Friday, May 10, 2019

The Week Wrapped Up

Happy Friday everyone. How has your week been? My week has been busy between work and a cake baking project.
A coworker is having a baby next month so a couple of us threw a baby shower for her after school, and I had the job of making the cake.  
I did manage a bit of art time a couple of evenings this week also. The black flies, our spring bugs, have arrived and they are keeping me out of the garden unless it is windy. And since my husband has a big project to wrap up (meaning long days in the office for him), I've had some extra me time to play.
I made a quick tag for the new challenge at Tag Tuesday: Sea World.
I used a punch out image from Studio Light, a bit of washi tape, a stamped quote and a few little brass charms.
And I also have another page for the In The Air/In the Sky challenge at Art Journal Journey
It's another simple page that I made just for this quote which I cut out of a magazine. I made it by stamping the white stars and adding the image of the moon. Then I put a bit of sparkle glue on one star and added some gold lines. Then I drew the hand on some paper, cut it out, and added it to the page.

Hope you have or are having a great Friday! The weekend isn't too far away.


  1. You just had to tempt me with that cake, didn't you, dear Erika. It is beautiful.

    I laughed at your tan lines tag. It was whimsical.

    I LOVE your Art Journal Journey entry. At first, I thought it was going to read "you are here," then I saw the entire quote from Peter Pan and liked it even better. Great entry for your theme, dear. Happy almost weekend (AKA Friday).

  2. The cake looks fantastic. I love the flowers you made out of the frosting around the sides. (That looks hard to do.) I like your black background art. The contrast of white really pops. And celestial themes are one of my favorite, so needless to say, I love this art piece.

  3. I LOVE the cake cute - wow ... I adore this fun meraid image and how you used it on this fun tag Erika and most of all I ADORE this wonderful star page - you know - I am a little star. so this page touches my heart!
    The word STERNCHEN in
    means littel star in German!

    "froebel"sternchen I have chosen as my nickname many years ago because I loved to fold the Fröbelstern out of paper as I was a young girl.
    Happy start of the weekend!
    Susi xxx

  4. Gorgeous tag, thanks so much for joining us at Tag Tuesday with your lovely mermaid. Tan lines would be good, we just need a bit of sun! Great journal page, too. Those bugs are horrible, so do nice things like art inside! Have a fun weekend, hugs, Valerie

  5. What a lovely cake! The rubber duckies are so cute. Your mermaid tag has some very good advice. Stars have been a recurring theme in my dreams so your page really appeals to me. Hope you'll be able to get out in the garden in between some rain drops and I hope it's breezy enough to keep the black flies away. Have a good day

  6. Fabulous tag, love Studio Light, and the quote made me smile. Thank you for sharing with us on Tag Tuesday.

  7. That cake looks like art to me :) and I love the Peter Pan page. Fun!

  8. May I have a piece of cake, please! It looks soooooo yummy!!!!! Ha ha. Kisses, Erika. I lllllllllove your tag!!!!!

  9. Fantastic art projects Erika, the black base for your journal pages makes all the detail pop, its a super Peter Pan quote as well.
    The cake you made for the baby shower party looks delicious, I bet it all got eaten up.
    Have a good weekend.
    Yvonne xx

  10. Hi Erika! WOW! That cake looks delicious and it is totally adorable!!! And I absolutely LOVE your whimsical and very beautiful tag. But my favorite is your work of art that you made for the AJJ challenge this month. It's just amazing! And that quote is perfect here. I believe JM Barrie just celebrated a birthday (Peter Pan is one of my sister's favorite books of all times!!!), so that makes it even more amazing. Hugs to you, my friend! Sharon

  11. Wow, the cake that you mad is amazing - I love it! The tag is such fun and that's a great entry for your theme at AJJ, so inspirational 😁. Happy belated Friday and enjoy your weekend! J 😊 x

  12. Woowww this cake is Gorgeous !! Congratulations!! It may be delicioussss Erika !! I adore your tag and the so beautiful image and colours. Love this little star !! you always amaze me, great your Art !
    I wish you a very nice weekend,
    Big hugs, Caty

  13. Cake looks delicious Erika, and your artwork looks fab!
    Alison xxx

  14. That cake is the cutest thing ever and I adore your Peter Pan second star art!


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