Saturday, July 27, 2019

We're All Going to

Happy Saturday everyone. It's a beautiful day here in New Hampshire. It is nice as my husband arranged for my 85 year old mother-in-law to have a little get together with her older siblings.If it was rainy it would not be such a good trip for them. 
None of them drive long distances anymore so a few of his cousins (who are drivers) will be there. Since my MIL lives on a small lake during the summer at least us "youngins" (ha-ha, that sounds like we were are talking about our kids) can hang out down on the dock while the octogenarians socialize on the deck which doesn't require them to use the rough stone steps. 
(And I am not trying to knock octogenarians. I know there are active octogenarians-like my mother, but I know my MIL with her back issues and her brother who has Parkinson's Disease are at least not as mobile as they used to be. But they do get around for certain!)
Anyhow, I am linking up to Chris' We Are Going challenge at Art Journal Journey Today I am sharing my travel journal from my Dakota trip earlier this summer.
I hand painted most of this spread, including the silos which I drew, painted and cut out. The North Dakota state is cut from a travel brochure and the bird from an old bird book as this is one of the species I saw which we don't have in my local area.
And a few of photos that helped inspire my page.

I still can't get over all the open land which we certainly don't have here in New Hampshire with all our trees.
Happy weekend and
Thanks for visiting also.


  1. Lovely photo, fun pages! I’m a northern NJ girl all my life, now transplanted to the southern end of the state. They are VERY different, mountainous north of Trenton and flat in the south. I miss my mountains! :(

  2. Time with family on (or near) a lake does sound nice. What a great plan!

    It's always interesting to see landscapes and wildlife which we don't have at home.

  3. It's nice that your family can gather at the lake for the get together. Lovely travel art journal page. Beautiful photographs from your trip. Everything is a lush green, but it is a contrast to be able to see so far into the distance, compared to New England, where we have a lot of trees. It's not too humid today in Connecticut, but an unforecast thunder storm popped up. It stayed north of me, so my weather should remain nice for the rest of the day. Each day, it will get hotter, and the overnight temperatures will be creeping up, which makes it hard to sleep.

  4. Wonderful photos and a great journal spread. Have a great weekend! Hugs, Valerie

  5. Hope your family had a good time at the lake on such a beautiful day. Your ND page could be an illustration for a children's book. So cute. Wonderful scenery and I can't get over the space and how flat. The hill picture looks like one of the backgrounds from Microsoft Windows 7 :-D Enjoy the rest of the weekend.

  6. The Travel spread is simply terrific Erika, I love it and enjoyed the photos as well. Hope the get together was a pleasure for all. Great idea from your hubby!
    Happy Sunday and have agreat start into the new week ahead ♡♡♡ Thank you for supporting AJJ again dear Erika with such a fabulous spread!
    Big hugs, Susi

  7. Hi Erika what a lovely thing to do for your MIL,you have a very kind heart ,love your pics,hope you have a lovely day my friend xx

  8. Sounds like you have had a fun weekend Erika - and good to hear that the weather was kind to you all to enjoy it all the more.
    Your Dakota page is fabulous and I love seeing your photos - it certainly looks very open - it must be strange seeing that when you are normally surrounded by so many trees.
    Hope you have a good new week..Gill x

  9. Lovely photos Erika and a fantastic journal spread. The land looks so flat, I would miss trees and hills.
    It sounds like a good family outing and get together. I am sure everyone must have enjoyed the day
    Yvonne xx

  10. Oh Erika, I knew from your journal spread what the photos would look like! You have captured the wide open spaces and the big sky perfectly! Thank you so much for linking to Art Journal Journey! I have so appreciated your support this month! Hugs, Chrisx

  11. Lovely photos and a wonderful spread. Hope you all had a wonderful get together.
    Alison xxx

  12. I just finished leaving you a long message and got a "Forbidden" error message. Needless to say, I'm sick, have been since I mowe4d on Friday and only want to tell you how much I like your spread that reminds me of home. Also the photo of the silos looks like it could have been taken anywhere near Wichita. Thanks for sharing this with us at Art Journal Journey using Chris's theme. If THIS one doesn't go thru, I'm done for the day. Too sick to care.

  13. Happy to hear that the weather smiled on the siblings' day trip! And I love your double page spread celebrating the Dakota journey. The colours are so fresh and vivid.
    Alison x

  14. I was fascinated by the open land both in North and South Dakota when I was there several years ago. The prairie certainly has beauty. And so does you art journal spread.

  15. I like this piece a lot -- and hope you had fun with the octos!


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