an excellent price for your breakfast and looks delicious too. glad you were able to get the furniture in your car-that must have been a challenge.
    Happy T wishes Kathy

  2. IKEA is a fun store to go look and grab some food...I love their Swedish meatballs.

  3. hi erika,

    the feets with pink lacqe its beautiful,now in the summer looks this pretty with open sandalettes,i must making my feets with red laque,i love this.
    your page with the little bloom car looks wonderful and happy,loving this a lot.
    thank you for your kind comment of my blog,iam so happy,yes iam back,my healthy is a little bit better.
    wishing you a nice day,dear erika,your new header is super.

    hugs jenny

  4. Glad you managed so much fun together, pedicure, walking and IKEA - three lovely treats. The breakfast looks good. IKEA always serve good food in their places, and it's really good value here, too. Have fun putting the bits together with your shelves! Happy T Day, hugs, Valerie

  5. Sounds like a wonderful weekend with your daughter Erika! I'm looking forward to seeing my girly this Easter weekend :-)
    Alison xx

  6. we also had good experiences eating at ikea. and we also had storage problems in the car;) then we said: if you want to have entertainment, just go to the parking lots at ikea and watch people, haha!!
    happy t-day!

  7. It sounds like you had a super girlie weekend and got quality time together.
    Nice nail colour on your toes.
    The breakfast does seem a bargain and looks yummy as well, especially when you were hungry after your early start to the day.
    Happy T day wishes Erika.
    Yvonne xx

  8. Our nearest Ikea is 3 hours away, and we should be going soon as I need a few bits and bobs. Luckily we have a trailer on our small car so we can buy bigger items. (beds mattresses etc)
    Wonderful to have a day with your daughter. Cars lend themselves to talking.
    Happy T-Day,

  9. Love the painted toes, I love a manicure but can't stand my feet touching,
    Why does a trip to Idea always end in a car jammed with items that you struggle to fit everything in. Looks like you had a fun day with your daughter too.
    Happy T day
    Jan x

  10. How nice to get a pedicure together-and now your pretty toes are ready for sandals and flip flops! That is one long drive but well spent time together and that breakfast sure is a bargain!! Good job getting the furniture in. Happy T day!

  11. Looks like you had such a fun time with your daughter! I love the colour of your nail varnish and there is always lots to see and buy at IKEA, glad you got what you both wanted and managed to fit it all into your car 😁. Such yummy food too - happy T Day! J 😊 x

  12. NOthing is better than having your daughter come home. And that breakfast looks wonderful!

  13. I've never had a pedicure, but it sounds like y'all had fun :) The IKEA trip sounds like a success from start to finish. Good times together can't be beat. Happy T Tuesday!

  14. You girls had a wonderful weekend as it seems! GREAT!!!!
    Love the Erika quote of 2 girl brains together and success is sure to follow.

    Always a pleasure to read your T-Day postings !
    You are such an entertainer Erika!
    Happy T-Day!


  15. That Notre Dame Cathedral news was very sad to see yesterday. It looks like you and your daughter had fun girl time together. I've never had the Ikea breakfast but your photo makes me want to now (and that's a good price!). It also looked a little foggy in that photo of your walk. (I love fog.) Happy T-Day!

  16. sounds like you had some great girl time! cute nails, and the "two girl brains together" made me smile. ;) Ikea was pretty overwhelming when I visited, but sounds like you had a good idea what you wanted before you went? Yummy looking breakfast! happy T day!

  17. It was terrible to see Notre Dame, Paris in flames.

    Pleased that you had a successful shop in IKEA.
    I like the colour of your nails :)

    All the best Jan

  18. Oh, a pedicure sounds like a wonderful way to pamper.
    And that breakfast looks amazing! And what a bargain for only $2. Anything with breakfast meats gets my mouth watering.
    Looks like you had a great girl weekend.
    Happy Tea Day,

  19. That breakfast sure looks good, but it is what my doctor calls a "heart attack in a plate!"

  20. I am obviously running late, but loved the pink toenails I saw when I first logged on. Like you, though, I was shocked and saddened when I read what happened to Notre Dame. I hope to find where to send donations, because so far there is no reliable way to donate, like you can through the Red Cross, etc.

    What a fun girly weekend you and your daughter had. I can't believe you got that meal for $2.00. I want an IKEA in KS. You are so lucky. Thanks for sharing your lovely weekend, your breakfast, and your waters with us for T this week, dear. I hope it was as productive as the car shows (grin). Two female minds working as one can conquer the world!

  21. I envy your day with your daughter! Also, your trip to IKEA. I have never been! I am happy for your time with your daughter! Happy T Day!

  22. Still so sad about what happened to Notre Dame! I would have loved weekend such as you daughters, only sons so our weekends used to take on a different look!!! Your breakfast looks better than the food they serve at our IKEA! A very Belated Happy T Day! Chrisx


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