Monday, June 24, 2019

T and a Travel Journal

Hi everyone. After some rain last week, the sun has returned and it was another really nice weekend. I got a lot of gardening done and then spent Sunday relaxing by the lake at my mother-in-laws.
I told myself no matter how cold the water was (and it was pretty chilly for late June, as well as it was windy) that I was going to go in for a swim once the dock was completed.
I know it has been a cold spring for us in New Hampshire, but I am often in swimming as early as late May. I am way behind this year.
And the dock did get completed so I went in for my first dip of the season.
The water was chilly but I got used to it.
The dogs enjoyed their swim too. Pete and I do a few laps out to the swim raft  (sorry is not in the photos) and back. He climbs up and then dives in but  I just swim back and forth.
And when I came out, I decided I could relax with my book and even have a late afternoon cocktail by the water.
A Pig's Ear brown ale from a semi-local New Hampshire brewery.  This is a flavorful fairly low alcohol (4.3%) beer. At least the hubby and I like it. 
I am linking up to   Bleubeard and Elizabeth's blog  for this week's T day post. Time to share your drink related posts again!
But back to Friday.
It rained last Friday and I spent my morning making a travel journal. I cut apart an old book and used the cover boards to make the new cover of my journal.
I wrapped both the front and back covers in this cool paper I have. 
I bought an inexpensive wooden windmill and rubbed it with ink as well as took a metal gear I had in my stash and used some rust colored embossing powder to make it look a little more worn. I thought the gear looked a lot like the sun so I located it as though it was the sun. And I added a few grass stickers I had. They get a bit lost on the page in the photo, but on the cover they actually are just like ghost images peeking out.  This quote was something I cut off a tag from a pair of pants I bought a while back. I thought it worked perfect here.
I am going to link my cover up to Halle's "Words to Live By" challenge at Art Journal Journey.  I hope the cover works as it isn't really a journal page but it is a page in the journal.
 This is my last link for the month, even though June doesn't end for another week. That's because my husband and myself are leaving to go live our adventure on Tuesday. 
That explains  the travel journal, doesn't it?
It's a strange view but  here's how I bound it.
 My pages are mostly brown kraft paper cut to different sizes so I can add bits to them when I work in the journal. I made it so it would be ready when I get home around July 4.  While the trip is still fresh in my head.
 But I did stitch in a few other papers.
Here's my inner front cover "for now".
And here's the back.
The book was originally a discard library book I got for free at school, and I loved the original library/discard piece to it, so I added that back to the back cover.  And I left some space in the binding without pages so I could insert/tape in some items when I return home.

And so you may ask, where are we headed?

The hubby and I are catching a very early morning flight Tuesday (this T day), and then we'll be off doing some National Parks and exploring the Dakotas as well as a few other spots along the way.
And you might notice I included my Yeti cup with my ice tea in it (when I am home I make a pitcher of ice tea and just refill my Yeti as I want it). Today I am drinking some black currant and rosemary herbal iced tea which is actually really good.

A tea bag usually lasts me a few days as I just add more water and ice to the pitcher as it empties.
 Yup, 2 drinks in this post!
While gone, I am not bringing my laptop but plan on stopping by from my phone. I remember, however, last winter when I went to Florida I had issues with comments going through, so if I don't comment, it's not that I haven't tried. But hopefully it will work.
And I hope everyone has a nice T day next week as I won't joining in then.
But be sure to stop by Try It On Tuesday and the new challenge that starts this Tuesday. I will have a pre-post for that, but otherwise this blog will be pretty quiet until I get home.
Have a wonderful T day, rest of the month of June, and I well see you later next week.


  1. It sounds like a good way to christen the dock :)

    That _is_ cool paper! And I love the quote.

    I look forward to seeing photos from your trip :) My phone is too small for me to function in Blogger with it. I hope you have good luck doing your online things while you're gone. Happy T Day!

  2. Oh you are brave going into cold water! I'd only go as far as dipping my toes in! Bet the pups liked it very much though:). I knew when I started looking at your fab new journal that you were heading out somewhere. Sounds like a wonderful adventure! Our son and his girlfriend and some of her family are heading west again soon for another camping adventure and our son has come to love it. The photos of the parks and such are just beautiful. Enjoy, and happy T day!

  3. I am loving the look of your travel journal. That paper is perfect for the theme. Looking forward to seeing the finished journal.

    Your iced tea sounds yummy. I love the Republic of Tea. I didn't realize that they made bottled iced tea.
    Happy Tea Day,

  4. Sounds like a lovely day for your first swim-fun with the dogs too. I Love your new journal book-and your ice tea drink looks delicious. Enjoy your vacation-sounds awesome-will you see the Badlands? I really loved that when I was on my way to Yellowstone back in '17 Have fun! I love that area of the country Happy T hugs Kathy

  5. Brrrr, the water must have been chilly. You’re braver than me. Not a beer drinker, but I love the name of the beer. Pig’s Ear 🐷 Too fun. You’re travel journal is awesome. Can’t wait to hear all about your adventures. Have a safe trip. Happy T Day

  6. Your cover and the whole travel journal is amazing Erika! Wow!Thank you for all the fantastic support of AJJ. I do a lot of swimming in the nearby lakes as well as the a bit fresher water is the best to cool down these super hot days we have here now. Super tea technique.Frugal to use the tea for more than one brewing. I often do this with my teas as well. A cold beer is always an option,yes! Wishing you and hubby a great vacation.Enjoy! Susi xxx

  7. Have big fun on your trip. The album you have made is gorgeous. You were brave to swim when it's so cold! Happy T Day, hugs, Valerie

  8. seems all to be so relaxed here... we are getting a real heat wave, so i won´t leave the house if not necessary. love that windmill, it really is an eye catcher! happy t-day:)

  9. Woohoo, you are brave going for a swim when the water is still cool... Your journal cover looks fabulous and I love the inner pages, very creative and inviting to jot down your memories when you come back. Have loads of fun in the Dakotas, sounds like a great adventure to be living! (love the fact you found the words on a clothing tag) :o)

  10. Great photos, that water looks so inviting! Beer looks good, we tend to drink the less strong ones too.
    I love your journal cover, the windmill looks fabulous on that gorgeous background.
    Hope you're having a good week,
    Alison xx

  11. The lake looks beautiful, even if the water was still on the chilly side. Your travel artwork journal looks great. I love that cover that you made. Have fun on your vacation. Happy T-Day!

  12. Spending time by the lake is always fun and I'm glad that you had your first swim of the season, I bet it was cold though 😉. Your travel journal looks amazing, I love the texture of your cover - stunning! We've visited North and South Dakota, they are so scenic and beautiful, I'm sure you'll have lots of fun! Have a lovely T Day and Happy travels! Big hugs, Jo x

  13. I think the craft paper will make for great backgrounds for your travel journal. The Dakotas sound exciting -- never been there! And I really loved the cover. Pretty perfect, I'd say.

    Bravo for you on an early swim in cold water! I hope to get to the lake next Monday or Tuesday and I can't wait.

  14. It sounds like a lovely day, even though the water was chilly. I would love to see you and Pete swimming together. That must be fun for you both.

    I hope you and hubby have a fun time while you "Live Your Adventure." Great page by the way and I love the mix of pages inside. The pages aren't bound in yet re they. That's a great idea. I'm learning that it's hard to do mixed media in a pre-bound journal.

    Happy T-day and Happy Trails to you! Eileen xx

  15. Your journal cover is perfect for AJJ! Love it so much...the rust and rustic feel...yum!
    Have a great adventure!
    Happy T day!

  16. Well, by the time you read this you will be in Dakota (or at least on the way). I hope you have a wonderful time.
    I enjoyed reading (and seeing) about the lake and you dip into the cld water. I am longingly looking at that cold water... We are having a heatwave at the moment and as there is a thick cloud cover it is so 'çlose'. I have never felt so hot in my life. In Spain we have much hotter weather but it is a dry heat which is quite tolerable.
    Have a lovely time,
    Stay safe,

  17. Out of frustration, I am at my neighbor’s house across the street using her computer. I told her I would be brief and leave this quick message. I have been without electricity AGAIN, this time for over 18 hours. I can’t ask my foodie friend Sally, because she lives on the same side of my street and her electricity is out, too. I will be by to visit once my electricity has returned, but for now, please be assured, I would be sharing a drink with you right now, if I could. Thanks for understanding.

  18. That tea looks good! I have to go get me something after this! We loved our South Dakota trip, but it wasn't off the beaten path, it was all the tourist spots! But it is one of our favorite trips! Enjoy!

  19. a SUPPER POST eRIKA, YOUR Travel journal cover with the windmill in place looks FABULOUS. i hope you both have a wonderful adventure and enjoy your holiday.
    aaaagood for you going foe a swim, in the cool waters, you deserve a special drink after that. TH DOGS MUST HAVE ENJOYED THEMSELVES AS WELL.
    hwppy T DAY WISHES.
    yvonne xx

  20. Sounds like a wonderful getaway, Erika, and looking forward to reading about your adventures later. It can be difficult to keep up with blog posts when traveling and I am always behind. I have never tried reading or commenting on blogs from my phone, but usually use a tablet as it’s larger.

  21. I enjoyed seeing all of your photographs, such lovely scenes in your first two.
    Enjoy your time away.

    All the best Jan

  22. I am sure you had a perfect break at the lake, and kudos to you for braving the cold water. I know that northern lakes can be pretty frigid even in mid summer. Have a wonderful visit to the Dakotas, an interesting region I have no doubt.

  23. Ooh, I should love to take a dip in those crystal clear waters... lucky you! Love the journal covers - great rusty grungy look.
    Alison x


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