Monday, May 6, 2019

T Stands for Pop's

Happy Tuesday everyone. Time again for T Day and a chance to share our drink related posts over at  Bleubeard and Elizabeth's blog.
You may not remember but a couple of weeks ago on T Day I showed you a photo with a soon to be open sign at Pops. And those of you who have stopped by for a while know Pop's is this little fried food shack that only opens for the summer but has yummy fried food and also the world's best (ok-in my opinion) lobster rolls.
Well this past Saturday was the season opener, and after a day of heavy duty yard work and no lunch, the hubby and I decided it was nice enough to go have our first Pop's dinner of the season.
 Pop's has been around since 1945, and I bet it hasn't really changed all that much. I have to say that's one things I like about it. Plus you can't argue with with food.
I guess other people feel the same because it was only 4 in the afternoon and you can see there was already a line. 
 You order at one window, get your number ticker and go out to the other window to wait for your food. That window has a new sign this year.
And you get a little peek into the kitchen.

 It wasn't really warm, but not really cold either. At least as far as our weather has been going this spring. So we ate outside on the roof of the restaurant's second building  where there are picnic tables. If you'd rather not eat outside (like if it's raining or cold) you can eat in the enclosed room underneath.
It was a little too cold for a lobster roll, so I went for the high calorie fried mix of clam and scallop meal. I figured the 13,000 steps all from my yard work and only a breakfast shake that morning meant I could splurge. And I went with a Diet Coke as my drink.
It was sure yummy!
And a couple of you asked if we still had our dog Pete or if he had gone back with my daughter. Nope, Pete is not going any place.
He is much too comfortable living here with us.
Have a happy Tuesday! Thanks for visiting.


  1. Erika I can't believe you didn't get the lobster roll! But yes, those calories balanced what you walked/worked off all day! I like the way you think;)
    Happy T day!

  2. I love restaurants like this that have been around a long time. yes I think you deserve this wonderful meal-hugs
    sunny and warm here today but storms coming back rest of the week.
    Happy T wishes Kathy

  3. Ok first, I am in love with Pete as he reminds me of my Katie, even though she was a girl. This place may not look like much but often the best places are the hole in the wall” places as I like to call them. They often taste better than the frou frou places that cost way too much.

  4. Today would have been a good day for fried clams. Oh, they looks so good. Pete sure looks comfy. Happy T Day

  5. Your food looks delicious, and the seating on a rooftop is just my style. I know I'd enjoy that restaurant :) The dog looks quite content in the window seat, perfectly settled :) Happy T Day

  6. Your food looks sooooooooooooooo good, and what a heavenly portion. I am not a fan of the mini portions they offer at some places here, your food looks great and filling. I'd better stop thinking about it! And Pete looks like he is where he belongs and feels well, bless him. Happy T Day, hugs, Valerie

  7. give pete a hug ♥
    happy t-day!

  8. My sincere apologies. I'm leaving this message for everyone. I had to take my friend Sally to the emergency room Monday afternoon. I stayed with her until the ER doctors ran several tests, then admitted her to the hospital. When I got home, I found my basement was flooded from the many rounds of rain we are having. I'm still getting water out because I have no sump pump. I'll be back by to share T just as soon as I have the water under control, because I don't want mold to set in. For those of you who may not know, Twin Peaks is a sports bar that specializes in busty young, scantily clad female servers.

  9. A lively way to end your busy time working in the garden. The meal looks delicious and huge compared to the servings we often get here. I'm sure you will be back there soon for your lobster roll.
    Pete looks very comfortable, dogs sure know how to relax.
    Happy T day wishes.
    Yvonne xx

  10. Great looking place to get food! I'm glad Pete is still staying with you, and he does look very comfortable. Happy T-Day!

  11. That's a cool restaurant ! Super retro look !!! A good place to eat for sure! Give Mr. Pete a big hug!!! I can imagine that he feels very comfortable with Maddie and you!

    Happy T-Day!

  12. It looks such a popular place to eat so it must be good! Your meal looks delicious, and it brings back memories of our travels to Maine, there is a Clam Shack near our friends house and the food was amazing - yum πŸ˜‰. Pete looks super cute and must be very happy living with you! Glad you enjoyed your meal and wishing you a Happy T Day! J 😊 x

  13. That Clam shack looks like it does a great business and the clam and scallop meal looks delicious. There are plenty of days left in the season for Lobster rolls.
    Happy Tea Day,

  14. Yes, I remember that Pop's was opening soon, Erika. My mouth waters every time you mention Pop's. My hubby doesn't wait in line at a restaurant, but I bet he would for Pop's. Thanks for sharing that. I'm tasting lobster roll in my mind.

    Happy T-day! Eileen xx

  15. You certainly get a plateful at Pops! Great to see Pete - he does look so comfortable! Happy T Day ! Chrisx

  16. Yes, I remember this lobster roll place from previous posts. It looks really authentic and I would love to stop and sample that lovely sea food. I'm not keen on fried stuff though, so they might not have anything to my taste, but the ambience is second to none.
    Great photo of Pete as he relaxes.
    Happy belated T-Day,

  17. Oh, I wish we had a Pop's near us! The food looks like comfort food to me!
    Your doggie does look comfortable. Have a great week!

  18. I always love it when you take a trip to Pop's. You seem to enjoy it, and I always enjoy seeing your meal, too. However, I am not really a fan of clams. As much as I like shrimp, I think I got some bad clams one time, and it turned me off to eating them again. You have to remember, there is NO WAY we get fresh clams in Kansas. Mine may have been prepared wrong. I'm SO glad you enjoyed yours, but I'm also looking forward to that first lobster roll of the season, too!

    It's still raining here. It lets up for about three hours, then a new wave of rain appears, either from the gulf or the west or the southwest due to the gulf stream. The forecasters say we may have one day over the weekend when we don't get rain. Flash floods are now the norm and people can't even get into their homes or out of them if they live in the country. Thanks for your concern.

    Pete looks happy and I'm glad Maddie is on the mend, too. Thanks for sharing your diet coke and clams with us for T this week, dear, dear friend.

  19. This may be a good restaurant Erika, with delicious meals. Happy day sure.
    I just adore Nope, he is a quiet dog .
    I wish you a very nice weekend,
    Big hugs, Caty


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