Wednesday, July 17, 2019

Art In The Garden

Hi everyone. Hope everyone is having a nice week so far.
Last week I met up with an arty friend. My friend has recently rented studio space in an art cooperative. The cooperative was having a paint in the garden morning where us guests could set up shop and have some art time in the garden. A few members of the coop were there as well as their guests. We all set up in the garden and did whatever it was we were inclined to create. Unfortunately I forgot to take any photos until right at the end when I was cleaning up. But it was inspiring to be around some very talented women, mostly painters and to be inspired and even challenged to take my art up a notch.
But you can see in the top photo what I was working on. This abstract fireworks  page was actually completed before my garden morning.
And this night view page was my main focus that morning.
If you look you can see that is does look different here from in the top photo.
I was trying to paint a night tree scene and then add some fireflies. I have been watching them lately as this seems to be a good summer for them.
But painting fireflies at night was a double learning lesson for me. (I love that about art, figuring how to present something that is in your head, even if it doesn't come out anything like you see it in your head. )
First of all, painting trees at night was a challenge because of course the sky is black as are the trees. I I used shiny metallic black paint for the trees and a really dark blue for the sky. But then one of the talented ladies at the garden art time was painting with some purple, so I decided to try that to create the leaves. I really love how that worked.
And my second painting issue was to create the lighted effect of fireflies. I wanted the effect of the glow and the bright light those insects create when they flash. (Maybe you already know  the males flash to attract a mate.) So I played with yellow and some iridescent paint along with a baby wipe.
I think the colors here are a bit truer than the top.
But anyhow, it was a productive and fun morning, and even though I don't think I have fully mastered painting at night (not by a long shot), I learned a lot and am fairly happy with my journal page.
So I am going to link up my page to 2 challenges. First of all to Moo Mania and their latest Summer Holidays challenge.
And second of all to Chris' fun challenge at Art Journal Journey as We're All Going into the yard at night to watch the fireflies.
That's all for me today.
Thanks for visiting.


  1. That sounds like a wonderful place to paint and enjoy good company. I LOVE the fireflies piece, so beautiful. Great colours, too. It always makes me very happy to see them. Have a great day, hugs, Valerie

  2. What a fun event. I love your firefly painting. Like the fireflies are night flowers. With things heating up this week, we should be seeing more fireflies. Stay cool!

  3. Hi Erika wow what beautiful art work,you are very clever,well done ,i am also new to your blog hope you will visit me to xx

  4. It all sounds very therapeutic. Your new header is spectacular.

  5. This is so wonderful! Just getting together to create in the great outdoors...what could be more peaceful and inspirational?! Your fireflies are fabulous, and the fireworks remind me Of a photo I took decades ago when I was working in photojournalism. I got a good black and white shot of fireworks that made the front page, but it was realistic, and I thought it was a bit boring. I like yours so much better! Not only does it challenge the imagination, but it also brings forth color which is there in the real thing if we look for it. Well done!

  6. What a joy to participate in this! How generous of them to host guests, too :) I have never tried painting a night scene, but you really brought the fireflies to life. This has been a good year for them, and I enjoy watching them.

  7. Wonderful painting session, indeed. I haven't seen this kind of insects here. Sure they are stunning. Your painting is good as being your second effort. Looking forward seeing more 🎨🙂

  8. What a fun thing to be able to go do. It's nice that they let members bring a guest. I like your paintings. And as I read your post, about the challenge of painting a night scene, I wondered how you would solve it. You did a great job with it. I've been seeing a lot of fireflies lately. They are a fun part of Summer. (The heat, not so much.) It looks like the tropical storm remnants will be wide enough to give both of us rain today and tomorrow. Then it's supposed to get even hotter here in CT, and probably for you too. Ugh.

  9. "We're All Going into the yard at night to watch the fireflies" - haha! -that's a great phrase for the theme, and the art is terrific too. I think you really captured the essence of the trees at night with their purple leaves, and the "fireflies" do look as if they are flashing (on my screen anyway!).
    Sounds like a super art day when you are with other artists but making your own art.
    The abstract fireworks look terrific too.

  10. This sounds a great way to spend time painting and creating your art. Also you must have really enjoyed creating with a group of friends and artists. Your worl looks fantastic.
    Yvonne xx

  11. I can tell you that you managed to create an amazing fireflies scene and it is most clever how you did this and the spread with one side fireworks and one side fireflies fit perfectly together! It must have been a pleasure to be together with mindliked souls, fantastic. Hope you have the opportunity to join them more often.
    You just made me happy with your art . Thank you so much for joining AJJ and supporting Moo Mania as well. I am not at home this week, visiting a friend in Salzburg and commenting with my smartphone is a bit tricky sometimes for me.
    Happy rest of the week!

  12. I bet I can guess who your arty friend was, especially if the table behind yours is any indication. I really loved the fireworks. I thought they were super incredible.

    Of course, I think your fireflies are amazing. That is a fabulous journal page, Erika. Ihaven't seen many fireflies this year, but it may be because they are being buzzed away by all the mosquitoes we have "bred." Thanks for sharing this beauty with us at Art Journal Journey using Chris's theme.

  13. Beautiful pieces of art! Sounds like a wonderful experience Erika.
    Alison xx

  14. What a FUN TIME! I would love that. I've never done a night painting, I don't think. At least not at night! I really do love your nighttime interpretation of the fireflies. It's truly beautiful, Erika.

  15. I love you adventuresome approach to art, Erika. I think you did a terrific job. I thought fireflies at first sight. You captured the essence - or maybe it's just the same image that's in my own head 😉 I think the purple worked really well for the night sky. Eileen xx

  16. What beautiful art and what fun you had! I would love to go and watch fireflies - thank you so much for sharing this at AJJ! Hugs, Chrisx

  17. Fun event and gathering.
    I like all of your paintings.

    All the best Jan

  18. Wonderful painting

    Thank you for joining us at MOO MANIA & MORE

  19. What a wonderful opportunity to sit and paint in that lovely garden with all those artists around you.
    No wonder you were inspired to paint that firefly picture. I love it - the colours are so strong and complimentary and it really draws you into the whole scene. Reminds me of Van Gogh.
    I have never seen fireflies how wonderful to see them in abundance.
    Hugs, Neet xx

  20. What fun to create art in the garden! I love how you captured the fire flies at night - fabulous 😁. Creative wishes! Jo x


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