Wednesday, May 29, 2019

You Need A Telescope for This One

I have a last few pages to share with you as my month as hostess at Art Journal Journey is winding down. So today's page fit the  In the Sky challenge, but you would need a telescope to see it. Today I have a page that is out of this world. Hee-hee! 

I had this image from space  that I cut out of a magazine page, along with the Cosmic Vibrations title. I put them onto a background that I created with spray inks, some Infusions, and some random scraps of paper. Then I painted around the edge of my cut out photo to make it blend into the background better. 
Finally I added a few shiny yellow gemstone style stars and stamped some white stars. I added the little rocket sticker, and finally the Carl Sagan quote. Carl Sagan was  a space guru who wrote several books and certainly made the cosmos more accessible to people who weren't astronomers.
That's my page today.

I hope everyone has a great mid-week.


  1. Love your beautiful page and the great quote. Hope you have a wonderful day. Hugs, Valerie

  2. The quote is an inspiration, and your art piece, well I can picture it as an illustration for many a book I've read :) Striking!

  3. Out into the unknown, if only we could see into the universe and beyond. It is a fabulous page and quote Erika.
    Yvonne xx

  4. Looks great! Good job! Have a wonderful week!

  5. Carl Sagen is my HERO. I would love to travel to the stars and that quote is perfect. Yes, we are definitely made of star stuff. This is an amazing entry, dear Erika and perfect for your theme at Art Journal Journey.

  6. A very impressive final piece to what must have been a super busy month for you.... Love the quote.

  7. AWESOME Erika!
    microcosm / macrocosm
    so true!


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