Thursday, June 13, 2019


Happy Thursday everyone. It's going to be a really wet and cold day here in New Hampshire today. And yesterday was just gorgeous, but that's they way the weather goes I guess. 
I have a page today for Halle's challenge at Art Journal Journey. The challenge is words to live by.
So my calendar journal for this week had this pink and purple background page. I thought about covering it over but I wanted to see if I could do anything with it. I also felt like painting flowers, an abstract take on my irises (OK, very abstract). So I said to myself, just do it.
And so I did. I like it and I don't like it. I haven't made up my mind. But it does work. 
But let's focus on the words for the challenge. They say
we are fearless,

Hope everyone is having a good week. I've been dealing with some major hives for the last couple of weeks and they are now under control (again), so that is making me really happy. Hives are not fun, especially when they are from an overactive immune system, not something I can just stop using or doing. As my doctor said the other day "I just don't know what we are going to do with you." (Hopefully she hasn't totally run out of ideas or I might need a new doctor.)

Thanks for visiting.


  1. Your page is great, love the colours and the words. You seem to have similar weather to us, one day up and one day down. Sorry about the hives, I feel for you! Hugs, Valerie

  2. This looks lovely. I like your abstract flowers. I'm having the same weather as you: yesterday was beautiful, but today will be rain. As the old saying goes, "If you don't like the weather in New England, wait a day." Tomorrow is supposed to be beautiful again. :-) I'm sorry to hear about your hives.

  3. I think your abstract iris are a fresh take on the flower and go very well with the quote you chose. Stay dry today. Better weather tomorrow and Sat. is supposed to be the weather pick of the weekend.

  4. Bummer about the hives. I've only had them once or twice (med reaction) but it was no fun at all! Hope they go away FAST!

    I'm just putting it out there -- I hate rain to the max this month!

  5. It is an amazing page, Erika. I love the bright background and your painting flowers are awesome! Hugs, my dear friend.

  6. I'm glad you kept that background. I like those flowers and how they look against it.

    I'm glad to hear the hives are better. It must be so frustrating :(

  7. This is SIMPLY awesome - I love all the vĂ­brant flowers !!! Expressive dear Erika and a wonderful entry for Halle's collection!!!
    I am sorry to hear you have problems with hives ... so bad!
    I am not a Doctor but I would suggest to avoid dairy products for a period of time to see if this helps a bit!
    I heard so often that dairy products are a trigger for hives...
    Big hugs Susi

  8. I've had times when I was on the fence about my art. Most days the "don't like it" wins. Not so with your lovely art. Those are beautiful abstract irises. I really think this goes in the WIN category. I really like the color combinations you chose. It's a wonderful entry for Halle's theme at Art Journal Journey.

    I am sorry to read your hives have broken out again. I hope you are able to get them under control. It's not an easy way to live, I'm sure. Take care of you, dear.

  9. I love the flowers and, from a distance, I thought you stitched in the white purple of the flowers. Love the background and the saying. Hives are horrible, my friend would get them but once she retired from her work (where i work) she has not had hives since. I wonder if a naturalpath would help?

  10. It's strange how your and our weather is often the same. It has been cold and rainy for a few days here. I rather like it.
    I also like your flower painting, it looks a bit like it is painted on glass. The flowers are all bright, confident and energetic and look as if they are saying these words.

  11. I love the colours of the flowers you painted. it is a wonderful calendar page and goes over the pre printed base so well.
    I hope the doctor has many ideas to help you get well again, it is not a pleasant ailment to cope with.
    Yvonne xx

  12. Feel better.

  13. Oof...hives are awful! I've only been covered once from creepy charlie...even the bottoms of my feet had them... Here's hoping you figure out the source and treatment.
    Abstract maybe but I knew they were irises before reading it. Lovely art journal page.
    Thanks for linking with AJJ!

  14. Great page with super words and in doing this page you were all of these things!! Well done using the original colours in the background!! I never manage that and have not used as much gesso as I do for this calendar, ever... I am getting fed up with mine and may ditch it. Anyway, this is super, well done and have a great weekend!

  15. Lovely colours on your flowers page. Have a nice weekend.

  16. Lovely page! Such a fun abstract page and I can see how the iris influenced your design with the colours, they are such pretty flowers đŸ˜€. Glad your hives are under control, wishing you well! Hugs, Jo x

  17. Love the mix of colours you've used.
    So sorry about the hives, pleased they are under control again.

    All the best Jan

  18. Well, you did a great job with this page. Very nice repeating pattern, would look great on fabric! Just wanted to say, I feel for you and your immune responses. I suffer from 5 arthritis's and trying to medicate me for one would give me hives or swelling from another. One day I woke up looking like Marg Simpson with the big upper lip. It IS kind of fun to watch medical people freak out because my white cell count is like 11K or 13k lol. Had that all my life. Now my tummy swells up after I eat for about 2-3 hours, then goes right back down. No one knows why. I will only agree every once in while to take steroids, they scare me. Hope you are hive-free by now! xoxox


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